posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:38 AM
I think this is really simple to understand (why God doesnt heal amputees). But in order to understand you must really know what wisdom is in the
bible. The reason most people have trouble with Christians and the body of Christ as a whole is because Christians are very divided. Jesus stated that
a house divided against itself can not stand multiple times. I read virtually this whole thread and some who claimed to be Christians,were breathing
fire for the body but were lost and while some others were dead on and claimed to know nothing.
God doesnt heal those who don't want to be healed pure and simple. I can gather a million people to pray but if that person doesn't want to be
healed they wont. What you say this cannot be well its true free will you cant spiritually impart your will upon anyone. There are conditions that
have to be met in order for a miracle (if we want to use that word) to take place.
I am gonna start small and please work with me here people lol. I wont use scripture as anyone Christian or not can read the gospel and will find
these words. For the the holy spirit is a gift to us all and speaks to us and though us. the bible is just a map to get us moving in the RIGHT
Is its Gods will for me to be sick,lame,hurt, and anything of the like. Answer no as spoken by the man himself "I come to do my fathers will." Your
fathers WILL you say well Jesus if your healing and driving out demons and and and and healing and driving out demons you must be doing something
wrong I mean your father gave us these disEASES and infirmities, Jesus answer"I come to do my fathers will, A house divided against itself cant
stand." ah man Jesus quit speaking in riddles to me speak plainly please will you heal me then, Jesus says "If you are willing." I say I am am. He
says "Then let it be done." Wait so I just had to be willing. You didn't lay on any hands or sprinkle something on it, or ...I think you get my
Lets make this scientific for a moment if 3 guys a missing a finger. And they pray to be healed and all 3 get their fingers back. Guy A is pentecostal
he lays hand and speaks in the holy spirit. Guy B is taoist he does whatever they do. Guy C is Hindu. All 3 get there finger back scientifically whats
the constant (remmebr basic science in grade school)...the guy is the constant. You say WTH that makes no sense and I agree except you would be
looking at it as is rather that as it should be. MAN is never one he is always all men always 2 flesh and the spirit. When 2 stand as 1 nothing can
stand before him, he could say unto this mountain go over there and it will go, but becasue of lack of faith. the 2 are almost never 1 for the
majority of the body of Christ. (On a side note brothers and sisters stop believing what the deceiver says also stop ready scripture from the bible
the bible must be taken as all or nothing. I mean by this is dont pull a scripture out of context and make it to fit your way. For example I hear alot
well the scriptue about two people standing together praying to god and he is in the midst of them guess the flesh two the spirit makes
what a house fit for god. because the house is no longer divided against itself. if my memory serves that whole chapter had to do with Paul talking
about subduing the flesh.
a crap my head is hurting i could go on but this kinda will start to tie into Einsteins theory of relativity and then get really freakin weird lol
to change your futue you must change your past to change your past you must believe one simple truth "all things are possible thru him who
ex: I got a ticket when I was sixteen i went to my father he tells me all the crap thats gonna happen at the court house how i cant beat city hall got
to pay my fine yada yada yada. So i went and sure enough it happened. (this past event of my fathers, was a stand in as past event for me as I had no
knowledge of what could or couldn't happen so I excepted his as my future and it was) so I grow spiritually life is great get another ticket. Bam
here comes that past event creeping up again same ticket same result. Happened again but this time I said I am changing my past that controls my
belief gues what happened off scott free no ticket i didnt even say a word to the judge. I even agreed with hime on everything. So here is how
I simply did it every day as time drew near to the court date and I would start worrying about it i would stop clear my mind and say I am not paying
these crooks a dime every time for about 15 days. Get it I changed my futue by changing what I believed the future outcome would be regardless of what
had happened multiple times before. As you believe so be it unto you...not one truer word ever spoken. Oh and one other thing before i go
smoke. Jesus said that god doesnt except praise from man that you should seek rather his praise..kind like when a dove came down and god spoke this is
my son in whom i am pleased. Thats what we should be hoping god will say about us.