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Nevada Nuclear Test Site - Strange and unusual activity

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:48 AM
Something that has become somewhat of a minor hobby of mine is using Google Earth and closely examining locations such as Area 51 and the Nevada Nuclear Test Site (NTS) ... after all, one never knows what interesting things may be revealed under the spotlight !

In this thread, I'm going to concentrate on the NTS and show a few of the more interesting examples I've found to highlight the strange and weird things going on there.
Some you may have already seen before but hopefully some others may be new to you.

Lets take a look, shall we ?

The NTS is a relatively small area pockmarked with the crater remnants of approximate 800 nuclear tests ... the majority of which were conducted underground over many decades.
Examining some of these craters, it's surprising the sort of things you can find in them.

Here's an example of a small crater with some kind of metallic artifact attached to it.



I was looking at the above images for a while when it suddenly occurred to me just what it was that I may have really been looking at.
I enlarged the image and to me, it looks like a rectangular, metallic "door or opening" thats currently in the open position. Note how both the metallic object and the crater both have an almost matching flat and linear side (indicated at A and B) which once the "door" is closed, would match up very well.

In fact, just went back into GE and measured the length of both A and B ... and they both come out to approx. 12m long which also may indicate that the metallic "door" when closed is a good match (and fit) to the crater edge.

If it is a "door", then what is stored/contained within the crater that requires such a massive door to keep it safely contained ?
To put the size of the "door" in perspective ... in these images it's being viewed from a height of approximately 1.5 kms !!


Here we have a couple images of yet another interesting looking item thats sitting at the bottom of a crater.
Notice the shadow being cast ...



In the next 2 images, we find the only 2 craters in the entire NTS area that apparently contain what looks like a liquid ... possibly water.
Also, out of the 100's of craters in the NTS area, these are the only 2 that have been deliberately created so that they overlap ... resulting in a double crater.

If the substance is liquid (water or whatever), then a rough calculation indicates that there is approximately 112 megalitres of it !!
Some immediate questions spring to mind:
- what is the liquid ?
- what's it's purpose ?
- where did it come from ?
- why is there so much of it ?



I have no idea what the white squiggly things are in the next 3 images ... or their purpose. The black lines are probably cables or something similar.



Here's a close up view.


Using GE and viewing from an altitude of approx 20 kms, the following unusual ground effect becomes very noticeable.
It looks like a large circle with a projection extending outwards from the northern part of the circle. To highlight the effect, I've indicated the circle with yellow arrows and the projection with red arrows.

It's also intersesting to note that there also appear to be 2 installations associated with this ground pattern ... installation A in the centre of the circle ... installation B at the end of the projection.


Here I've inverted the image colours to make the ground circle/projection more apparent.


The projection from the circle to installation B seems to give the impression that installations A and B are somehow linked or have something in common. This could admittedly be coincidence but if you look closely, you can see the projection running straight as an arrow from the circle directly to installation B.


Now, lets go take a look at installation A sitting at the dead centre of the circle ... and what do we find ?
A major amount of activity AND an obvious entrance to what can only be an underground facility !


And what do we find at installation B ?
Three VERY unusual structures ... a mound with a tube running thru it ... a ramp leading to an underground facility .... and a triangular prism with a flat top !


Just out of interest, lets take a look at a bit of unusual activity that occurred just next to the ramp leading underground. My understanding is that over a period of time, some large artifact/equipment was buried next to the ramp and then covered over completely.

This 1st image is dated 17 March, 2006 ... before any activity had commenced.


This next image is dated 23 May, 2006 and a large cylindrical item has been moved to the location.


This next image is dated 29 July, 2006 and apparently shows that the cylindrical item may have been buried and covered over with soil.


This last image is dated 2 December, 2006 and shows that the "burial site" has now been restored to it's pre-burial condition once more.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:54 AM
hmm easy answer is radiation . underneath those craters is amass with radio active material thanks to the bomb tests. Those are probably warning towers or working labs to monitor the radiation

[edit on 23-11-2009 by loner007]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:00 AM
thank you for sharing this hobby with us..s+f
i was impressed with the mystery object burried..very cool investigation indeed

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:15 AM
For the first image, I have questions about the scale.

You say you measured the lines A and B and found them to be roughly 12 M? That would make the crater VERY small, in fact much much too small to be a crater from a nuclear device.

My theory is that it was a warhead that malfunctioned and failed to produce a nuclear reaction. Such a malfunction would cause the warhead to 'explode,' but only with the initial charges used to create fission, thus leaving a small, 30-ish ft. crater. And the object? Perhaps the failed device was a nuclear hazard, so they covered it with a crude concrete/iron shell? Just an idea, but my guess is as good as yours.

The second image... no comment. I believe an expert would have to tell us, but most likely it is some sort of perfectly explainable building or structure with a legitimate purpose.

And the third, the so-called liquid hiding in the craters... Probably just glass that settled after the blast. (Since sand + extremely high temperatures = liquid glass)

any other ideas?

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:19 AM
Could this possibly be a secure dump for hazardous radioactive waste?

It's not as if the area is good for anything else after the site was used for nuclear bomb testing.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Ishmaael
For the first image, I have questions about the scale.

You say you measured the lines A and B and found them to be roughly 12 M? That would make the crater VERY small, in fact much much too small to be a crater from a nuclear device.

My theory is that it was a warhead that malfunctioned and failed to produce a nuclear reaction. Such a malfunction would cause the warhead to 'explode,' but only with the initial charges used to create fission, thus leaving a small, 30-ish ft. crater. And the object? Perhaps the failed device was a nuclear hazard, so they covered it with a crude concrete/iron shell? Just an idea, but my guess is as good as yours.

I agree regarding the apparent small size of the crater ... especially if the result of an underground test. But assuming that it is some form of door or seal mechanism, then based on it's dimensions and assuming it's metallic ... then it must weigh quite a few tonnes ! Thats a heck of a lot of metal just to plug a hole up - almost equivalent to a blast door

And the third, the so-called liquid hiding in the craters... Probably just glass that settled after the blast. (Since sand + extremely high temperatures = liquid glass)

Yes, quite possibly so.

But what makes these overlapping craters unique ? Why are they the ONLY overlapping craters there and the ONLY ones that appear to have some kind of reflective material/liquid in them ?
If the detonation released so much energy that it broke thru the surface and was energetic enough to melt sand, I'm fairly certain there would have been a heck of a surface mess as a result ... definitely NOT 2 very neat and tidy craters forming and being filled with molten glass ... there'd be fused sand, debris, molten glass all over the place with that sort of energy being released.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:44 AM
Interesting thread. I believe the craters have been filled up with concrete to try and block the radiation. You can see all the craters have been filled up with material, it could be that they have been experimenting with different types of material to block the radiation.
What I find really interesting is the ground pattern between and around the 2 installations. How could that have formed if its not man made?
The cylinder object photos seem somehow out of place. To me they look like photoshopped. The resolution is not as good as the before and after pictures and the object itself looks like its a different resolution suggesting it has been pasted into the image. Where is the source of these images? I just have to see the originals to make up my mind on these.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by tauristercus

Well, "that sort of energy" is released every single time from a hydrogen bomb. and what if the two bombs were detonated at the same time? or perhaps the glass combined as a result of a second blast crater that just happened to be close enough?

and I also believe the dates of the craters creation is important. If they are from tests done in the 50s/60s etc., than significant erosion and weathering effects could have an impact.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by Waldy
Where is the source of these images? I just have to see the originals to make up my mind on these.

If you look at the bottom of each main image, you'll see the Google Earth coordinates displayed. By all means please confirm these images for yourself ... and I assure you that they have NOT been manipulated or PhotoShopped by myself !

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by Ishmaael

Just obtained some further images from GE regarding the double crater ... and I think we can safely assume that the substance is a liquid and NOT fused/melted sand or glass.
The reason being that there is obvious evaporation or useage of the liquid as the level seems to fall ... then the liquid is replenished at a later date.

Take a look ...

Left crater liquid level starting to fall (12 March, 2004)

Further fall in level ? (1 February, 2005)

Liquid level increased ? (2December, 2006)

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by tauristercus

I believe that you just reinforced my own theory, not yours, as the liquid that is shown to be evaporating is very clearly brownish water, very clearly liquid, probably rainfall, and looks absolutely completely different than the "white stuff" in the craters.


posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by Ishmaael

And the third, the so-called liquid hiding in the craters... Probably just glass that settled after the blast. (Since sand + extremely high temperatures = liquid glass)

Hmmm, I'm a little confused .... I thought you were inclined towards it being a form of fused sand and/or glass whereas I was inclining towards a liquid material.

Anyway, irrespective of whether its glass or liquid (and we'll never really know without inspecting it), it still seems very unusual and out of place ... which was my original reason for displaying it

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:06 AM
sorry i live in the uk, is this whole site fenced off and guarded?
also is this land radioactive?
i find this very intersting as in the uk we dont have anything liek this, Or do we? prob not.

il have to check this out wen im home from work cheers nice post

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 07:17 AM
Unfortunately, the land is not only fenced off and guarded, but it is the sort of fenced off and guarded where they shoot first and ask questions later...

And it is also probably highly radioactive as well, but I'm not sure to what degree.

and to the OP, I think the white-ish stuff to be some solid as of now, and the brown pools appear to be rainfall. sorry for the confusion. and I agree, we'll never REALLY know... and it kills me

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Ishmaael

if someone is that stupid to go to a place that radioactive, being shot would be the least of their problems. Those first holes, probably do lead somewhere underground but not to a radioactive storage facility because enriched nuclear material losses enough mass to rid the rest of it at detonation.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:23 AM
kool thread you show good observation and imagination...but unless you know anything about nuclear testing and what happens during and after a test then you cant possibly know what those pictures actually show u can only guess and theorise.

and lets face earth is no big secret...the higher ups in this world will know what GE can do and if theres anything on this planets surface that they dont want the public to know about...they will immediately have it removed from GE...if they dont want you to see it...its not there...the fact that you can see these things on GE means they are probly not of any real significance

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:02 AM
Come on guys dont get your knickers in a twist over the "pond"

Its pretty obvious its just a large reserviour of rain water, the mysterious white stuff is just salt deposits from where it dries out. Nothing weird about that at all.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:36 AM
Maybe its not rainwater, but liquid toxic waste they dump out there. When it dries the filth congeals as white.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:46 AM
I'm never usually interested in this kind of stuff, and I find this thread fascinating. Thanks for posting.

I used to date a guy in the Air Force who was in "intelligence." He would go to area 51 (they called it Groom lake) all the time for training.

So, there is definitely something happening in Nevada other than nuclear testing. Of course, whenever I even mentioned Nevada, he would say "I can't talk about it." Frustrating as hell. But, the military is all over that place, so I'm sure there is more there than just testing sites covered up by dirt.

Also, look at the domes in one of the first few pictures...even the ones without a door to them. They all have a small dirt road coming off of them. Now, why would people feel the need to drive to a nuclear test site to check on a radioactive site? Seems that they would not want to be anywhere near there.

I don't think they are covered up bomb sites....I think they are the tops of some underground complex of some sort, and we're just seeing the top of it. The complex underground is probably huge.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by freakyclown

sounds about right,

but this whole site is Very strange to say the least. a place where Nukes regularly go off, so they say ive never seen it other then that video fromt he 50's...and when was the last time they tested above ground? those underground areas are HUGE! they could have so much crap unsderground!

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