posted on Nov, 21 2009 @ 10:29 PM
Impossible to answer in simple terms.
Some of these topics are too vague or broad. For example, UFOs. Obviously there are things in the sky which haven't been identified. Of alien
origin... I haven't seen any evidence indicating such is the case. I definitely think there's intelligent extraterrestrial life elsewhere in the
universe, but I don't see much plausibility in the claim of government alliances with them.
Others have a kernel of truth which is undeniable from any angle. 9/11, for instance, was a conspiracy no matter how you view it. Either a conspiracy
of government to raise a false flag, or a conspiracy of religious fanatics bent on fighting "the infidel invaders"... and all points inbetween.
Including the conspiracy that 9/11 did happen as described in the official story - but that it's being promoted by the government to distract away
from the real conspiracies like Plamegate. Better to appear a devil than an incompetent.
Others still are "open conspiracies", like Intelligent Design and Masonry. The secrets and motivations of both movements and their organizations are
well known - often even proudly admitted. However this doesn't stop some small out-groups from refusing to admit there's very little probability
there's anything deeper buried.
And on, and on, and on... mostly built on simple misconceptions, growing frustrations, and an inflated (rather than mitigated) confirmation bias.
There's even some that are true in ways their proposer never intended. For example, Icke supposes the world is run by an advanced species of
reptilian humanoids in the shape of human beings. This is true, according to the study of cladistics, because our human lineage traces back to an
ancestor which was a division from synapsid reptiles - and we can no more detach ourselves from them than we can detach our lineage from our immediate
parents or grandparents. Though it is evolution which shifts our shape.
So yeah... sorry, but I don't like simple answers or sound bites.