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Quarantine, POD's, and Mass Vaccination

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:24 PM
Why did US census workers record GPS locations of American homes this past spring?

Why did the US House recently introduce a bill to require employers to pay employees up to five days of sick leave for H1N1 sickness?

What’s behind Great Britain’s push to install 20,000 CCTV cameras in citizen’s homes?

£400 million ($668 million) will be spend on installing and monitoring CCTV cameras in the homes of private citizens. Why? To make sure the kids are doing their homework, going to bed early and eating their vegetables. The scheme has, astonishingly, already been running in 2,000 family homes. The government’s “children’s secretary” Ed Balls is behind the plan, which is aimed at problem, antisocial families.

Simply put, quarantine. I’ll explain further in a bit, but first let me review a few things.

There are 72 military/ police/ private corporation "fusion centers" in the US.
These are the centers that coordinate information between the military, police, health departments and private corporations (most likely telecoms). One of their tasks is to operate in health emergencies.

There are 72 cities in the Cities Readiness Initiative. The CRI uses this Rand paper:
as its blueprint for mass vaccination (it says "antibiotics" but the paper explicitly says vaccines also - don't want us catching on too easily, eh?)


Oct 15, 2008 (CIDRAP News) – The Rand Corp., responding to a request from the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), recently unveiled a set of proposed standards for cities to use as they establish plans to distribute antibiotics to the public in the event of a bioterrorist attack or other public health emergency. The 133-page technical report, which appears on Rand's Web site, covers four main topics: the number and location of points of dispensing (PODs), internal POD operations, staffing, and security. PODs are places where members of the public would go to receive antibiotics or other countermeasures in an emergency. The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 requires HHS to develop performance standards for public health preparedness, and the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) asked Rand to develop the proposed standards, according to the report. The standards are geared toward 72 cities that take part in the federal government's Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI), a program launched by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2004 to prepare major cities and metropolitan areas to distribute antibiotics from the Strategic National Stockpile within 48 hours of a federal order to release them.

You might recall hearing about CIDRAP due to its director, Michael Osterholm, being one of the principal cheerleaders of swine flu vaccination.

The list of cities is here.

Areas not in the metro vicinity of the 72 have developed different strategies for their communities, including POD’s (point of dispensing) clinics that operate from buses driving from house to house, drive-thru clinics, mailed meds, and individual POD’s for gated communities, private corporations, and schools.

A good primer on what POD’s are like :

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:32 PM
also check out the instructional POD “game”

You are about to be transported into the middle of a drug dispensing center with all the distractions of a frightened and confused public. Stay calm and focused as you get as many people through the center as possible.

The CDC is only the creator of the plan, not the one who implements the plan. That is mainly up to the states, and most importantly the city and county health departments.
Therefore, the National Association of County and City Health Departments (NACCHO) is an important group in this plan.
From their website is this overview of quarantine from the SARS events from 2003.

The purpose is to get the “best practices” of the countries involved in it and utilize them for themselves.

C.3.2 With the exception of those contractually entitled to paid sick leave, employees in the U. S. are not eligible for income replacement due to quarantine under any federal or state law. Providing income replacement for employees and self-employed persons is essential to ensure a high rate of compliance with quarantine.

This is why the bill was introduced to give sick leave to workers – to ensure a high rate of compliance with quarantine.

Also, we learn that in Canada’s situation, teens and health care workers were the most likely to violate quarantine.

The vast majority of people under quarantine in all of the countries obeyed requests to stay at home without requiring a court order. Some individuals, however, attempted to escape their confinement, and a variety of means were needed to ensure compliance. For example, in Singapore, three telephone calls were made per day to the home of each individual in quarantine to confirm that the individual was there. People who were known to work at night were called at night. Electronic cameras were used to verify that people were at home, and people in quarantine were required to take their temperature on camera. Anyone initially violating quarantine had an electronic tag put on his or her leg (there were 26 cases). In all of the countries, police officers were charged with locating and confining individuals who violated quarantine.

Here we see that cameras are used to enforce quarantine, hence the antisocial families in UK getting the CCTVs.

And this confirms US intentions of using telephone calls to enforce quarantine:
Public Health - Seattle & King County (Public Health) is forging new ground by creating this Toolkit to help local Public Health jurisdictions develop the capacity to respond to events that may require large-scale isolation and quarantine. The purpose of the Toolkit is to help your jurisdiction save time during your planning process. This Toolkit is designed as a guide, not a substitute, for the collaborative planning process that each health jurisdiction must undertake with its wide cast of community response partners.

This pdf is their recommended template for isolation and quarantine:


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:34 PM

4. Activate the Isolation and Quarantine Response Center (IQRC) to support the needs of isolated and quarantined persons. 5. Through the IQRC (For more detail on activation of IQRC, See Appendix C, “Draft IQRC Operations Manual”): a. Develop a schedule of daily check-in calls for each individual under isolation or quarantine b. Verify that the individual is at a specified location and monitor their health status. c. Continue conducting daily check-in calls with each individual until they are released from isolation or quarantine. d. Record information gathered during check-in calls on a standardized form and enter information into a database. e. Respond to irregularities such as changes in health status and failure to respond to call(s) [e.g., request law enforcement or Public Health staff drive by; make contact with the patient’s health care provider, personal contacts or employer, etc.]. [NOTE: If repeated attempts to locate individuals subject to isolation or quarantine, including telephone calls and site visits, are unsuccessful, coordinate with the Public Health Incident Commander, Public Health Public Health-Seattle & King County I & Q Response Plan Legal Team, and the designated Disease Control Officer regarding the need to pursue involuntary detention].

"a. Develop a schedule of daily check-in calls for each individual under isolation or
b. Verify that the individual is at a specified location and monitor their health status.
c. Continue conducting daily check-in calls with each individual until they are
released from isolation or quarantine."

Hmm, how could they check if people were staying at home if they have a cell phone?

Via the fusion centers access to telecom company data, they can track your location. And since the census workers entered the GPS locations of your house, they can compare the two to see if you are complying with quarantine.

Overall, the scale of the operation is too large to do a lot of involuntary detentions. It seems that at first, people will be confined to their houses, food will be delivered in some fashion to the community or individuals (like I’d trust that…) If people violate quarantine, then the police are called out to arrest you and send you to a “non-healthcare facility”.


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