posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 01:18 AM
By reversing the very nature of the way the brain functions. To put images in the mind continously for a very long period of time, in one form/way or
another that has prevented some, if not most of us from using our own minds. They think and claim to be protecting us but what they really mean is
protecting the mind, but what this really means is to control the mind so as to think in a specific way corresponding to correct images being placed
in the mind. In other words violance, terror and images of everday life as they see it to be.
This is a war of the mind, it has always has been and always will be. Its been like this since before the beginnings of all our times put together.
Including the ones of those who are currently in control right now. Many of them laugh and mock us like children playing a game, "only the grown ups
can know about or understand." And yes they view you as children.
This war cannot be won by guns or violence. No, this is a war that can only be won by the individual and their own thoughts. I don't look at things
objectively and I would soon rather fail at life than to corrupt my mind with images blocking me from myself. Aside from that, I was built to be like
a machine and seem to be on par with certain people, not to brag but to emphasis my decisions. This goes for a more personal side for me and I also
see this as a personal message to all layers of myself and anyone who might be interested in what I have to say.
Anyways, its not easy for me to discuss things that most people would save but a sliver to understand of. For this is not for them and it is for you
which im speaking to directly. You will know who you are when you read it. I'm not trying to behave in a way that is contradictory to what im
saying or believe. I'm just simply stating the truth of life in general.
Its not so easy to get from point a to point b but when you forgot which way to go then you may never get there or you may never know when you did
until much later. Anyways our thoughts are captivated by so many things that we have dangling above us, that we forgot what or how to think as the
way of thinking bores through your mind. Alot of our celebrities are extreme candidates for what is going on as a very much prime example for you to
follow, and ya im including all the drug use and mostly dirty publicity crap aswell. If that isn't enough our parents and the people in life will
help mold you and finish the job. Most people know this, its something eles that people dont know/understand yet. Is there anything beyond this way
of life? Well there just so happens to be. The fact of the matter is that many of these leaders have already understood this and have been thinking
totally different than anyone intentionally since the beginning.
So everything that you see as life, the way its layed out and structured. From movies and tv all the way to everyday life, buisness, the justice
system, school system, everthing just as it is. Most of all of this is just in the mind. This is what you view to be reality, but infact is nothing
more than a set of images placed infront of you to block you form using your own mind. All that is and was created to be seen and operate according
to man is a lie. This is why they dont tell you and laugh at it, these people who created and control this world have dedicated themselves fully to
this task dont falter for a thought not. It has been like that since past the ages, spawning back to rome, egypt, and beyond.
Its not that you dont understand, its that they teach you something completely different and leave you empty minded from the truth and blank/dull from
true reality. It puts a dampen on thoughts/emotions/memories and the most of us do it for them by ourselves the way we were taught. So when you
talking about the real things or truth people cannot connect with or understand it. The control goes all the way to language and speech. We are
inherently more intelligent than most people think and that even concepts greater than the speech can teach us. This is what they have been holding
away from you, and protecting you from. Your own thoughts. This is how they control and run society. By making us believe in the biggest lie in
human history. Once you know and it hits you for the first time, its can become amazing and maybe even frightening, but know that there is a greator
force out there and it is not a lie, and you are apart of it, even if you dont know it.
Rest assured of that, we are being watched and not by our rulers. We are being watched and surveyed in more than one way. For one purpose only, to
activate yourself. To awaken the spirit/god mind/heart body/soul into your realm of understanding. This is the true way which we are supposed to
function and do function. mind connect to heart, then heart connects to soul, and soul connects to body which they are all connected to god. Its
interesting to note that the body comes last in the transmformation completion. You wont feel anything in the body until you follow the steps. So
this causes most and many people to feel absoutley nothing from trying lots of different things and none of them just work, and this can be
frustrating and lead to complete spritual anorexia. See this causes the mind to stop seeking aswers. But in true reality, you are actually allowing
your non-patience and ego settle in, coupled with your thought corruption from seeking the spiritual answers. But thats not so much happening anymore
these days its becoming more clear. To connect the mind to the heart for example, one must then think how it would be possible to connect to the
heart, then one should feel for an answer and try ones best as to think only heartfelt thoughts and thoughts that you feel based in your heart or core
of soul feeling as I call it. Once this is accomplished one shall notice changes in the heart and the way of feeling and thought and you can begin to
pray and affirm the love that you are witholding and prey to express it as you wish and do your best at expression. Then and only then you are
speaking from your heart from the mind and they start more now to work in tangent together. Then one will notice spirit/god connecting with them from
deep inside layers of love and truth. Self realization will begin and thought pattern change occurs at this point. I can say for people who are not
ready will become frightened and feel empty.