posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:56 PM
In this thread, I would like to see if there are others with abilities like me.
Have you had experiences which are something else than ”normal” extraordinary behaviour, and are you investigating from a serious point of view
– then I would very much like if you would post a reply.
I would like if the posts is from serious members – and not non-believers who have nothing positive to contribute.
I will of course start, telling about my current work.
Up to this date, I have had a long life – and a very gifted life as a sceptic – or more precisely: a positive sceptic.
I doubt a lot, but I am eager to find answers to the big questions in life.
6 years ago, my current state started: I had one lucid dream, a dream in which I suddenly during the dream became aware , that I was dreaming.
At that time, I thought I was going crazy, because I became lucid in my dreams 4 out of 7 nights for about 2 weeks, and then I lost the ability.
I consulted my doctor who send me to a dream research institute here in Denmark, who learned me about Lucid Dreaming.
I found it interresting and tryed to find some other persons with whom I could join, but couldnt find other than Clairvoyants and healers and so, who
all new all about this state of dreaming, and could help me and...
I cant help it, but I just cant be in room with clairvoyants, healers and so.
So I felt all alone, and started my own research into this subject, and this is what my current state is about.
Through some english/american webpages I learned about some technics to become Lucid in my dreams – and it helped.
As time went by I learned to stay lucid for longer and longer time. And in the end, I could be lucid for 4-5 minutes in my dream, so that I could
start investigating.
I learned myself to affect the environment, throwing energi balls at zombies, and summon objects, so that I took control over the dream.
I wanted to see, if there was any relation between lucid dreaming, and connection to a higher beeing, to find out if God realy exists, so I started
living by the 10 commandments and became a christian.
I lived without sex for 1 year and so, and – It helped – I could stay longer in the lucid state in my dream, and one night I had a breakthrou –
I was passing my own house, and decided that I would go inside and watch myself sleep – and I did.
It took me a lot of time and hard nightly work, to be able to repeat this process and i.e. learning how to jump in and out of dream while beeing lucid
(just before I was awake).
This made it possible for me to stand and watch me sleep, while I was awake for a little bit so I could raise my left arm, and then jump back to the
lucid dream and see my arm move or change position.
This made me take it a step further – can I during my lucid sleep affect an object?
[edit on 26-11-2009 by AUM68]