posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 10:03 PM
Nah. Don't waste your time. You were probably able to read the stories because hieroglyphs are in a sense a picture story in some cases. And to a
child, with their imagination, it would actually be easier to understand than an adult with no knowledge of egyptology.
So you questioned the bible and stopped believing. So do tons of other people. I grew up to a Christian father and have always thought the bible
sounded iffy, and when i was old enough t0 actually understand how nature works, i gave religious ideas the boot. Load of crap, really.
So you were fascinated with egypt culture. Me too. I was also fascinated with dinosaurs when I was little. I nver thought for a second that in a past
life I may have been one.
Anyway, I truly don't believe in reincarnation, so maybe i'm a little biased to say that you're misleading yourself to believe something that isnt
there. Think about it, how many billions of people believe in a god that doesnt actually exist. I say this as a fact only because you yourself dont
believe in god. So with that said, couldn't it be possible that you believe in an idea (reincarnation) that doesnt exist, also?
[edit on 11/25/2009 by Schmidt1989]