posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:32 AM
I believe that this all centering around "Climategate". The Green Energy bandwagon was the next bubble to blown up and at least give a false sense
things "getting better".
Now that these e-mails, more importantly code, has been released and some time for super geeks to go over the code things are starting to fall apart.
It also doesn't help, that Australia has ran into problems passing their Cap and Tax scheme do to politicians resigning and threatening to resign.
Once news of the leak surfaced I figured this was going to happen. What is also interesting is that it is dropping the day before "Black Friday". I
do believe the gig is up and we are about to go through some extremely hard times.
On the other end, they keep pushing the importance of deficits and the need to reduce them, but at the same time they are trying to push through huge
spending programs that will only increase the deficit. I also believe that there is no doubting the fact that this admin is ideologically driven and
not reality driven. It's also to late to turn back. Credibility has been lost.
There is no longer room for debate on whether the people running the country are in it for the good of the country or their own self serving interest.
Self serving interest has won, and by default the quest of obtaining power and wealth at all cost has been their own demise as I expected it would be.
Maybe I'm wrong, but at the same time the S&P could rebound by the time the market opens.