posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 04:22 AM
Trouble is as with any 'silly season', employment builds up a little, as do the store prices to cover these extra staff. not enough to really notice
as we're all bombarded with adverts for this must have toy or this new gadget.
Unemployed people will be claiming off the state ( any including the UK) and the people that ARE employed pay their taxes as good citizens
But the real trouble is , that money is a finite resource ( apart from being created out of thin air as a tool of control) and if there are more
people claiming benefits than are paying taxes sooner or later the benefit pot will run out, even if they increase taxes to cover the deficit, those
paying the increased taxes will not be able to afford to keep working and so they jump on the benefit taxes bandwagon.
What we really all should do when that situation happens is NOT join the army or military as those need to paid for out of taxes. But where are those
taxes going to come from?
We should look into where the money comes from and start again, tax those who try to defraud or hide these funds from the taxman, the super rich who
think of doing nothing to pay taxes, who hide it in off shore accounts to avoid paying taxes, they are more than happy to collect benefits, use
loopholes to collect outrageous payouts and bonuses.
The poor need to instead of sitting at home moaning about their situation MADE to do work, even if its cleaning up the local streets for meagre wages,
or food stamps, the super rich and middleclasses made to pay a fixed tax on their income, depending on how much they earn, obviously the super rich
pay a higher tax band. The bills we all have to pay gas, electric and such should be looked intoand cutting back expenditure , magnetic generators and
such INSTEAD of gas and electric. Electric cars instead of petrol powered, Solar powered and magnetic generator powering homes and offices. Windfarms,
that people think look unsightly could be used in sparsly populated areas.
But no , alas we think of staying the way we are, using what we are used to, and flushing ourselves down the toilet instead of using better equipment
to look at the longterm instead of worrying about this afternoon we should be looking towards tomorrow.
When the tax pot is gone, then what? They'll increase the tax banding for those still working, thatwill force them out of work and that will start
the cycle again, with no hope , bite the bullet now, and the future will look brighter than looking through rose tinted glasses.
Rant over.
[edit on 25/11/09 by DataWraith]