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MSM Norway at War with AntiVaccine Group.

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posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:11 PM
Okey, this is getting so darn redicules, I have sent mails with pictures of Chemtrails severeal times without as much as one reply.

I have sent them mails about ' Why is Siv Jensen at an Bilderberg meeting' without reply.
And now, this crap, they have made ONE article trying to kill 3 birds with 1 stone..
Makes me mad .. this mad

(Thanks to Pyro for Translated Ver.)
In English Google Translator.

Skeptical of the deaths
Tønsberg-mannen Kjetil Andreas Dreyer (28) er en av lederne av vaksineaksjonen. Tønsberg-man Kjetil Andreas Dreyer (28) is one of the leaders of vaccine action.

—Bevegelsen ble startet på grunnlag av at vi så skremselspropagandaen fra Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI), sier Dreyer til Dagbladet. -The movement was founded on the basis that we saw FearMongering propaganda from the People's Institute of Public Health (FHI), "said Dreyer, told Dagbladet.

Han er ikke sikker på at noen har dødd av svineinfluensa i det hele tatt. He is not sure that anyone has died of swine flu at all.

—Du tror ikke på at 22 nordmenn er døde av svineinfluensa? -You do not believe that 22 Norwegians have died of swine flu?

—Hvor konkret er dokumentasjonen rundt disse tilfellene? -How specific is the documentation about these cases? Vi vet at 1500-2000 dør av vanlig influensa i Norge hvert år. We know that the 1500-2000 die from common flu in Norway every year. Kommer en lege til meg og klassifiserer noe som svineinfluensa, tror jeg ikke noe på det, sier Dreyer. Will a doctor to me and to classify something as swine flu, I do not think anything of it, "says Dreyer.

It is in Norwegian, but what it is saying in short, is that the people in the Anti Jab Group 'also believe in Chemtrails and ET's and UFO's' , all in one article.

I say the ropes are tighning for them and they are using their cards here.
If I knew how to use Google translation, I would, but I dont know how !!

And , they dont believe in the Terrorist attakc on 9/11..

[edit on 20/11/2009 by ChemBreather]

[edit on 20/11/2009 by ChemBreather]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by ChemBreather

Just go to google.translate .com
pop in that URL and click translate from Norwegian to English.
Interesting read, I really hate how they group anti-vaccine with UFO and ET believers. Typical behavior to try and strip any credibility to the anti-vaccine movement.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by nepafogo]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:21 PM


Here's the google translation into English:
Dagblade t Article Translated

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 01:22 PM
yes I read this just yesterday,this is just TYPICAL..typical media ->

(Dagbladet) "People's Action" now want to scare you from taking vaccines, making money on the highly controversial options, and have their very own theories of disease epidemics and the world is.

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