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The Ugly Little Question Orthodox Egyptology Cannot Answer

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posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 05:57 AM
Hello ATS Folks,

Here is the ugly little question orthodox Egyptologists and scholars of ancient history simply cannot answer. It is a question that demonstrates with startling clarity that our ancient forebears fully understood and were thoroughly familiar with the landmasses of the Earth. How do we know this? Because they sited the most enigmatic and largest of all the pyramids in ancient Egypt almost precisely at the centre of the Earth's landmasses. For sure, there will be some here quick to dismiss this latest pronouncement with the same old, tired argumenmts we have all heard before. So, let's see.

The former Astronomer Royal of Scotland, Piazzi Smyth, in his book Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1880) writes that "...proceeding around the globe due north and due south of the Great Pyramid ... there is more earth and less sea in that meridian than in any other meridian all the equator round." (p. 89)

The standard response from the skeptics is that the Giza location is NOT in fact the centre of the land masses, that there are other locations that have more landmass. From Catchpenny:

Of course, the earth is a globe, not a flat projection. Smyth's meridian (in green below) crosses very little land on the other side of the earth, while a meridian near 70° W (in red below) crosses much more land on its way round the globe. If by "meridian" Smyth means a half-circle, then the claim's accuracy may still be disputed (it is entirely anecdotal and no mathematical proof has been offered). It appears that a meridian a few degrees to the west (in blue below) would cross more land. Source.

On the surface it appears that there is a good case for citing these other locations as having more landmass. However, what orthodox folks fail to recognise or highlight (and it is plainly marked in Smyth's original drawing) are the NE/SW and NW/SE landmass directions from Giza. When viewed in this context then it becomes clear that the Giza location is indeed, as Piazzi Smyth claimed all those years ago, the centre of the Earth's land mass (highlighted in green below).

Question: how is it even remotely possible for a technologically 'primitive' civilisation such as the Ancient Egyptians - who we are told rarely travelled beyond their own borders - to have known this? Does this not smack of a civilisation with far more knowledge than is presently being attributed to them? Or is it the case that what we are in fact observing here is a 'fingerprint of the Gods'?


Scott Creighton

[edit on 24/11/2009 by Scott Creighton]

+7 more 
posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 06:01 AM
every civilisation thinks themselves to be the centre of everything, i guess one of them had to be right.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 06:07 AM
Interesting research and questions. I was just now looking at the Antipodes Map, and (if I'm looking at it properly) that does seem to support the notion of the pyramids being central to the Earth's landmass -- at least that which is above sea level.

I wonder if inclusion of undersea topography would support this as well.

Good thread!

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by Scott Creighton
Question: how is it even remotely possible for a technologically 'primitive' civilisation such as the Ancient Egyptians - who we are told rarely travelled beyond their own borders - to have known this? Does this not smack of a civilisation with far more knowledge than is presently being attributed to them? Or is it the case that what we are in fact observing here is a 'fingerprint of the Gods'?

The so called 'ancient egyptians' might return in the future. Caught everybody by surprise, but not me.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 06:25 AM
Maybe they had a great sense of direction or ... it's just a rare coincidence.

It is fascinating though and I'm sure we will figure it out someday.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 06:31 AM
It would be interesting to view this theory if you located the continents back together when they formed the single landmass of Pangea

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 06:54 AM
that isn't even scratching the surface of what the Egyptians did in terms of charting ... they also had these massive stones strewn all through the desert with a massive "mother stone" that if u stood on and lined the other stones up it would point to a certain constellation of stars coming over the horizon .. thats not the weird part ... for along time archaeologists could not work out why all the stones were at very different/sporadic distances to the "mother stone". After a while they figured out that in ratio the distance that the stones that lined up with constellations on the horizon were away from the mother stone .. were as far as we can scientifically tell today are the distanced that those particular constellations are away from our planet

now my friends that is something to chew on ... how could the possibly know that

[edit on 24-11-2009 by King Loki]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 08:52 AM
Thanks for the post! I had not heard anything before about the Pyramids at Giza being at the center of the landmass of the Earth.

It would be REALLY interesting if one knew with some accuracy what sea levels were approximately 25000 years ago... and then do the same plot and see if the location is more or less centered on the land mass than with current sea levels.

I am totally convinced that the Giza site and a few of the other structures in the area are MUCH older than the generally accepted date and were constructed by a highly advanced society.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 10:27 AM
try using a straight line for your NW/SE NE/SW lines. Stunning how they miss their mark when the are drawn true.

i point this out because it seems to be a central element in defending your position yet the lines had to be 'fudged' to make them prove your point.

For instance the NW/SE line passes through the bare minimum of Canada and the the bare minimum of Australia.

Shouldn't they, according to your theory, pass through their center as your curvilinear lines do?

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:16 AM
This made me remember a theory, don't remember by who, it may have been Hoagland or Lear, that pyramid's real purpose is to balance the planet...

Pretty fascinating however you look upon the facts.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:19 AM
I still fail to see how the placement of the pyramids "proves" they knew about other land masses. As far as I am aware, the Egyptians built the pyramids because that is where they lived. While I see where you are going with this post and it is quite an interesting theory, you are after all, quoting a book well over 100 years old. While this in no way discredits the authors claims, it does beg the OP to try and find more contemporary evidence to support the theory.

The fact is that no one really knows why the pyramids were built. While some theories are much more sound than others, it's all just speculation. In my opinion it really makes the subject of egyptology that much more interesting. It's a fantastic way to really think out of the box.

But to put some perspective on it, imagine an ancient egyptian trying to figure out the "purpose" of say, the Eiffel Tower. I bet the explanation for the pyramids placement and existence is a lot simpler than most people realize.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by Jimea
This made me remember a theory, don't remember by who, it may have been Hoagland or Lear, that pyramid's real purpose is to balance the planet...

Pretty fascinating however you look upon the facts.

Interesting...if you find out who said that, post it...I need to figure out who to completely dismiss as barking mad so I dont accidently read their insane babble. I can have a open mind, but pyramids balancing the that is up there with the tooth fairy. (and yes, there are some people whom truely and honestly believe in fairys)

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:32 AM
I can do the same with Los Angeles, California being the "center"...

They built the Pyramids there because they lived there, and they lived there because of the fertile farm land created by the annual Nile flooding.

[edit on 11/24/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:35 AM
I've read the book; "The Great Pyramid Decoded", by Peter Lemesurier.

There are many, many other questions that Egyptologists cannot answer regarding the Great Pyramid at Giza.

Here's a few more nuggets of interest:

The Great Pyramid not only reflects the Earth in volume and area but also in weight, for its estimated mass of 5.955 Million tonnes is approximately one billionth of the estimated mass of the Earth. (5.9 x 10 21 tonnes).

The Great Pyramid is a scale model of the Earth at a ratio of 1: 43,200

In the King's Chamber, we find one of the earliest examples of the 47th proposition of Pythagoras - A right angle, 3,4,5 triangle. The ratio of the north or south wall diagonal to the length of the chamber to the cubic diagonal of the chamber is exactly in the ratio of 3:4:5.

1. The direct corner to corner length of a side (A to E) is 26524.2 Pyramid Inches, which is precisely 100 times the length of a Mean Solar Tropical Year (Equinoctial)
2. The indented measurement of a side (ABDE) is 36525.6 Pyramid Inches whish is precisely 100 times the number of days in a Sidereal Year. (The Earths Solar Revolution)
3. The theoretical length of the declination of a side (ACE) is 36525.9 Pyramid Inches which is precisely 100 times the number of days in the Anomalistic Year (The Earth's Orbital Revolution)

One of the more interesting observations is this:

The length of a Great Year of (25,826.4 years) is indicated by the sum of the diagonals in the (Great Giza Pyramid) structure.

The Great Year is one complete precession of the equinox, the so called wobble that the Earth experiences. The measurment of this cycle is extemely difficult even by modern standards as it is one of the most minute motions in our Solar System.

Prcession speed is currently 243.8 microradians (50.3 arcseconds) per year which would give 25,765 years for one cycle to complete.
Source: Wikipedia

The information encoded in the Great Pyramids archetecture provides signifigant evidence in support of the belief that the Ancients had at some point, actually surveyed the entire globe! There is more evidence in support of that belief but maybe that should be left for another thread.

[edit on 24-11-2009 by Anamnesis]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 11:45 AM
That's funny you suggest a "fingerprint of the gods". I'm reading a book with that exact title. Very interesting book that covers this same subject. I think without any doubt there was a central civilazation that handed down information to our earliest known societies. I think the pyramids are much older than mainstream archeology will ever admit.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:22 PM
I read somewhere that the angles, proportions and alignment of the pyramids also related to that of the earth, moon and sun. Argh, I wish I recall where I read that.

I'll look around and see where that is. If anybody has this please post it... heck, I think it is already a thread here on ATS.

For those talking about the curved lines and straight lines on the global map... the Earth is round. If you take a piece of string and wrap it around the globe and then flatten the globe to look like one of these Earth maps you will find that the string bends. That is the right way to do it.

I believe that there was some very impressive knowledge involved in the building of the pyramids. Who knows if we will ever know what that knowledge is, but I am a big time believer in lost ancient knowledge.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by Scott Creighton

The ancient people may have in fact NOT known the exact masses of the earth at the time the pyramids were built. I have a theory, one that most people would not believe because no one ever really wants to know the truth, they deny it even when they beg for it. Once it is presented they debunk the truth. Truth is stranger than fiction, much stranger. In order to conclude the mysteries of the world one must study in depth many subjects then like a puzzle the peices fit, the more I learn the more I find that my theory works. Some people focus on science some people focus on theology some on geneology and others on creation or evolution, however they are only getting pieces of the puzzel and not seeing the whole picture, that is why many questions go unanswered. So these people probably cannot answer the question posed because they are only versed on one subject. My theory involves God, so many athiests and agnostics will reject the theory right off the bat. I am working on presenting my theory and will post a thread when I conclude the best way to comunicate it with facts as well as references. I just want to say that everything has it's place weather you believe it or not. Everything from geometry to biology to geography to pyramids to space so on and so forth, it is all conected by one beautiful chain that make up our world. It is much simplar than people try to make it to be but as long as people try to compartmentalise things they will never get it. It all goes back to two beings Satan and God, there is a reason for everything and it all fits perfectly.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by pieman
every civilisation thinks themselves to be the centre of everything, i guess one of them had to be right.

If the Universe is infinite, then no matter where you are it "appears" as though you are standing at the center.

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
I can do the same with Los Angeles, California being the "center"...

They built the Pyramids there because they lived there, and they lived there because of the fertile farm land created by the annual Nile flooding.

[edit on 11/24/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]

C'mon guys… read a little more and try to comprehend what is written.

The former Astronomer Royal of Scotland, Piazzi Smyth, in his book Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid (1880) writes that "...proceeding around the globe due north and due south of the Great Pyramid ... there is more earth and less sea in that meridian than in any other meridian all the equator round." (p. 89)

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 01:00 PM
My theory is no matter what point you choose, it is the center of the landmass of Earth. Even if it is out in the ocean.

[edit on 11-24-2009 by groingrinder]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 01:04 PM
Its indeed extraordinary they new this. Flag and star

The builders knew more things about the earth and the universe then we can imagine. Well, most of us cant seemly

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