posted on Feb, 17 2010 @ 04:54 PM
our intuition often tells us if people are evil. or have evil intentions. for me when im around evil i feel nautious sometime or nervous. and im a
very popular, strong person. i think our spirit can look into them and sees what lies beneath. you ever heard "the eyes are windows to the soul"?
without getting to deep and sounding like a mystic. i honestly think you can jus feel bad energy. the same concept of "chi" or "ki" the chinese
believe. they believe your "chi" or your soul's inner energy resonates in your chankrah i think they call it. (its behind your stomach but in front
of you spine. that lil muscle area) and thats where "yin" and "yang" meet or good and bad. so that's maybe why when people feel evil or
uneasyness or get scared real bad (like a jolting scare) you feel it in your stomach like your nautious or going down that first high slope on a
roller coaster. that feeling. is the build up and releasing of bad energy. gud energy goes through the same passage and is more of a soothing feeling.
not bad for a 20 yr old black kid huh??lol.................oh yeah almost to 20 posts so i can post my 1st thread. and start getting fellow ats
members as friends. i love the ats community. cause bias gets thrown out the door here if not backed by credible sources. THIS IS REAL REPORTING WE