posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 05:41 PM
Originally posted by groingrinder
The blocks are far from pyramid sized. I would like to see how he puts the horizontal slabs across the tops of the vertical ones.
Exactly, How would he have gotten the multiple 50 ton slabs of solid red granite to form the Queens chamber up that high. Also how would he have
transported those same slabs from quarries of Aswan 600 miles to the south. Not to mention that if you where "lifting" these blocks with 40 people
in shifts, how would you have lifted these blocks the higher you went especially on a pyramid that is slowly going from a large footprint (the base)
to a smaller footprint the apex. You would need a girder complex to support the weight going straight up and then have it support the weight going
perpendicular to the pyramid. And thats only the few problems with this and other theories, the things that would be needed gantry or a massive ramp
would have been feets in and of themselves. A gantry that could support not only the weight of the blocks (7,000 pounds a minute unless you have
steele cables that flaxen rope would have had to be replaced after every lift especially the higher you went) but the weight of individuals all over
it and the weight of the gantry itself. For the Great Pyramid Cheops it would have at least been as tall as the pyramid itself 481 feet in the air,
and to be honest it would have at least been 500 feet in order to clear the top and put the cap on the pyramid. Also with the ramp theory, that's
even more problematic. They would have needed a ramp that is at least a couple of miles long so as to have a gradual incline to "pull" the blocks
up onto the pyramids. They would also have had to build it to last at the same time building the ramp to gradually go higher to each level of the
pyramid (481 feet as of now). The ramp alone would have been a landmark not easily to get rid of, and at the end it would have been three pyramids
with their three ramps. Just look at the pyramids and imagine a ramp to the top and you will see how ridiculous that is on it's surface. And what
about the heavy polished casing stones, etc. etc.. I've seen this guy on the other thread about how the pyramids could have been built on this
website, and he's full of it.
Yes he can move heavy things, but he only answers the things that are semi-obvious. Yea by putting stones or using leverage you can move a large
object around, but it's the infrastucture at the start during and at the end that stumps many of these theories. And not to let this go but I never
heard of Baalbeck in Lebanon. There is Roman temples that are situated on massive cut blocks. The problem is that it was recorded that the Romans
didn't build or cut these blocks, they built on top of the structure. and if you take a look at the Stone of the Pregnant Woman, you will see one of
the largest cut stones ever in Baalbeck. Google Baalbeck and do your research on this area, it's also as old if not older than what people say it
is. When I look at the pyramids and Baalbeck and other places, I get the feeling that these are ruins of not civilizations that we know, but of
civilizations that may have existed 10,000 years ago if not longer.
We are a society that is looking at our past everyday, but our minds fail to accept this conclusion. And that is we are survivors of an ancient
cataclysm that befalled a golden age of man thousands of years ago. What we see is whats left on the surface and also if possible whats left in the
ocean (which used to be dry land). There is a Conspiracy of Silence in academia because of academic, religious and cultural self interest. If
verifiable evidence was found in the Pyramids that showed that those structures where built 9,000 BC or earlier, it would take away the cultural
ownership of the egyptians saying that they built it. The religious zealots would be at a loss to try to explain this to their view of how old the
earth is and older still man and his accomplishments are. Academics would be in shock because everything they have believed and have written and even
sweated blood and tears and even berrated others over not believing the established dictates, would be wrong. They would essentially have to relearn
there profession over again. As I stated before in a post, it takes a big man to apologize, how big of a man or woman would it take to admit your
whole life work is wrong?
Eventually it will come out about our history and our accomplishments back at the dawn of time, it just takes much of the gatekeepers dying off and or
losing touch with the world. We went from the horse drawn buggy to the moon in 90 years, in 90 years. Who's to say it wasn't done before and
before that with different technology or technology we don't understand or haven't found officially.