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Phoenix Lights

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posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:50 PM
Were they Planes and Flares.
Im discussing it with a group of people on another board.
Anything evidence, videos etc, discussing this would be great

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by FoxMulder91

I coulda sworn I read somewhere they were test flares..... I'll see if I can find it...

You got a link to this other board ???? I'm always up for a good discussion.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:55 PM
Never heard of it.

Just kidding. Do a search on this site for Phoenix Lights and you'll find many, many pages of discussion.

The conclusion? Yes, some flares. Chasing after a weird triangle ship that floated over earlier in the evening? Maybe.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Yes there were flares but there are many claims of a large triangular craft made by numerous witnesses. The well known video showing lights on that night are most likely flares but that does not answer the question by residence as to the nature of the craft that they saw. There is a very good documentary which opens with this discussion called "I know what I saw".

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:01 PM
This was a truly remarkable case. The multiple witnesses who reported seeing a craft all concurred it was massive, silent, boomerang shaped with 5 lights underneath and blocked out huge parts of the sky. As well a great testimonial on I Know What I Saw from a young boy who said that the undercarriage where the lights were, had caused a shimmering effect similar to what he see's coming off the hot pavement during a hot day. Sounds like magnetic field energy stuff to me.

Something funky definitely happened in Phoenix that evening. I think when all the reports of a giant silent black boomerang shaped ufo started filing in, the powers that be set the flares off to mirk up the waters and give an alternative explanation to the sheeple who were too stupid to look up or come quick when people were yelling at them that they got to get a load of this.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:09 PM
The craft there are reports of and the videos you see are two different things.
edit to add:
So you are from another forum and you come here to yank our ideas and time to pass them off as your own some where else?
Yeah right buddy, try GLP or 4 chan.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by zaiger]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by FoxMulder91

Two separate events. First was a huge solid v-shaped object which blotted out the stars. Many people who saw it up close said it almost looked like the outside skin of the craft was black liquid. Second event approx 2 hours later were flares.

[edit on 25-11-2009 by ufo reality]

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:45 PM
I think they were similar to the Hudson Valley sightings.
A giant wing similar to the Arnold photo was sighted and
and accurate representation was given on Unsolved Mysteries.
A fleet of triangles might be considered but only Arnold and
the Hudson Valley giant wing had ever been detailed witnessed
as the Phoenix Lights seem to go nowhere as to one craft or
a bunch of Foos.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 01:02 AM
I've posted a full account of my first-hand experience on this board in the past...All I can say is, THEY WERE NOT FLARES!

I watched a gigantic, triangle shaped craft fly silently over my head, blacking out the stars in the night sky above it.

If I would have stretched out my arms above my head, I could have barely been able to cover the area of the ship as it was directly above me! Many other eye witnesses have reported the same thing, estimating the width at anywhere between 1-3 miles! It was HUGE!

I watched as it flew in from the north and traveled southbound over the valley until I could no longer see it against the dark night sky. I remember it had 5 luminescent lights in a "V" pattern, that looked much different than any lights I had ever seen before. Since that time, I have now witnessed at least 8 other sightings that I have ruled out as being conventional aircraft of any kind. Arizona is a hot spot for UFO activity, and the phenomena is very real!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 02:27 AM

Originally posted by bigdaddy7ftr
I've posted a full account of my first-hand experience on this board in the past...All I can say is, THEY WERE NOT FLARES!

great an eyewitness!

Something I've always wanted to ask... how come nobody got any video or pictures of the craft? was it moving too fast?

Well I did see one really crappy video but it doesn't really show anything discernable.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 02:36 AM
This argument will never develop beyond 'was flares/wasn't flares'. Not unless new evidence comes to light. I have always found it interesting that of all the sightings of the large V-Shaped craft earlier on that evening, not one image exists. There must have been someone close to a camera... surely?

The thing I do find interesting about this case is how Fife Symington has evolved from the nemesis into a hero. I wonder how many people that hated him back then, love him now!

Personally, I still haven't made my mind up on Fife, and if there is any legitimacy to what he states now. Perhaps he realized that post political career, it may actually be more lucrative to 'switch sides'. You can make more money from saying "It's all true" than "It didn't happen".

I'm not saying this is the case.. I'm merely putting it out there...


posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 02:42 AM
reply to post by InfaRedMan

well that is a problem with the phoenix lights. Even though this even happened from nevada all the way to phoenix we do not have much. Out of the whole city of phoenix we only have a few videos of the whole thing and then there are really only 2 "good" ones we see in all the documentaries.
But keep in mind it was not that long ago but then digital cameras and video cameras were not house hold items and they did not come standard on cell phones.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by zaiger
But keep in mind it was not that long ago but then digital cameras and video cameras were not house hold items and they did not come standard on cell phones.
At that time digital cameras weren't common household items, but certainly video cameras were. More people should have taken video.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 03:55 AM
Were there any reports of men in black, feds, CIA, etc. etc.?

I still don't know what to make of the Phoenix Lights. I believe eye witness accounts to be genuine.

If I were witnessing an obviously alien craft moving fairly swiftly through the sky, I would not even bother to run for a video camera.

Where were all the UFO hunters in Phoenix at this time?

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 04:01 AM
The problem with cameras is the luminosity. I've allreasy been acting in a short movie made by night by a friend of mine. He had a semi professional camera (rented it, because it worth something like 2.000€ or more), and even with that, we had troubles if there wasn't a source of light nearby. So, it is normal if most people didn't get any good images or just didn't try to do so.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by FoxMulder91


two items that bring up memories about that day-night in Phoenix

++Since that time, I have now witnessed at least 8 other sightings that I have ruled out as being conventional aircraft of any kind. Arizona is a hot spot for UFO activity, and the phenomena is very real....Quote from bigdaddy7ftr

++Even though this even happened from nevada all the way to phoenix we do not have much. Out of the whole city of phoenix we only have a few videos of the whole thing and then there are really only 2 "good" ones we see in all the documentaries....Quote from zaiger

the day began with a report on KUKQ radio that a 'craft' was being reported over Nevada and slowly traveling south to HooverDam/LakePowell area... then south to Kingman AZ
then east over AshFork... then zigzagging all over northern AZ from E to W.
finally in late afternoon, steady reports the Dark Wing craft over ParadiseVallry, Camelback Mountain, down 40th St to IndianSchoolRoad,west to EncantoPark, then over SouthMountain, west over Chandler, south toward Tuscon following the N-S Interstate.

i've mentioned the radio 'spot' coverage in other threads, i would guess that others like myself, thought the UFO/DarkWing craft was a publicity stunt...or a lot of wishful thinking sightings reported all over the state over a 12 hour period by radio.

btw, some woman took a video when the 'V' craft slid over Camelback& 40th Street in the late afternoon ?5-7 pm? ,

just my speculation:
, the skunkworks up there near Area 51, launched that craft, to test the public response...
there's numberous, much smaller (12ft) unmanned/autonomous, self steered craft that operate in the nighttime skys in Phoenix... they too use streets & highways as flight corridors, but drone some 60-90 ft above the city lights, unseen by 99.9% of the people.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by bigdaddy7ftr

It flew directly over you? What would you estimate it's altitude? Did the outside of the craft almost look like shinny black liquid to you? Did you report the sighting to anyone? I would have been on the phone with 9/11 and the National UFO Reporting Center ASAP if I saw something that large fly directly over me.

If it came from Area 51 or somewhere like that, where the hell do they store something that's 1-3 miles wide?

I don't think it was ours and they dropped flares over Phoenix 2 hours later to distract the public and the media.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by ufo reality]

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 09:41 AM
Phoenix Lights sounds like a V formation of Chinese lanterns.

Or flares.
Not one large ship.
So a V formation of ships with lights.
With so many ships as in the many fleet events, where do
so many hide.
Don't give me another planet or dimension.
How much land is available for secret underground or mountain bases.
Walton spent three days at a base and wanderer off to find three
different types of ships. How many could there be at the nearby base.
Tackled and drudged by the alien costumed base personnel he was
immediately diagnosed as well enough to be set back in the forest.
So we have the bases but do we have the quantity.

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Interesting theory, although I can tell you from a first hand experience that it simply doesn't work.

For one, to hypothesis that the gigantic craft could actually be one of ours requires one to concede that we could in fact possess technology so far in advance of our current "known" limitations, that we are literally sitting on advancements that would change our world. You have to understand, this craft was HUGE, low to the ground, completely silent, and vibration-less, as it passed over my head. For any military craft using some form of propulsion, the energy required just to keep it airborne would be so extreme, that it literally should have shook homes and buildings to the ground!

I didn't personally see any little green men piloting the massive craft, so I can't say for certain it was alien. However, being left with only two choices (extraterrestrial, or terrestrial), I simply can't fathom it being any other that what it appeared to be!

posted on Nov, 26 2009 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by ufo reality
reply to post by bigdaddy7ftr

It flew directly over you? What would you estimate it's altitude? Did the outside of the craft almost look like shinny black liquid to you? Did you report the sighting to anyone? I would have been on the phone with 9/11 and the National UFO Reporting Center ASAP if I saw something that large fly directly over me.

If it came from Area 51 or somewhere like that, where the hell do they store something that's 1-3 miles wide?

I don't think it was ours and they dropped flares over Phoenix 2 hours later to distract the public and the media.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by ufo reality]

Good questions!

Yes it flew DIRECTLY over me! I've always said the most intriguing thing about the whole experience is that I was NOT AFRAID at all! I really don't believe this was by chance either...

As far as the altitude, it APPEARED relatively close to the ground...I say that with uncertainty, however, because it may have just been that the sheer size of the craft in the sky made it appear to be much lower than it actually was.

I couldn't tell anything about the craft itself other than it was solid, and blacked out the night sky above it. It was very dark outside, and the craft looked to be black as well...very hard to make out anything other than the beautiful lights!

I reported the sighting only to family and friends...Even at the ripe old age of 20, I was already very skeptical of the government, and knew it wouldn't do any good to notify anyone officially...This hasn't changed with the multitude of sightings I've seen since then either.

As far as your theory about the "flares" two hours later...I think you might be on to something ;-) I've thought about that as well, as the videos of the stationary lights taken after the "craft" sightings look nothing like what I saw! I wouldn't doubt the "flares" were a diversionary tactic after the craft flew overhead, but I really don't know.

[edit on 26-11-2009 by bigdaddy7ftr]

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