posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:44 PM
What is it with this geezer, and i rarely listen to him. All he goes on about is how people are envious of him, lol. He comes on stating on how he is
right on everything, when he hardly ever has been right when what he syas is based on something from his intellect, lol.
How many times have we heard him be wrong, lol.
Without william cooper this guy would be nothing, he was a joke like william cooper showed, and still is. He gets on guests that are never right and
then they go, oh i was right million years ago, i am so great, lol.
I was just bored tonight and just wanted to hear whats going on as i listen every now and then, but man its yet again all how he does this and how he
made the truth movement, he has some big tickets on himself in the truth movement, so why does he need to steal info from anyone else.
Beck and jones are the worst sort of scum for the truth movement period. If you want decent truths, just listen to as many as old william cooper tapes
as you can, and maybe garry bell on sat nights. Most of the truth movement is useless, and they love praising themselves, for being right once in 30
years, lol.
Joke listening to jones.