posted on Feb, 25 2003 @ 03:30 AM
"It doesn't take a brain surgeon, Lupe, to realize that when the U.S. was helping Saddam to power, it was to counter other forces in the region at
the time."
Your talking about Iran I presume......question, why did we turn a blind eye to his genocide when he was at odds with our enemy, and now find his
genocide unacceptable now our enemy is suppressed.
seems to me a clear case of subjective morality.
"It should also go into figuring that Saddam then was not understood to be the power-drunken sicko that he is now."
I beg to differ but it doesn't take a brain surgeon to nip onto the internet and dredge up reports of saddam murdering people before 1983, we simply
didn't care at the time.
"It should also be understood that had all the weak-kneed liberals been heeded back a couple decades ago, the Soviet Union would still be impacting
the world and the scene would be worse than it is now."
Of course, facist nazi gungho red necked racist arse heads would think that......(that is the opposite of a "week kneed liberal" isnt it, I mean
this whole take back ATS thing does allow us to apply equally inflamatory and degrading descriptions to the detractors to our arguments)
"There are still problems that have to be dealt with from the fight against the Soviet Empire, and that is the way it is. Never mind the world is a
better place because we won"
Sorry I don't see the world as being a much better place.....the west seems quite a bit richer.....the middle east, russia, china, hmmmmmm pretty
much everyone we "won" against seems to be in a worse position....or are you suggesting the world refers to the borders of the US?
"just make sure that you whiners throw stones at us because of the eggs that were broken to make the omelette you now enjoy. "
Can you explain that metaphor please, it makes no sense.
Also, please don't muddy arguments by refering to opposing views as "whiners" or "week kneed liberals" remember, your trying to promote a new
objective ATS where such petty childish and insignificant remarks are frowned upon in favour of analytical debate, you gung ho nazi facist red necked
racist arse head.
[Edited on 25-2-2003 by Lupe_101]