posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 12:24 PM
"Here's 80,0000 a year salary, a new rolodex, and a company card. Your job is to go out there and make he natural health industry look as bad as
possible, in a decent fashion. Oh, and one more thing ... don't blow your cover. Read the fine print if you don't know what that means."
If the TEA party of America can wind up with 4 out of 10 members infilitrating the movement, how prone is an entire health industry to the FDA, WHO is
declaring a solid war on it and our health?
All the training in partisan politics should, to any sane mind, see that Kevin Trudeau is the lesser of two evils even if you are convinced he is
somehow against people living healthy lives. I see the perspective of him as a "fraud" and can't put a finger on what particulars that might entail
: nothing of his claims which I read were "debunked" because he stuck to quite "safe" naturopathic points of education from the two books I read
(Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About, and More Natural Cures ...). Further, the awareness on the FDA was a valuable wakeup call to
millions, and I can attest to him as the person who woke me up to it all five or six years ago! Even from an antagonistic view (which I don't hold)
he is doing far, far more good than harm, even though the FDA would seek to attack his claims.
There's no point even looking at the FDA opinion on those who would oppose the industry rigorously. It's apples and oranges. It's a collossal waste
of your time to try to sift their disinfo. I suggest instead looking at Kevins CURES and research network that he offers on his site if you are
interested - that's what it is, a network of naturopathic understanding for sufferers to not only get the bottom lines on their health, but to
support and promote the health of others.
You go to his website which is "private information" so FDA can't shut him down. The catch? It costs $600 dollars to register/join to get on
his website.
That's for a lifetime membership. Otherwise it's ten a month; I know because my dad's been signed up for years - some of us see it as among the
best charities we could donate to. Lol better than the Elites "Cancer Drives" - what a white-is-black movement. I'm not selling his site for the
money, Kevin nor any affiliate pays us anything except good info. There are more currencies than money in this world!