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Could Palins "Going Rogue" actually mean going against the illuminati?

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:10 PM
Before you cry out, "Oh no not another Palin thread", hear me out.
I'm the last person I ever thought would make a thread about her, but a conversation with a friend over coffee got me thinking about the possibility.

A friend, and fellow conspiracy theorist and I where sitting down for coffee in Barnes and Nobles when she picked up a copy of Pailns book. We started thumbing through bits and pieces of it, when all of the sudden she said, "Going Rouge means going against the Illuminati and the NWO." She claimed that some things she had picked up on while skimming through the book lead to an epiphany.
It makes sense in a way. The republicans hate her as much as the democrats. What if its possible that while on the campaign trail she learned the truth about the Illuminati and refused to join them. That would mean that she is now a threat to them. she knows some of their secrets and by not aligning with them they have sought to destroy her credibility. What if her goal is to expose them in a manner that would keep her family safe?
This could be completely out there, but it could also have some merit. There is part of me that looks at some of her ideals and thinks "Nah, she would join them in a heart beat." But other things make me wonder. I think its a great theory for speculation.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by calstorm]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:22 PM
I'd lean more towards something with four legs getting shot w/ a high power rifle from a helo.

The last time she "went rouge" it involved a 5th of Jack, a hot tub, the waitress from Sizzler, battery operated devices and one home video tape which is now secreted in her old man's sock drawer.

You gotta have something to fall back on, as they say. The Sarah Palin sex tape may be the retirement nest egg she's always dreamed of.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:43 PM
What if it was true? What implications could that have?

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by calstorm

That is interesting that she actually said that in her book about "going rouge means going against the NWO and illuminati..."

Either she was sincere, and it would have to be assumed that she DID learn something on the campaign trail, like say maybe how John McCain played the part of the burnt-out, old doofus? So Obama would look more attractive?

OR, she is a "double-agent" of sorts, playing her part for the NWO.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by calstorm

Kudos on the food for thought though, that idea had never even crossed my mind.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by calstorm

It's much simpler than that.

Going "rouge" simply means painting your cheeks with red gunk.

- Unless you are referring to a baboon, in which the signs of going rouge are more easily seen from a different perspective.

Of course, if the OP is meaning to say "going rogue", that's a much more serious situation.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:17 AM
Actually I believe 2 books came out on the same day. One was Palin's Going Rogue and another one was a parody book called Going Rouge. Both had covers that were very much the same. I believe Fox screwed up and showed a cover of the wrong book when talking about Palin's book.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Someone finally figured out what I have been telling people for some time now. Both the Republicans and the Democrats are scared of her! I think there are only two politicians in America that probably cannot be easily controlled or bought by the establishment that controls both the parties..Sarah Palin and Ron Paul.

Every last one of the rest of them should be thrown out of office because they are not working for US. The entire house and Senate and Zero in the White House are bought and paid for by people who want to enslave us.

All the Palin bashers should wake up and take a real close look at what they are doing. She may be the only person left that can save THEIR butts (and ours).

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:24 AM
Yeah, Palin is joining sides with Tupac and his "outlaws" in "killuminati" land in hopes to "flee computer chips". (all the quotations are from the Tupac/Illuminati connection)

Also, Jay-Z is very angry.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Kailassa
reply to post by calstorm

It's much simpler than that.

Going "rouge" simply means painting your cheeks with red gunk.

- Unless you are referring to a baboon, in which the signs of going rouge are more easily seen from a different perspective.

Of course, if the OP is meaning to say "going rogue", that's a much more serious situation.

Fixed. Thanks, I got quite the laugh out of that, even if it was at my own expense.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by dalan.
reply to post by calstorm

That is interesting that she actually said that in her book about "going rouge means going against the NWO and illuminati..."

I interpreted that as the OP's friend saying that, which one is it calstorm?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:00 AM
You are right. It was my friend who came up with the theory after reading segments of the book.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:05 AM
I think the Illuminati didn't really want her to join anyway

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 05:42 AM
Palin, now theres a name that deserves some questions! I think that a lot of people in this thread have contributed some good information. However, some isn't so good. So today we're saying that Ms Palin was with the Illuminati, now if we're sure that we're saying Illuminati and we're laying off the Masons for a day I'll continue...

*looks around*

Ok... lets keep going...

Well The Illuminati is meant to be a top secret, wide spread elite group that control him, her and their mother. Now in this super-secret super-tight group. Which no one has ever been able to come out and say all the secrets (with enough proof to make it all 100% undeniable). Why exactly would they tell her a lot of information? Essentially putting themselves out there on the line. Now I'm just thinking about this from a different angle, but in my opinion it doesn't seem like a great way to go about things. calstorm, I think you've started a great thread here and you've got all our tongues wagging here about the possibilities, good job. I think that she is wrong, if she did write that first hand. I don't think the Illuminati did anything there, I think that if they needed her for some purpose it would of been done by now and that she would never of even relised it. Now, this makes me start to think along the same lines as dalan.. Now if you are controlling both parties, which we know has happened before. George Bush and John Kerry where both members of the highly controversial group/club Skull and Bones. Now lets presume that once again theres a behind the scenes man pulling the strings here. If he wants candidate A in, a good trick to use would be make candidate B look as bad as possible, without making it obvious what you're doing. Maybe she is believing that she was 'done over' by some one high up and is now striking back. She's hitting back at an unknown name and thus she swings at the most public, mysterious and controversial group, arguably, in the history of man-kind; The Illuminati.

I haven't got a definitive answer on this, but i thought that I would add in some comments, see if they can help some one else come up with the answer

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:38 AM
Seriously, don't hold your breath. She's bought and paid for, political whore of Satan just like the rest of them.

The only possible way to save America would be to vote them all out and demand they enact two year term limits for all public offices. Take away the career politics and make bribing them financially impossible.

Nothing else will fix this mess. It really is that simple, fire them all and make sure no one gets elected more than once and can't serve in office for more than two years, hell one year might even be better.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 08:42 AM

And tell me what neo-con policys of the Bush administration has Palin spoke out against? Palin is a neo-con plain and simple.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 09:41 AM
I'd be more likely to believe it if the likes of Bill Kristol wasn't sitting there swooning over her every move.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Uniceft17

And tell me what neo-con policys of the Bush administration has Palin spoke out against? Palin is a neo-con plain and simple.

She's no neocon. She's a flat conservative at best and to be honest I don't think she has any political loyalty to a party, her membership is to the money and power party just like 98 percent of them.

The fact people even think Bush was a neocon shows how trained people are to accept what they're told as reality. Bush was just the sockpuppet, do as your told, STFU and don't touch anything substitute teacher of a president.

True conservatives don't walk around in a permanent haze from booze and coc aine driven brain damage.

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