posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by doctornamtab
Cloud seeding is when an aircraft, or ground based machine, is used to disperse dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide) or silver iodide into the upper
portion of a cloud to help encourage rain.
Rain starts out as ice crystals in the upper cloud, as the ice crystals fall, they melt and turn into rain. The reason for for putting dry ice or
silver iodide in the upper cloud is to encourage ice crystal formation in hopes of making more rain.
Alot of cloud seeding is done with small (typically Cessna) aircraft, which have a very limited ceiling (way to low to form contrails), and the
chemicals are dropped directly over the cloud.
I think there also needs to be clarification on what the word chemtrails means. I define it as those ominous strips of cloud that come from jet planes
and hang in the air for hours at a time.
I believe what you have described is what most people classify as a "chemtrail".
The problem is, the debate gets convoluted when un-informed people, try to twist things like cloud seeding or fire tankers as "chemtrails", which
obviously they are not.
Yes, chemicals are being sprayed in the air, the silver iodide(for cloud seeding) is actually harmful to humans, and I personally dont feel it she be
put into the sky, but it still is not a persistent contrail.
Also, most people tend to report "chemtrails" right before it rains. The reason being, is when a high moisture front is moving in, there is a lot of
moisture in the upper atmosphere, this can typically set up the conditions for persistent contrails to form.
Cold conditions (very cold) in the upper atmosphere, with low moisture, can also set the right conditions for persistent contrails to form.