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You want to know why Conservatives have an image problem?

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:20 PM
It's because the rank-and-file are filled with disgusting people like the ones in the video below. This is a group of "Teabaggers" that came out to protest health care. Fair enough - protest whatever floats your boat, but be respectful.

This "protest" goes beyond all forms of acceptability and is nauseating to watch - especially when you know the story:

A group called the Chicago Tea Party Patriots publicly heckled a grieving family and suggested that the couple fabricated their tragic story.

At a town hall held by Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-Ill.) on Nov. 14, Dan and Midge Hough spoke about how they believed the death of their daughter-in-law and her unborn child were caused, in part, by a lack of health insurance.

Twenty-four-year old Jennifer was uninsured. According to her in-laws, she was not receiving regular prenatal care and was not properly treated when she got sick. She ended up in an emergency room with double pneumonia that developed into septic shock, had a heart attack, a brain bleed and a stroke. The baby died and Jennifer died a few weeks later.

Midge Hough was heckled by anti-reform crowd members. "You can laugh at me, that's okay," she said, crying. "But I lost two people, and I know you think that's funny, that's okay."

A local Tea Party organizer falsely claimed that the couple had made up the story and tried to justify the town hall behavior, according to the Southtown Star.

Catherina Wojtowicz, of Chicago's Mount Greenwood community, an organizer for a Tea Party splinter group, Chicago Tea Party Patriots, falsely claimed that the Houghs fabricated their story. In an e-mail, she called them operatives of President Barack Obama who "go from event to event and (cry) the same story." [...]

The audience, Wojtowicz later explained, was exasperated by stories of isolated tragedies that cloud debate over the health care bill itself.

Words can't describe the rage I'd feel if I were Jenifer's dad...

[edit on 23-11-2009 by shrike071]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:56 PM
New Rule: If you are against health care reform and the public option, then don't get it.
As a matter of fact, that is EXACTLY how it is. So why do these people want to block it? It isn't because they know what they are doing, it is because they were TOLD to think that way.
Finally we see our government trying to right an injustice on the American people perpetrated by the corporate insurance companies and they want to stop it.
If Obama wanted to feed hungry children they would protest that it takes food out of the mouths of CEOs.
Some of them are naive as to what they are actually protesting, but some know exactly what they are doing and those people need to be cut completely off from any insurance. BURN DEMONS, BURN!

[edit on 23-11-2009 by 12GaugePermissionSlip]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by shrike071

Four things..
1. They were right he did sel them out if he voted for the current healthcare "reform" bill.
2. Why did she get pregnant if she coudn't even afford health insurance. Who did she think was going to pay to deliver and feed the baby.. oh yeah, the taxpayer?
3. Why didn't that lady giving the speech by her poor daughter in law some health insurance?
4. How do you know that those booing were conservatives and not disgruntled democrats that grew a brain??

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:30 PM
Quit using the Tea Partiers derogatory form.

Or I will get this thread closed also.

Tea Partiers can be led astray. What most of them are complaining about is out of control spending and control by the federal government.

Just wondering, how are those chains you seem to like to wear? Are they heavy? Why do you feel the rest of us deserve the chains you like to wear?

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:38 PM
While it doesn't right the behavior of the crowd (which is a crowd, and crowds act like idiots sometimes), why is it we all need to pass this bill because of one sad story?

I've heard a lot of sad stories from people without heath insurance, people with health insurance, people with government-provided health care, and people who paid out of pocket for their health care.

It's a shame that the argument always moves from the topic itself to the people supporting either side. Hate the people supporting or not supporting all you want, but debate the issue. It's pointless to call people stupid names like teabaggers, or claim another group is personally responsible for destroying the country because of their liberal views.

Get over it, we're different. Debate on the merit of the issues themselves and figure out if this fix is really the fix we need.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by 12GaugePermissionSlip
New Rule: If you are against health care reform and the public option, then don't get it.
As a matter of fact, that is EXACTLY how it is. So why do these people want to block it? It isn't because they know what they are doing, it is because they were TOLD to think that way.
Finally we see our government trying to right an injustice on the American people perpetrated by the corporate insurance companies and they want to stop it.
If Obama wanted to feed hungry children they would protest that it takes food out of the mouths of CEOs.
Some of them are naive as to what they are actually protesting, but some know exactly what they are doing and those people need to be cut completely off from any insurance. BURN DEMONS, BURN!

[edit on 23-11-2009 by 12GaugePermissionSlip]

It is a sad irony indeed when you somehow believe that an "injustice" can be righted, by spawning a dozen more forms of it.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:07 PM
I'm inclined to agree that the type of behaviour displayed by the tea party folks in the vid is more the rule than the exception when it comes to tea party protestors. The problem with this type of boisterous "mob rule" confrontational mentality is that it leaves no room for compromise when it comes down to "crunch time". We, all of us need to step back and take a good look the way we are acting. We in the USA will never be completely united unless we can all sit down at the table with mutual respect and empathy for one another. This applies to the world stage as well.

It's unfortunate to see people who would normally be considered "good" acting as if they have all lost their humanity. I think this behaviour is the product of fear and distrust. It's sad to see the state we are in.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe
Or I will get this thread closed also.

Your e-peen is HUGE!!!

To me, 'Teabaggers' is the same as the 'Democrat Party'. Minor offenses, but offenses to those with thin skin... hint, hint...

Originally posted by endisnighe
Tea Partiers can be led astray. What most of them are complaining about is out of control spending and control by the federal government.

Were it that simple, and perhaps it is in your little world, I would be behind the IDEA. However, this is nothing short of a mob of misinformed, easily-goaded idiots. These people have zero desire to have any form of intelligent discussion or back-and-forth. Instead, they've resorted to the most basic of platforms that one assumes when they've run out of valid points to make: if I speak louder, I win.

It infuriates me when 'baggers show up to a town-hall, a FORUM for intelligent conversation and exchange of ideas and simply take it over and turn it into a screamfest.

If you wish to make a point, then come to the mic and speak like a civilized human being capable of forming a cohesive thought. If you want to stand there and scream over someone trying to speak - then you deserve to be escorted from the hall, and beaten.

Originally posted by endisnighe
Just wondering, how are those chains you seem to like to wear? Are they heavy? Why do you feel the rest of us deserve the chains you like to wear?

Friend, I am strong enough to shoulder the burden of helping my fellow man. You call them 'chains', I call them 'moral obligations'.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by shrike071]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by HotSauce
Four things..
1. They were right he did sel them out if he voted for the current healthcare "reform" bill.

Why? Because he's a Dem. representative who was voted to office in a free and fair election, and is doing what he thinks is in the best interest of those that elected him?

Hrmmm... So democracy only applies to bills YOU are in favor of... Ok. Noted.

Originally posted by HotSauce
2. Why did she get pregnant if she coudn't even afford health insurance. Who did she think was going to pay to deliver and feed the baby.. oh yeah, the taxpayer?

Spoken like a true Christian conservative. I can't even begin to count the myriad ways that your statement is wrong and based on completely elitist assumptions...let's just start with one:
"The condom broke", perhaps?

Originally posted by HotSauce
3. Why didn't that lady giving the speech by her poor daughter in law some health insurance?

Have you priced health insurance lately? THIS IS THE CRUX OF THE PROBLEM

Originally posted by HotSauce
4. How do you know that those booing were conservatives and not disgruntled democrats that grew a brain??

Erm... because the organizer of the 'demonstration' said they were from a Tea-Party group, and those groups are usually pretty thin with Democrats...

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:34 PM
OK, here is something that I have been wanting to say. It is a message for everybody on both sides of the fence... It is not aimed at the people of ATS it is aimed at the whole world.

Here is the message: We are adults. Act like it! If you can't act like it then shut up! I am sick of hearing everybody yelling and screaming at each other like some junior high drama. We are adults and more than capable of working everything out with out resorting to violence.

The problem does not lie with the republicans. The problem does not lie with the Democrats. The problem lies with EVERYONE not being able to sit down and talk out the issues!

We are so quick to resort to this kind of childish behavior and it absolutely disgusts me. This is what will cause the downfall of The United States! It will not be the actions of a single group but the actions of all groups rolled into one.

If we cannot stop this we are doomed for sure! So stop it! Just stop it! ALL OF YOU! Before it is too late!

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
OK, here is something that I have been wanting to say.

Here is the message: We are adults. Act like it! If you can't act like it then shut up! We are adults and more than capable of working everything out with out resorting to violence.

/clap, clap...

That is essentially what I was stating. This issue, and many more on the horizon, are far too important to simply entrench and fight without at least being open to conversation. And by being 'open', that means your mind.

Shouting-down people at a meeting where issues were to be raised and TALKED ABOUT is no way to accomplish anything and only breeds contempt.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by shrike071
/clap, clap...

That is essentially what I was stating. This issue, and many more on the horizon, are far too important to simply entrench and fight without at least being open to conversation. And by being 'open', that means your mind.

Shouting-down people at a meeting where issues were to be raised and TALKED ABOUT is no way to accomplish anything and only breeds contempt.

Seriously? The same way you use, and then defend your use of, a derogatory slang with the intention of immaturely slamming an entire group of people because of their opinions?

Pretty simple to lean back and say "Ha ha, it's alright, they're only teabaggers, their opinions don't matter." But when you're called on it, all of a sudden you get to slide back into the center and damn everyone else who's acting like an immature jerk?

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:21 PM
This is who I want to separate myself from. These are the faces of chaos.

Feeble minded folks who display that " gang mentality " without any true understanding of what the subject matter is. They think one thing and that's it, there is no color, only black and white. This is half the reason this government cannot tell it's people what is going on in the world, it is why if there was a serious crisis on the brink of our future, we would never be told of such.

Until these kind of people wake up, and smell the truth, that they are living inside a sealed bubble of self loathing, we as a species will not achieve too much more.

I feel for this family, the sad part is she could of went on welfare and received the help she needed.

In my time of need, after I was Honorably discharged from the Service, I found myself with severe gal stones which had infected my gal bladder and caused a "nice" chain reaction in my digestive system, I went to Hospital after hospital after waking up every morning Retching till I actually physicaly ripped my skin, unable to have a normal urge to eat, and other complications that arose from the situation, and was always told the same, I had the flu. for 2 yrs I was told this, Until more unfortunate events lead to me having to claim welfare, and once I received the socialized medical benefits, I was told of what really was going on. I had suffered for 2 yrs, and caused severe damage to my digestive system for lack of healthcare coverage, even though I had just served my country, and wasn't able to find work. I still have digestive disorders, that stem from not being treated in a timely fashion, and will always have these disorders due to a negligent heath care system, Ironically that of which my Mother and grandmother have been lifelong employees of.

This is why we need Universal healthcare coverage, at any cost. Its the civilized thing to do.

Or you could be next...

[edit on 23-11-2009 by 10001011]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by EsSeeEye
Seriously? The same way you use, and then defend your use of, a derogatory slang with the intention of immaturely slamming an entire group of people because of their opinions?

What is hard to grasp here? I could call them 'thugs', 'morons', 'idiots' or just plain immature fools - I am referring to the people in the video, and thousands of others across the nation that have flooded just about every town-hall meeting and shouted-down the speakers, stifling the very spark of our democratic process.

Teabaggers fits and it's only 'derrogatory slang' because the uber-conservatives who at one point embraced the term have now learned about its original meaning.

Lest your memory need a refresher, the first act of the "Tea Party Movement" was called by Glen Beck and Sean Hannity to send tea bags to members of congress. They themselves coined the term and they're now running from it like conservative-kryptonite.

The issue in this thread is not the use of the word - it's the actions of the thugs at the town hall. Start another thread if it bothers you so.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:07 PM
How is it that
"democratic party" is the same as "teabaggers"?

Umm last i checked the "Democratic Party" was an actual party and has been called that since its inception.......and "Teabaggers" was a term made up SPECIFICALLY to insult the Tea Party movement.

How you can draw a parallel there is beyond me.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
How is it that
"democratic party" is the same as "teabaggers"?

Umm last i checked the "Democratic Party" was an actual party and has been called that since its inception.......and "Teabaggers" was a term made up SPECIFICALLY to insult the Tea Party movement.

How you can draw a parallel there is beyond me.

The new darling phrase of the right to describe the left is "the DEMOCRAT party", not the "DEMOCRATIC party". It's commonly used among Beck, Limbaugh and the like and it's considered disrespectful of Democratic members of congress.

Please - re-read my post above about the use of the teabagger-phrase and stay on topic.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by shrike071

To me, 'Teabaggers' is the same as the 'Democrat Party'. Minor offenses, but offenses to those with thin skin... hint, hint...

One is a derogatory term and the other is proper english.

I can see why some would be wary of such claims. The Democrat Party is known for pulling stunts like this. Remember the Obama town hall on government takeover of health care? One of the questioners was the daughter of a major Democrat leader from the state. The question was staged, so other things being staged is realistic. We are catching on!

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:54 PM
Now while I do agree with the right of "tea party" protests to speak their minds, and yet don't agree with the message, I have to say that the people that said that were responsible for their words not the larger movement itself.

This was an example of cruel people caught up in the frenzy that the health care debate has whipped up.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
One is a derogatory term and the other is proper english.

Sorry - you're mistaken. Since the dawn of our republic, it has been the Republican party and the Democratic party. To refer to the Dems as the "Democrat Party" is, and I'll state it again - disrespectful and rude, despite what the leaders of the Republican party (Rush and Beck) tell you.

Here - let's go to the books:
dem·o·crat (dĕm‘ə-krăt‘) pronunciation
1. An advocate of democracy.
2. One who believes in social equality or discounts distinctions in rank.
2. Democrat A member of the Democratic Party.

[French démocrate, back-formation from démocratie, democracy. See democracy.]

dem·o·crat·ic (dĕm‘ə-krăt‘ĭk) pronunciation

1. Of, characterized by, or advocating democracy: democratic government; a democratic union.
2. Of or for the people in general; popular: a democratic movement; democratic art forms.
3. Believing in or practicing social equality: “a proper democratic scorn for bloated dukes and lords” (George du Maurier).
4. Democratic Of, relating to, or characteristic of the Democratic Party.
democratically dem‘o·crat‘i·cal·ly adv.

Note the difference. Democrat is a noun. Democratic is an adjective. Now, do I need to define nouns and adjectives as well?

Can you guys please stay on-topic? Is that too much to ask?

Originally posted by Carseller4
The Democrat Party is known for pulling stunts like this. Remember the Obama town hall on government takeover of health care? One of the questioners was the daughter of a major Democrat leader from the state. The question was staged, so other things being staged is realistic.

Think carefully before you go there... Following the rabbit hole you've looked into above may lead you into an uncomfortable area.

If there is one party that was exceptionally well-known for staging things, it is the Republicans.

Bush staged photo op

Bush staged chat with the troops

and of course, who could forget Mission Accomplished

Regarding the town-hall, that was an event organized by the Democratic party of N. VA and they are the ones that handed out the admission passes. Since admission was granted by the party, do you think that there were many Republicans in attendance?

Don't act like this is something new, either. It's standard operating procedure for every single presidential event where the public is admitted - and this applies to both parties. The exceptions are very, very rare.

[edit on 24-11-2009 by shrike071]

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 07:44 AM
Are you actually trying to link alll that stuff about bush in light of everything Obama has done in his first 8 months or so in office? Hes already making bushes 2 terms look meek compared to the absolute breakdown of the nation Obama is doing.

As for the Democrat Party being a derogatory term, you are SERIOUSLY grasping at straws......

This thread is no more than political trolling, you wont even listen to common sense.

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