posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:46 AM
Well I've written alot of fiction stuff in my time, but I used to post alot on the Guardian's (British Newspaper) Secondary School website, and also
edited a local magazine for a bit too.
I'm also taking Alevel English lit, and currently studying GCSE English language, (with a straight A record I might add
As for connections I might have, perhaps with our county papers' but I don't know if that'd be of any use.
I believe we're supposed to U2U you but I don't really know if I'll fit your critera
P.S - Please ignore typing errors that may make me look a fraud...
And as for charities...I can think of no other more worthy (in my opinion anyway) for this than the
NSPCC. Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP.
Denying Ignorance for this charity saves lives.