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A call to action or the end of the 9/11 truth movement?

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Donny 4 million

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
going out there and proclaiming that the government did it will
1) draw attention
2) make people think you support someone they view as a vile and disgusting human being
3) make the truther movement either more of a joke or will make people despise it (even more)

i dont see protesting as doing any good for the cause. to say the government did it implies KSM is innocent and therefore should be released. how will that look to people if youre in a group essentially demanding his release?

This is rather silly when you factor in the FACT that the #1 mastermind of the supposed TRAGEDIES was working for the US government.
Not to mention the folks that went to trial for the original bombing of the trade tower complex worked for the FBI.

I agree that there is little sense in standing near the court with a sign.
I suggest waiting to see how good a job the court does before jumping to
conclusions like trebor and so many already have.

Why not prepare and submit a friend of the court brief that fully outlines all the factual errors in the government's case and offers a full explanation of what "really happened" on 9/11? I would love to see that and then no one has to stand outside the courtroom and look like an idiot.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by ImAPepper

Originally posted by andy1033

i agree with you on this, you do not know what they will do. Plus americans mostly outside new york, may see you as anti american, and call you names.

All in the name of the truth. Yes, public action will do nothing. Step up and contact the representation of KSM. Show THEM your evidence. You all state that it is a FACT that 911 was an inside job.

NONE of you will. Just like I stated on the other 5- 7 threads like this. You will let this man be strapped down onto a gurney, clutching his Koran, then have poisons injected into his blood. His death is on YOUR hands truthers.

What are you going to do?

The deaths and suffering of the men of the USS Liberty and all other false flags perpetrated against Americans is pinned squarely to your beak.
Not to mention the death and destruction of all others connected to those atrocities.
Only a psychopath would wish or consider the gruesome death of another human being even ONCE
without the benefit of a FAIR trial.

That would be like dunking a dirty little bird in scalding water to pluck it's feathers just because it is yellow.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by Donny 4 million

Originally posted by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest
going out there and proclaiming that the government did it will
1) draw attention
2) make people think you support someone they view as a vile and disgusting human being
3) make the truther movement either more of a joke or will make people despise it (even more)

i dont see protesting as doing any good for the cause. to say the government did it implies KSM is innocent and therefore should be released. how will that look to people if youre in a group essentially demanding his release?

This is rather silly when you factor in the FACT that the #1 mastermind of the supposed TRAGEDIES was working for the US government.
Not to mention the folks that went to trial for the original bombing of the trade tower complex worked for the FBI.

I agree that there is little sense in standing near the court with a sign.
I suggest waiting to see how good a job the court does before jumping to
conclusions like trebor and so many already have.

I would love to see that and then no one has to stand outside the courtroom and look like an idiot.

I know I won't be there. Pretty sure you will be.
Probably with a rope in your hand.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:27 AM
Do you recall all the speeches just after 9/11? "You're either for us, or you're one of them..." ?
Not strictly true in logical sense, but didn't FAUX news repeat it and repeat it until the populous had been brainwashed.

You either agree with us, or you're a terrorist. Think about it. Democracy at work.

BTW: Do you still beat your wife?

Either you agree with the invasion of Iraq, or you're a terrorist.
Either you agree with the Patriot act, or you're a terrorist.
Either you agree with the torture, or you're a terrorist.
etc. etc. etc.

Here it is at work. If you disagree with the trial, you are immediately dubbed a terrorist sympathizer (see numerous posts above for proof that FAUX got to some people).

Was this guy tortured? How would that go over with a 'regular' trial?
Who is the judge? I bet he's been carefully picked.

Question #1 at trial:
How did you know that NORAD would be ineffective?

Build a chain from there.....

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Slight problem with your logic. The defense for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et. al., just announced that his clients are going to make a public statement on what happened and why they did what they did. He specifically said they are NOT denying their involvement in the 9/11 attack, they essentially want a public platform to rail against US foreign policy and why that policy is the reason they did what they did. It would seem to me THAT throws all these "inside job" claims into the toilet, right there.

The question is now, if these guys do make a public statement admitting they were behind the 9/11 attack, will the truthers believe it, or will they simply ignore it and declare "gov't disinformation" like they do for everythign that contradicts what they want to believe?

It seems to me that the truthers are so hard core in love with the idea that a secret gov't plot is behind the attack that there literally is nothign on the face of the Earth that will ever sway them away from the which case, their calls for independent investigations are all BS too becuase there's no way they'd ever believe THEIR findings either, if they ruled contrary to the way they'd want them to rule.

Thus, the problem isn't with any secret gov't conspiracy. The problem is with the overzealous truthers who react before they think. We'll see soon enough whether this statement is wrong or not, when/if truthers gather outside the courthouse and picket the trial with INSIDE JOB posters.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 01:04 PM
So, you guys have the information. I will post it here just to make certian you do.

You all have the evidence you claim implicates the United States Government with the 911 Attacks. Contact KSM's attorney and give it to him or this man is certain to either spend the rest of his life in jail, or die.

Scott L. Fenstermaker, Esq
300 Park Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, New York 10022
T: 212-302-0201 C: 917-817-9001 E: [email protected]

Man up!

I will post this in all KSM threads just in case

[edit on 23-11-2009 by ImAPepper]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by ImAPepper

The parade of jackboot lynch mobs must make you salivate like a Asian bird nest builder.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:01 PM
Yeah, I'd love to supply evidence for the KSM trial, but there are three small problems:

1. The defense attorneys are in on this little charade and will not allow any evidence which implicates the Government. They already have their scripts, and if they do not stick to the official bunk, they will be pulled from the case.

2. I do not know the defendant, nor was I an eyewitness to the occurrence, so any evidence I supply will be considered hearsay and be deemed inadmissible.

3. Even if I do have any information which can be considered admissible, what's in it for me? The defense attorneys are getting paid, the prosecutors are getting paid, the judges are getting paid, the media is getting paid...all for spreading their lies and continuing the weapons of mass deception.

Sorry, but not really interested in contributing information for free to a rotten system which has no use for the truth. Maybe next time, though.

Yeah, the blood is going to be on my hands when this guy gets convicted, even though I have nothing to do with spreading the lies which will end up getting this guy prosecuted. Nice try at deflecting to avoid taking responsibility for one's actions.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Nothing you listed would stop you from filing a friend of the court brief. Other than the fear that you may end up finding out you've been buying into a lie.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
Yeah, I'd love to supply evidence for the KSM trial, but there are three small problems:

1. The defense attorneys are in on this little charade and will not allow any evidence which implicates the Government. They already have their scripts, and if they do not stick to the official bunk, they will be pulled from the case.

Ahhh... already setting it up for when they are convicted. Nice job.

2. I do not know the defendant, nor was I an eyewitness to the occurrence, so any evidence I supply will be considered hearsay and be deemed inadmissible.

So, you are admitting that ALL of your evidence is hearsay. thank you, I have been telling the truth movement this for years. Nice job!

3. Even if I do have any information which can be considered admissible, what's in it for me? The defense attorneys are getting paid, the prosecutors are getting paid, the judges are getting paid, the media is getting paid...all for spreading their lies and continuing the weapons of mass deception.

Good job again... you listen to that station WIIFM ? (what's in it for me) You would be keeping innocent people from getting sent to prison for the rest of their lives...or KILLED. You don't care that these men are going to die? YOU have the power to set them free!!

Sorry, but not really interested in contributing information for free to a rotten system which has no use for the truth. Maybe next time, though.

So, for a price you will save a mans life. Such integrity you have sir!

Yeah, the blood is going to be on my hands when this guy gets convicted, even though I have nothing to do with spreading the lies which will end up getting this guy prosecuted. Nice try at deflecting to avoid taking responsibility for one's actions.

Oh, I know what you're about. You may have evidence to free this poor man. You won't though.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

The broken record of lynch mob recordings seems like a relay team of old worn out 78's.
Who the heck would even listen to that scratchy crap.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Nothing you listed would stop you from filing a friend of the court brief. Other than the fear that you may end up finding out you've been buying into a lie.

You see swampy
There is absolutely nothing to keep you and your jack boot buddies from going to most any US International airport and carrying a sign that says


[edit on 23-11-2009 by Donny 4 million]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by jthomas

Neither has Holocaust Denial. But your 9/11 Denial is in the same trash bin of history already.

Thank you for reminding us that all people who are looking for the Truth into 911 and do not buy into the government lies, are all Holocaust Deniers. If you think the truth will be but in a “trash bin”, it will never happened. Thank you for at lease acknowledging there is Truth and it is not your truth, as you just demonstrated.
Never have I seen so many people delighted in seeing the Truth suppressed, unflipping believable.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:32 PM
Thomas Jefferson was a terrorist.

They can label us anything they like until they can only scream it from the interior of a jail cell.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by Joey Canoli

The naive ones will be disgusted by your inaction regarding KSM, and actually looking into counterarguments to the woo. Once they do, the TM is finished.

What is Truth? Do you know what a movement is?


can have a variety of meanings, from the state of being the case, being in accord with a particular fact or reality, being in accord with the body of real things, events, actuality, or fidelity to an original or to a standard. In archaic usage it could be fidelity, constancy or sincerity in action, character, and utterance.[1] The term has no single definition about which a majority of professional philosophers and scholars agree, and various theories and views of truth continue to be debated. There are differing claims on such questions as what constitutes truth; what things are truthbearers capable of being true or false; how to define and identify truth; the roles that revealed and acquired knowledge play; and whether truth is subjective, relative, objective, or absolute. This article introduces the various perspectives and claims, both today and throughout history.

The Truth movement is not called the “lie movement” your logic is distorted don’t you think?

9/11 Truth movement

9/11 Truth movement is the collective name of loosely affiliated organizations and individuals who question the mainstream account of the September 11, 2001 attacks.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7] Adherents of the movement discuss different hypotheses about how the attacks happened and call for a new investigation into the attacks.[8][9][10][11][12][13] Some of the organizations state that there is evidence that the United States government may have been either responsible for or knowingly complicit in the September 11 attacks. Motives given include the use of the attacks to initiate the launch of wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in creating the opportunities to curtail civil liberties.[2] Members of the movement are often referred to by opponents as "truthers,"[14] "conspiracy theorists,"[1][15][16] occasionally as "9/11 deniers,"[17][18] and by neutral and sympathetic writers as "9/11 skeptics."[19][20] Members of the movement hold diverse views on other political issues.

There are million of people who will disagree with you because they looked into counterarguments of the “woo.”

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by The_Zomar
Thomas Jefferson was a terrorist.


Those Brits would have paid highly to have his head on a plate.

Same for Patrick Henry.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by impressme
reply to post by jthomas

Neither has Holocaust Denial. But your 9/11 Denial is in the same trash bin of history already.

Thank you for reminding us that all people who are looking for the Truth into 911 and do not buy into the government lies, are all Holocaust Deniers.

You can't even understand the written word. You are a 9/11 Denier, not a Holocaust Denier.

You still remain clueless about the nature of "denial" and why you are a 9/11 Denier.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by SphinxMontreal
1. The defense attorneys are in on this little charade and will not allow any evidence which implicates the Government. They already have their scripts, and if they do not stick to the official bunk, they will be pulled from the case.

Am I the only one who notices than in one breath these conspiracy theorists say it would only take a handful of people to perpetrate the 9/11 "inside job" conspiracy, and in the very next breath, accuse everyone from NIST engineers to defense lawyers to taxi drivers to the BBC to the boy scouts, of being "secret gov't disinformation agents" for the 9/11 'inside job' conspiracy. Apparently, the only people on the face of the planet who *aren't* connected to the 9/11 attack are Bin Laden and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Some "handful of people"!

The whole 9/11 conspiracy theorist movement has become a runaway train of poorly thought out circular logic.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by jthomas
You are a 9/11 Denier, not a Holocaust Denier.

No one is denying 9/11 happened. We're questioning who did it, something you are apparently incapable of doing for yourself.

You still remain clueless about the nature of "denial" and why you are a 9/11 Denier.

From what institution did you get your degree in psychology, jthomas?

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by jthomas

You can't even understand the written word. You are a 9/11 Denier, not a Holocaust Denier.

Oh, now you are going to spin what you said. Good try jthomas!
So, “name calling” is your debating tool how immature of you. Do you ever have anything nice to say about anyone ?

You still remain clueless about the nature of "denial" and why you are a 9/11 Denier.

You are so far off topic by attacking and ridiculing me.

The tread topic is:

A call to action or the end of the 9/11 truth movement?

Do you have anything useful to contribute to this thread, besides insulting me?

I would like to add that, I believe we should not be so quick to judge these people in NY yet.
There is not enough proof to say they where behind the 911 attacks we are only hearing what the media has reported. We all know the media lies, the FBI has lied, the CIA has lied, we all tell lies, so who are we to judge? Let’s wait and see what the outcome of this trail is going to be.

[edit on 24-11-2009 by impressme]

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