Young Uruguayan film director received a call from Hollywood- after one of his shortfilms (science fiction) -on youtube attracted more than 4000
visitors and very good reviews in a short period of time.
It's called "Panic Attack" (and it's about gigant robots/ UFOs attacking the capital city- Montevideo- destroying some of the most
emblematic buildings).
Hollywood contacted this young artist immediately - and expressed they were surprised to see the work he put together with only $300 dollars.
So, they made an offer of U$40.000 for an up coming movie.
In a recent interview, the guy said he couldn't believe it at first- and soon will be living his dream.
This is the video-
Directed by: Federico Alvarez
I loved it!, he did a great job- plus I live in this city... so it's very impresive seeing the destruction of it all- hah
And you know our film industry, actors, etc- or let's say most "artist" in this country are very underpaid. So when they dedicate to art- is mainly
out of passion for their work- never for the paycheck
Exactly, I'm working for 3 different production companies here in NM all staffed, crewed and owned by under 30 yr old artists, producers,
directors etc.
I'm the geezer and the young talent is exceptional. Movie making has moved from the big studio to the desktop with final cut pro on a mac, small
3chip cameras and homemade dollys, steady cams, booms and sound.
The big studios are here also creating a myriad of opportunities for those willing to work hard. Also a lot of Europeans companies in the filmmaking
mix. A great time to be in Tamalewood.
Hehehe yup!
You know I'd been hearing people talking here all the time about about an amazing shortfilm- and I was like- "yeah right ..."-
And did not pay any attention - lol
But two days ago I bumped into it- and...damn!, they were right
Hahaha.. yeah, you ma be right
But oh well-
I have no idea what other offers he had!. Other than just being extremely happy because of the repercurssion this thing got.
I forgot this one, I worked on it this fall. They claim it's in Wyoming but the scenes I'm in were shot in Galesteo NM. Extra/driver...
Sam Elliot was a nice guy....Hugh Grant, not so much
Dance hall scene..Long Grey Hair and Bearded guy, dancing w/blonde lady.
Driving my Green PU again....Cowboy hat guy