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The Dangers of Investigating Conspiracies and Cover-ups

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posted on Jan, 6 2014 @ 03:38 AM
They don't need to kill us.

With the NSA knowing most of the things we do with our digital lives, they'll just play the blackmail card on us.

Killing conspirators raises a lot more questions then blackmailing them.
edit on 6-1-2014 by brojose because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 16 2014 @ 09:13 PM


The requested resource is currently locked. The lock must be released or proper identification given before the method can be applied.

Appears to be a long standing Verizon hosting issue:

Go to this link instead to read the full article in the OP...

If THAT link goes down, here is a PDF version:

Verizon's 423 Locked Error

This is a problem with Verizon's servers, NOT with your browser!

After doing a little Google research, I have discovered that this error occurs with many of Verizon's DSL customers who used their free web space.

Apparently, this is what is going on:

The problem occurs randomly or intermittently. Some days it doesn't happen at all. And sometimes if you refresh your window, or close the window all together and re-open the browser window, you may not see the error again.

We believe it has something to do with the volume of traffic on Verizon's Servers where the free web space is being hosted. The error seems to occur more often during commonly busy traffic times of the day rather than during off hours.

More here:Verizon's 423 Locked Error

edit on JanuThu, 16 Jan 2014 21:28:11 -06009pm31Thu, 16 Jan 2014 21:28:11 -060020142816 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

posted on Jan, 24 2014 @ 06:44 PM
Cant post in 9/11 forums im not a shill or deliberately posted anything antagonistic toward other people ,its about truth seeking isnt it ??? but you can still get banned for that ,ahhhhhhhhh dear

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 12:20 PM
at least they have a lot of forum posts to choose from.

posted on Mar, 1 2014 @ 09:30 AM

reply to post by Alfie1

No David Irving fan, but he did not lose hands down. the outcome of the trial was inquestion until the very last day. Just ask those whom Irving sued.

I can't let this one go. No, the outcome of the Lipstadt Trial was not in any real doubt, not for those who were there. Irving made a total fool of himself. And Irving lost utterly. He has been discredited as a historian.

posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 09:28 PM

You know, I started a thread about militias and Martial Law a few days ago because of a dream I had. After posting the thread I started doing some reasearch. After a miniscule amount of research I began creating an entire website devoted to my findings and my theories. But as my research continued, I started seeing a pattern: Those that had attempted exposing what I was attempting to expose, credible or not, had met ends of the kind that I do not wish to meet with.

In short: I got scared. I'm still undecided on whether to publish my website on the world wide web, but there's no denying that investigating true conspiracies poses dangers.

How far is one willing to go to expose the truth? Are you willing to die to attempt to inform the public of a governmental or even an intergalactic conspiracy? These are questions I've been asking myself recently due to research I've been doing and information I've been coming upon. It seems that the more information I come upon, the more stories of people with information who are imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed I come upon also.

Who of us is safe? Who of us can find the truth and spread it to the general public without fear of repercussions? Does the long arm of Big Brother reach so far that not any of us can bring the truth to the people before we are extinguished?

Even as I write this I'm recalling the research I've uncovered and listening for the patter of combat boots outside my front door. What can I say without expecting a visit from the NSA, the FBI, the CIA, or some black op agency that we ATS'ers have only dreamed about?

Information is our greatest weapon, and it is also our biggest enemy. If we possess damning information we can destroy our enemies, but it also gives them an excuse to destroy us before we have a chance to open our mouths.

(P.S. Be advised: If I don't post anything in the next three days, I have been silenced by the conspirators and you will all know that I have been silenced by one of the many conspirators lurking in the shadows...)

[edit on 3/1/07 by an3rkist]

I know exactly what you mean. Though I have a feeling it wont be combat boots we hear, but the latest running shoe of a yuppie from hell. Gangstalking seems to be the preferred meathod for me. I am faced with the same dilemma. Is it worth it? When you weigh it against your life and your families, thats something every man has to decide for himself.

posted on May, 1 2014 @ 09:33 PM
I too have heard that sometimes digging deep into conspiracies, can cost persons their life. Depending on the type of topic being researched, I believe getting to the bottom of some conspiracies is worth the risk.

posted on May, 5 2014 @ 03:07 PM
a reply to: infinite
Whenever I see a 'small' story hidden away in the news I always wonder what was going on. For example, at the end of a news bulletin they might say something like a small plane crashed killing three occupants. It's when I hear stuff like that i often wonder what caused the crash and if it was an assassination of a VIP. It's just a habit I've formed now!

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 12:52 PM
Posting for future reading.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 01:38 PM
I live in Canada. People don't care if we research conspiracies. They will just assume we are paranoid pot heads from BC

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 03:00 PM
thats crazy but definitely makes sense and something we should be careful of.. making sure all traces online and off are covered

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 12:37 PM
Threatening "conspiracy investigators" with death or injury is just the last line of defense for those demented souls dedicated to upholding the house-of-cards "official gov. version" of anything. Because I am a Senior, I've had some hostile attack-trolls on-line loudly wishing I would hurry up and die. But most evil is cowardly, and usually only psychopaths will take action on their threats.

In other words, investigate whatever you want, just be on the look-out for people around you suddenly spouting bizarre things to get you to leave certain topics alone. And don't go too public if your investigation goes from curiously-non-corroborating of TPTB version, into inflammatory and directly accusatory regions.

And, Yes, I've heard of high profile conspiracy-investigators who were murdered. But they usually possessed "insider information" - and then took a very high profile to announce what they knew. The UFO field is shamefully littered with dead bodies and destroyed careers.

William Cooper was murdered for taking what he knew about Roswell as a Navy Intel Analyst, especially, to Convention speeches and writing books: hold+a+pale+horse

And a dedicated family-man scientist studying UFOs, Dr. James MacDonald, had his family and life eviscerated! Forget horror movies with Halloween approaching. Read THIS non-fiction book of his life for REAL horror ... researcher+James+MacDonald

So, Yes, our government is perfectly capable of murder and eviscerating someone's life if they pursue topics TPTB don't want investigated. People in government jobs, like federal judges, usually cave whenever some Fed says "national security." Private citizens like me dabbling in no-no topics - even with no insider contacts or hacking skills - just get family/friend "redirectors", and so much computer interference that I routinely crash/reboot my computer. I've had no death threats, but if I did, I'd make sure they were recorded and turn this "hard proof" over to the authorities.

In the end, you have to dig down for who you really are, what your core values are, and find the best route away from lies and corruption. If you live in a corrupt or warring country and have an extended family to protect, it may be worth it to slowly push a corrupt government in a better direction by joining the political process. (Some ex-rebels have ended up as the best presidents, like Moshe Dyan in Israel.)

If you are young and have your whole future before you, then support the people/politicians/charities that enhance your core truths and values, read everything you can find on topics that interest you, and vet your "theories" before carefully taking them public.

If you are retired like me - battered and bruised by injustice and gov. and social "tolerances" for evil - then turn your rage into research which can hopefully reach like-minded folks in the gov., who have the resources and dedicated attitude to take what you've found and drive it forward for change.
edit on 28-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: clarification and add material

edit on 28-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: clarification

edit on 28-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: clarification

edit on 28-9-2014 by MKMoniker because: add material and clarification

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 02:04 PM
yes the tptb are always watchful of people taking a step out of line and its not limited to investigation alone.
a reply to: MKMoniker

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: infinite

Sure, the evil doers would love it if people did nothing.

Do you think things would get better or worse in that case?

For me, it comes down to a few things...

Evil flourishes when good men do nothing....

Would you like this world to be a better or worse place for you having been in it?

Would you like to leave your children and future generations a better or worse place?

I truly believe that if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem, what do you think about that OP?

posted on Sep, 28 2014 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: Nochzwei

"yes the tptb are always watchful of people taking a step out of line and its not limited to investigation alone."

I know. We have gotten some very skewed ideas in the past decade, about our bedrock beliefs of Good and Evil, Right and Wrong. I've argued with atheists who assert that there is no Good or Evil, that everything is just an Opinion. (I told him that most justice systems in the world are based on God's Law. And if he has a Bad Opinion of someone else one day and murders them, his "Opinion" defense in court won't get him very far.)

And the U.S. gov. is always throwing around "national defense" like it's a blanket "stop-whatever-you're-doing-forever" Club. No one dares question it or ask for an explanation. (Or does our Bill of Rights even cover the "right" to "reasonable and sane answers from the government?") And when the gov. DOES attempt a comprehensive "answer" - like the ridiculous Warren Commission Report on JFK's assassination - it's so riddled with inaccuracies and lies, that the public distrust of the government only deepens.

First the government divided up sensitive work into little "boxes" based strictly on need-to-know. Today, people have gravitated into "little box" Agendas, which only heightens their isolation and mistrust, while offering the Agenda Leaders a way to massively manipulate a group for only the Leaders' benefits.

So if the government wants to see fewer conspiracy theories popping up, they need to first have REAL Transparency, and offer explanations that make sense. Or offer better cover-stories when they are caught doing something stupid and illegal. And I want to know: If I'm getting lied to constantly about Topic A, what Agendas are being protected - and WHY?

posted on Sep, 30 2014 @ 07:47 PM
a reply to: infinite

The real Dangers of Investigating Conspiracies and Coverups are that:

1. You can get sucked into something that looks good but is fake and just a plant by an Intelligence Agency
2. You can get sucked into something that looks good but is fake by a Wanabe, Prankster, or BS Artist
3. You can get sucked into something real and the people who want it hidden may/will seek to kill or totally harrass you to the point of insanity.

posted on Oct, 27 2014 @ 03:43 PM

originally posted by: decltype
a reply to: infinite
Whenever I see a 'small' story hidden away in the news I always wonder what was going on. For example, at the end of a news bulletin they might say something like a small plane crashed killing three occupants. It's when I hear stuff like that i often wonder what caused the crash and if it was an assassination of a VIP. It's just a habit I've formed now!

You're not the only one mate

posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 03:18 PM
Good and valid points. But rest assured the govt aint gonna change its colors ever, imho.
a reply to: MKMoniker

posted on Jan, 8 2015 @ 07:32 AM
The only danger if you are silly enough and not smart enough. Play it safe and play it smart then you can be safe enough not to be what we call "Bagged and Tagged"

posted on Jan, 14 2015 @ 12:56 PM
In a world run by organized criminal gangs, many things are dangerous.

Its a question of whether you would like to live your life standing tall, or live it on your knees.

Ive been on my knees most of my life, not any more.

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