posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:02 PM
If we are to ensure that, in the current pace of developing technology, in the world of nuclear weaponry and other potentially dangerous technology,
our precious little planet will survive - including us amongst it - one of the most prominent solutions is the global government.
So maybe the hidious and treacherous NWO is actually a surviving mechanism of our collective consciousness. And maybe those that are opposed to it by
the extreme, are just remnants of an old species, homo sapiens, that has to step aside from the way of homo sapiens universalis?
The old generation, with it's petty freedoms, has become a threat to the survival of our planet; considering that every little despot country seems
to be able to have nuclear weapons, and other, more sinister kind of weapons. Is that the freedom you want?
Think about it. Why are you so afraid of global governance? Because you want to be free to break the laws in secrecy, to smoke that joint of pot alone
in the dark? If you think that you are entitled to break laws in secrecy, why to expect obedience to law from your leaders, governors and presidents?
For you are as much the state as they are. As above, so below.
After all, the global government wouldn't distinct much from the current form of governance. Perhaps it would be just to ensure, that no single
nation can oppress other, but all are oppressed equally? Today many of us cry about the injustices in North Korea, China, United States, Palestine and
many many other countries, but wouldn't the One Global Government solve these petty problems, improving the situation a lot in those countries, where
human rights are depressed?
The individual human being is already in the cage. There is no point to restrict it further. It is irrational for it to resist the control of the
independent states, which are now threats to the whole mankind and the planet itself. Today, most of your actions can be monitored, if that pot
smoking - or whatever - would be an interest to anyone else than to your paranoid mind, you would be jailed already.
As long as independent states remains, some corners of the earth can become (and are) hideouts for all life threatening activity, as they cannot be
controlled suffieciently. But would the global government be established such problems would be history, or would they?
Let it be acknowledged, that there are some controversial points presented above. The author renounces from supporting NWO, these thoughts were only
presented for the basis of conversation. If not NWO, then how would we ensure the continuity of our species in the era of weaponry, that can spread
out apocalyptic destruction? By the balance of horror and fear?