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Spiritual Questions Welcome

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posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:42 AM
Hi everyone,

I have been fortunate enough to receive much spiritual training in my life and had a lot of time to spend on spiritual studies. I haven't really shared much of my knowledge yet, and would like to make myself available to anyone who would like to ask questions adhering to spiritual reality and spiritual development. I don't know everything, but think I should be able to help some with their questions.

Anyone else are also welcome to add their ideas or help out if I can't answer a question. I'd like to see a long thread about spiritual development that will be helpful to seekers. With all these "insiders" coming out, let's see what we normal people can do.

No questions about aliens, bloodlines, or the future please! I'm just a normal human being who would like to share my thoughts if it can help others.

Edit: I would like to ask for God's protection for this thread, for myself and anyone who reads it and anyone they share this knowledge with, that it won't awake any negative forces who are opposed to the work of Good, and that you will bless us all and hold us in your Love.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Summerday]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Firstly, great idea for a thread. Its great to see, given the amount of negativity here on S+F for that

As time allows i would like to contribute to this thread as ive been very much seeking spiritualism coming on 8 years now.

My interests are >

Cayce Readings
The Law Of One
Eckhart Tolle
David Wilcock
and a whole lot more.

Just recently i have orderd a Tarot Deck to teach my self though im very early into this. OP, can you give me some insight or indeed some advice to using the Tarot? I know i can find heaps of stuff online, and have done, i was jus hoping to hear your views on this, or anyone else for that matter.

I must add here, if doubters come into this thread with negative energy with claims that its all bunkers, then im affraid i will pull out.

Be safe and be well

Edit to add : OP, what are your thoughts on Spiritualism?

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Spiro]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:36 AM

Thanks for my first question.

Yes, that was the idea, to create a positive thread for sharing ideas and knoweldge. I don't claim to be anything different than anyone else so there is nothing to "debunk". I would also like anti-spiritual people to keep out of this thread as they have nothing to contribute here, though they are welcome to stay around and read for inspiration, or ask respectful questions.

I have reached quite a high level of spiritual understanding, but I share this with many in the world today. As the saying goes, no one are allowed to hold the whole truth, so us advanced students of the spititual life all have something to learn from each other. I thought this thread could be especially helpful to beginners and people who are new to this world.

As for your questions, I am afraid I have very little experience with Tarot cards myself. I have only tried things like that for fun, and feel that my abilities don't really lie in connecting with the spiritual or unseen world in that way. I have mostly made use of meditation, prayer, and invocation (I can share some of my favourites if anyone are interested) to make contact with the higher spiritual levels. I am good at working with energy and connecting with God and the angels. I experience this mostly as an influx of energy and emotion, and am not clairvoyant or clairaudient (I think I am more "clairsentient"). Sometimes I feel as though a higher spirit speaks through me when my thoughts are on a particularly high level, though that may or may not be the case. I am also very good at absorbing and synthesizing ideas, and thinking in a spiritual manner. So those are my credentials.

I would put spiritualism in the same realm as magic. That is, you are taking a risk in connecting with the non-physical world (not knowing whether you will reach the higher spiritual levels or connect with the lower asral realms), and can come into contact with both good and bad spirits, depending on things like your level of consciousness, your karma, the guardians who surround you, etc. I think some can do it safely and gain something usable for themselves and others, while others will end up connecting themselves with dark spirits who might tell them lies and pull them down, and there is a price for gaining information or anything else in this way. For most, it will probably be just a waste of time. I think you should feel your way around it and see what results you get. You might be one of those who can work with it safely and get something out of it. Be wary of any information you receive in this area though.

That is the best answer I can give. I hope that helps. Good luck with your work!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:39 AM
Aha, someone open to questions, so cool. Just that act of offering ones knowledge is often perceived as egotistical even arrogant in this reality, how odd huh. Personally, I think it's because capitalism only works in flatland, ie it's 2 dimensional in nature and does not facilitate active and radical thoughts and turn them into actual adopted concepts and/or structures.

So yes onto my question. I have been thinking end time solutions for many years now. I am now beginning to think that we are caught in a hollographic black 'whole' that has been dominated for one creation (consciouness is older than this imo) by a controlling and chaotic force. Malevolent intent comes to mind. Hence the lack of divine intervention!

Now what if in order to reach nivana we have to enter a place where the energy propells us through space and time to that place we seek. How do we train a lost mind to seek that which it has consciously forgotton? And secondly how do we create the energy field necessary to escape this reality?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:55 PM
Ooohh difficult questions. This is getting to the edge of my understanding, it's just that there are so many ways to see reality and how creation is built up. I like the emanationist model myself (neo-platonism, can expand more on that).

But I guess I really believe that God is outside of this reality, but also in a sense inside of it. In other words, both the immanent and transcendent concept of God might be true. I believe the "God consciousness" exists inside everything as a small spark that needs to be nurtured and allowed to grow stronger and larger. You can see it more clearly in the plant and animal world, if you have the sensitivity, as they are more innocent and pure and in a way has more of God inside them than the average human has. Still humans have the greatest potential to manifest God, but we need to choose it for ourselves, and first we need to come to an understanding that this is possible (though there are also those who can achieve this in a more unconscious way by being attracted to and always choosing the good). That way a human being can become more and more like God, until it becomes divine, and a representative of God in this world. I think this is a good basic view to work from.

I believe you can "call" more of God into you by really trying and wanting it. It is as though we have to reach for God, although he reaches out for us we need to reach out and grab His hands, we have to show we really want it. I think that is some of the meaning of being in this world, to wake up to the great, invisible reality of God, to come to long for it, love it, and connect with it. This is the hardest thing you can do, and God is the greatest mystery, but it is important that you never stop looking for Him, because only He, or those who work for Him, has the power to bless you and make improvements in your life. This can be some of the power and protection of those who obediently follow a religion like Christianity. They may seem naive and like they are mostly working on blind faith, but they are striving to live close to God and focusing on him, and with many Christians you can feel a purity and that there is something healthy about them. This is the result of being in touch with God, though many can also dislike this vibe as they don't resonate with it or understand it. I believe much of the hatred towards Christianity is a form of hatred against God and higher energy/consciousness by those of lower consciousness, although I'm not exactly a Christian (I prefer esoteric Christianity, which is a bit more informative and enlightening)

So I think you have to conclude that God is outside of this world, and doesn't interfere much with it, but mostly leaves it alone. He can interfere if asked, or whenever He likes of course, but I feel that some of the meaning of this world is to live in a world without God and experience what that is like. To experience the emptiness and all the negativity of it, and to come to want something more than that. Then when you make that connection, you will never want to break it again. I also feel the destiny of this world is to bring God into it, and that is when it will all be finished. In a way, I think that is what it's all about. I don't agree with the idea that this world is a "game" that is doomed to be always kept in darkness as a learning experience. I think our sufferings will come to be worth it and we will all get to experience something beautiful, that we have created for ourselves. This is what God and the angels want to show us. That is what Jesus came to bring us a bit closer to. Jesus didn't die on the cross just for a show, there was a meaning behind it, and he brought a lot of light into this world. So you should think a bit more optimistically and focus on the good and the true light. Also learn to recognise it in this world, and be happy for it, and learn from it, as well as striving to connect to the higher spiritual realms.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Summerday]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:56 PM

That way you will bless yourself and surround yourself with light.

I don't like the idea of us being trapped in a world lost to darkness where the good has no power. I don't believe that this is the case. I think it's more to do with what we choose to create, and the negative energies are here because we invite them and choose to create with them. I think the way that God, or the powers of good, get involved in this world is bound by strict rules, and that on some level we have all agreed to this, and for a good reason, but this is all very difficult to understand. The main thing is to resist these forces and lower energies, even when they are experienced as intense personal pain, etc. because they can only hurt you. Try not to give them too much power in yourself and in your life. They will destroy everything if you let them. The technicalities of how all of this works is a bit hard for a normal person to understand, especially when there are so many ideas and "systems" floating around. As for the idea of a "hologram", I think this world is both real and an illusion. It's real enough while we're here, so it doesn't really matter what the objective reality is. All we have to relate to is our experience of it.

I do not think you can "reach Nirvana" by any quick or instant method, I think that is a matter of a very gradual elevation of consciousness. You need to reach Nirvana, day by day and moment by moment, by all the actions, thoughts, and emotions that you hold and put into motion. I think that is all you can do. The best way is to focus on Good and the expressions of the forces of light and good, that is how you build up your energy field and other achievements in consciousness. "To train a lost mind to seek that which it has consciousl forgotten", again, I don't think there is any quick or easy method to this. Some might haver such an experience, but in most cases you have to work for it, read and think, study minds better than yourselves, and also work to better your consciousness and energy, and strive to do good and become a better person, and this is the closest thing to a "shortcut". That way you might have revelations without seeming to have to work for it, as a result of this higher consciousness and energy that you have won for yourself. Nothing comes from nothing, however.

Okay, that is all the inspiration I received on that, hope you will find this helpful.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Summerday
Edit: I would like to ask for God's protection for this thread, for myself and anyone who reads it and anyone they share this knowledge with, that it won't awake any negative forces who are opposed to the work of Good, and that you will bless us all and hold us in your Love. Amen.

Which god are you thanking?

How did you decide on the right one for you?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by georgejetson

Which god are you thanking?

The Creator of my soul, who loves and sustains me.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Summerday

Then, do you believe that the term "Creator" is a term that better fits in this case, and not "God"? The term 'God" better fits a singular being. The "Creator" is not a singular being

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:56 PM
Spiro, perhaps I may be of some assistance. I started using tarot cards around the age of twelve and found that knowing the universal symbols to be very important-Knowing the symbol for health, for change, etc. After understanding symbols, which may or may not even be presented in the Tarot book itself (For example in th erider waite deck, there is the health symbol-with the snakes). This may not be brought to your attention in a book that may concentrate on th emeaning being of relationships. Understand the symbols in each card, do some research on them, after that is done do not rely on any books or meanings given to you. Take one card and place it in front of you. Sit quietly and make sure to do some grounding exercise first. Go into a meditation where you go on a journey to meet the characters in your card. Ask yourself what do you smell? What colours do you see? What animals or people are around, what are they saying? Have a conversation with your cards characters. When you are done, take a piece of paper and write down what you remember the card telling you. If there was cold feeling write down beside that what cold brings to your mind-snow perhaps? winter? a bad day? etc..If you saw a dog running with you is the dog friendly? does he suggest loyalty an dprotection? or was he vicious and chasing you-to tell you a warning? Were their colours? Does yellow mean happiness or being bored?

Get personal with each card and let it become your own. If you memorize meanings they will no longer be intuitive readings. These exercises will make it easier for you to see dditional meanings from even your original meditations. You may start a reading and see the characters tell you something else -especially if another cards characters are near by to interact. It can be very fun and interesting. GL!!

As for Eddar Cayce, I find him the best spiritual healer to have lived and I speak with him frequently (in spirit) to get natural remedies for myself and others.


"Aha, someone open to questions, so cool. Just that act of offering ones knowledge is often perceived as egotistical even arrogant in this reality, how odd huh."

Yes, I am happy that Summer has opened a thread where we may all contribute and learn. I believe the difference is that other members tend to preach 'truth' saying others are wrong in their experiences and understanding while it is nice to have others open about different perspectives.


"I would put spiritualism in the same realm as magic"

I would agree to an extent. Those who are training themselves to contact spirit are takinga risk. However, I would not place magic in the same category as a natural born spiritual medium. Magic is not something we can be born knowing (rituals and spells and the religion of Wicca or Paganism) while people like myself were born able to see spirits and know certain things. I do not believe that a child or baby is taking any risks while they view and connect to the spirit world as naturally as they learn to walk and talk. It is a part of me and my natural makeup. Couldn't stop it if I tried. Magic is something a person may control and end, rituals and religion is taught..while mediumship may not be.
Mediums like myself, have psychic spirit guides, we are protected naturally for our mission on Earth and there's much training by the way of experience that goes into it. Those who are not mediums may not be protected. Though I encourage people to learn the safe routes, how to stay protected and grounded, and where to draw the line (not to use ouija boards).

"Then, do you believe that the term "Creator" is a term that better fits in this case, and not "God"? The term 'God" better fits a singular being. The "Creator" is not a singular being " I am under the impression summer does mean singular. Both creator and God though are singular words until made plural.

I am not personally in a religion and therefore all 'god's' and 'creators' of all belief systems are the same 'one' source for me. So it is "one" not many.

This is just my opinion, as I do not know Summer's beliefs only my own. Though it seems to be that she is saying creator of all-one source, many names for people in different cultures who have different teachings and stories-Though on a higher level-it is one source for some, like myself.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Zerra]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Summerday

Ok, but I don't know which god created me, how can I find out so I may give them praise?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:13 PM
Hi all, thank you for starting this topic summerday.

1. Magic, visions, auras
2. How is order and chaos integrated into our reality?
3. With information comes responsibility, are there karmic consequences of knowing and not acting?

1. I am starting to see auras and lights around myself and others now. The other day I had an intense visualization of lights surrounding my body. when this happened i had something of a rememberance of when magic used to be more accessible. The feeling was awesome and uplifting, although I do not want to pursue it because I feel that I have already played with enough fire, so to speak. I would like to get to know magic more, but I feel it is not my duty here now.

2. My mind is often in a state of chaos. It is preoccupied with "survival" in this current world. I often ask myself, "How should I act?" "What should I say in this social situation?" like and endless cycle of planning for the future. The more I think about how I should act, the harder acting becomes. The more I focus on petty niceties, more I find myself in awkward situations, as if I am creating the situations with my intention.

Though by making mistakes I have learned from them. I have found out that immersing myself in an ordered system has a very positive feeling. Whatever the system may be (last night it was bottling mead with a friend), it involves surrenduring my freewill and my individuality toward a higher purpose, something outside of me. I admit, I do feel kind of like a robot when i do this, but it feels good. As if the systems on the micro reflect that which is the macro. As below, so above. By understanding how stuff works on the micro we have better insight into the macro.

3. I feel as if I have a fairly decent map of "my reality." This includes my mission here on earth right now. Though, by knowing and not acting, I feel the karmic effects. Sitting alone in my room, listening to music all day while getting high is NOT what I am supposed to be doing. now that I know this, I feel the karmic effects much more so now than I ever did before..

The more I immerse myself in society, the wider my perspective is. If I do not immerse myself in society, my perspective does not widen, but actually gets more deranged and chaotic. I view the world through preconceptions based on my past experiences, which is a very limited perspective.

So here is my contribution, I will probably post more later on. It is nice to have an outlet for this stuff, so thanks again for starting this SummerDay.

love & light! =D

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by georgejetson
reply to post by Summerday

Ok, but I don't know which god created me, how can I find out so I may give them praise?

just my 2c-hopefully summer will tell us of her own beliefs.
If you do not believe in a creator than you have nothing to think about. If you do, it is up to you to decide if you need to label God as something specific to one religion -naming God-(Jesus, Krishna, Lord etc). She may be using God as a general term -extending the label to be that all beliefs are connected as 'one' source. Think of it as though you are within a home where there are many windows. One person may be looking through the side window, they tell of it being very cloudy outside. Another person may be looking out the other side of the house and say there are no clouds in the sky at all. Another person may be looking out the front window and say there is just a lot of trees covering the sky. In the end all is one house, all is one world-just different perspectives. That is how many believe it all to be one source. Up 2 you my friend which you believe in.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Zerra]

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Zerra]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by Zerra

"I am not personally in a religion and therefore all 'god's' and 'creators' of all belief systems are the same 'one' source for me. So it is "one" not many"

The term Creator, can be used in the singular "One" case. It has nothing to do with religion. There is only "One" "Infinite Creator" of ALL things.

Religion is a human concept and nothing more.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by Zerra

"I am not personally in a religion and therefore all 'god's' and 'creators' of all belief systems are the same 'one' source for me. So it is "one" not many"

The term Creator, can be used in the singular "One" case. It has nothing to do with religion. There is only "One" "Infinite Creator" of ALL things.

Religion is a human concept and nothing more.

I don't feel it necessary to pick on her choice of wording when it seems clear she is regarding God as a 'one' source of all creation. In that sense, you both (and myself) are all speaking of the same thing and agreeing.
The rest is semantic arguements over definitions or wording choice, which is not important.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by Zerra]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Summerday
Edit: I would like to ask for God's protection for this thread, for myself and anyone who reads it and anyone they share this knowledge with, that it won't awake any negative forces who are opposed to the work of Good, and that you will bless us all and hold us in your Love.

Nothing else existing beyond God, hence why there is no need to ask for protection. And if he wants to chop off your arm since he does only what's best for you, then who are you to argue against that?

There aren't any demons or whatever that are "looking to get us", no kharma ect.

The only thing that opposes the creator is our own egoism, the desire to receive only for the self. That's why the commandment of loving others as yourself is so important, it's in opposition to our born nature of hate towards others.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by ghaleon12]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by ghaleon12

Originally posted by Summerday
Edit: I would like to ask for God's protection for this thread, for myself and anyone who reads it and anyone they share this knowledge with, that it won't awake any negative forces who are opposed to the work of Good, and that you will bless us all and hold us in your Love.

Already you're at a loss. Nothing else existing beyond God, hence why there is no need to ask for protection. And if he wants to chop off your arm since he does only what's best for you, then who are you to argue against that?

There aren't any demons or whatever that are "looking to get us"

The only thing that opposes the creator is our own egoism, the desire to receive only for the self. That's why the commandment of loving others as yourself is so important, it's in opposition to our born nature of hate towards others.

Take it as a gesture of her goodwill towards the board and her intent being good. Those who don't believe in simple prayers of protection do not have to, but I think to debate it would be ashame, as we are getting off track to what this member's intent really was for the posts.

Anywho, Summer-What sort of spiritual programs have you been involved with, who were your teachers?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by FiatLux
reply to post by Summerday

Then, do you believe that the term "Creator" is a term that better fits in this case, and not "God"? The term 'God" better fits a singular being. The "Creator" is not a singular being

I believe in a one source or primal cause.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Zerra
Mediums like myself, have psychic spirit guides, we are protected naturally for our mission on Earth and there's much training by the way of experience that goes into it. Those who are not mediums may not be protected. Though I encourage people to learn the safe routes, how to stay protected and grounded, and where to draw the line (not to use ouija boards).

No, because you have the clarity and protection to be able to use it safely and effectively. Also meaning you don't really need to use these tools, but could connect directly into the spirit world without them. I was talking about the average person who may feel tempted to experiment with such a thing out of curiosity, a sense of adventure, etc. without any other guidance.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by georgejetson
reply to post by Summerday

Ok, but I don't know which god created me, how can I find out so I may give them praise?

Asking "how did I choose my god" implies that God is something manmade and not an actual reality, which is a concept I can't relate to. It is a bit like asking "Why do you believe in the sun?" (except for that the sun is clearly visible to our eyes). The sun is there and is what it is, no matter what we may think of it. In the same way, God is what he is and what we humans may think and believe doesn't really matter. God is great and humans are small. We don't affect His existence in any way and he doesn't need our "praise". That's the way I see it.

A great spiritual teacher once said: "God is making the greatest sacrifice. He has to be in constant activity because if he paused for just one moment the whole of creation would fall apart". I think that is a thought worth contemplating on.

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