posted on May, 21 2004 @ 03:43 PM
I want to voice my opinion on this.
First, I have to say that I am not a traditional Christian, but I do believe that Christ walked the earth and was much much more in tune with the
creator than most people ever got to in those times.
I'm not going to quote scripture either because I dont have a bible handly, actually, I do have one within arms reach, I have a lot of spiritual
books within arms
Here is my take on the return of Jesus.
I believe that it will happen. I believe as it stand now, people would refuse to accept it. I believe that the world is so lost in its own reality
that most people wouldnt know a messiah if it came up and bit them in the butt. I believe that religion is a conspiracy. One that hides the truth that
we all possess inside ourselves. I believe that somewhere along the lines the words of most religions were twisted into mans own agenda, and are
abused in order to control and manipulate thru the use of fear. If you dont do this, or act like that, or dress a certain way, you are going to burn
in hell etc...
The reality is that hell is the lack of God and light. A majority of people are so self absorbed that they cannot find the spiritual being inside
them. And I think that God is ok with that.
The creator as I understand it to be, doesnt want people to live in fear and loves us. We created our own fear.
When jesus does return it will have to be in a way that leaves no doubt.
I think we will destroy ourselves,
then afterwards, a man who christians would call Jesus will rise up and lead a new way of life. He will be so intune with the creator that just being
in his presence will inspire shock (for some) and awe for others. That said,
the biblical predictions up to this point have been accurate, a lot of things are indeed going on, and have been for many years. The seas are dying,
countries are constantly at war, we cannot seem to find peace, there are signs in the heaven and earth and all over.
Believer or not, if a person takes a good hard look at scripture, a lot of things in it are coming to pass. Don't ask me for links or proof, a lot of
people already suplied them. You can sift thru this site and find a ton of links for these things, both for and against.
Everyone demands proof, spirituality and the creator are easily verified, just look inside yourself and find it, its there.
My take on the predictions in the bible is that they describe a large global war, where we destroy ourselves. How likely is that? Very.
Why does God let these and countless other bad things happen? Because it is our own doing not Gods. In order to get it through mankinds thick skull,
we will bash ourselves into oblivion first.
We need to find the creator ourselves, it is part of spiritual evolution.
Every person is a spark in the flame of the creator, we are all raindrops in the sea of life.
*end of Rant*