Common, thanks to you I have a second thought about Hydrogen Peroxide (HP). In the Lancet article they still had a high death rate, which might be
because of two reasons:
First the HP might have been given only as a “last resort”, when the patients condition was already very serious and maybe beyond repair,
and second,
they might have used a too high concentration of HP, in this case about 3%. If too high concentrated, then the blood gets oversaturated with Oxygen,
and the H2O2 will form gas in the blood-system.This occurs most likely by reacting with the Catalase.
Gas in the system is very dangerous. If you ever had air in the hydraulic brake-system of your car, then you will understand. This causes
complications, so called embolism , which can end fatal. See a case here:
“Ten mL of O2 are released from every mL of 3% H2O2,
and 60 mL of H2O2 was injected; therefore a large
amount of O2 could have embolized to the heart…”
HP can obviously be given orally, see here:
The protocol for 35% drops of HP is here:
It is extremely dangerous to handle a 35% HP solution. I recommend to dilute it down to a 3-4% solution and to adjust the number of drops
For a list of docs using HP therapy and the intravenous HP protocol is here:
They are using a 0.0375% HP solution, which is about 100 times weaker than the solutions which have caused embolic symptoms.
Please notice that the intravenous protocol requires the fine-filtering of the solution before administration. You do not want to inject dust or dirt
into your veins…
In other literature about HP therapy is also the occurrence of a Herxheimer reaction mentioned.
All this is similar to the protocols given by Jim Humble.
I have not found reference specifically against the flu, but the mechanism involved seems to be the same.
If you contemplate this as a possible flu treatment, then let me urge you to get acquainted to the routine, dose and effect of it BEFORE you get the
WARNING: Use only Food grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide for the dilution. Use only distilled water for the dilution.
Do NOT use ordinary 3% bleach or what so ever for intake. They contain additives which are very unhealthy. You might poison yourself!!
“There are two ways to administer hydrogen peroxide for medical
purposes. Both means require a pure grade of hydrogen peroxide
which is something different than one can purchase at the drug store
for topical treatment of sores and wounds. The 3% drugstore hydrogen
peroxide also contains tin and phosphate compounds that are dangerous
to consume either by means of IV (intravenous) or orally.”
I have 1 litre of 35% analytical grade HP, which I will dilute and use, if I am low on MMS. (That might take a while...)
Regarding MMS2:
I think Humble is a little in panic that the FDA might come after him or that CODEX will cut the supply of MMS. Maybe that’s why he stormed forward
with the info. If MM2 works (which up to now is not sufficient documented), then fine. But that’s only for the hard core group of people which
already know that MMS1 is working. If you are a member of that group and concerned about availability of MM1, then that’s the way to go. But for a
newbie, it’s a long stretch.
I have Calcium Hypochlorite to make bleach. It has a long shelf-life, because it does not attract water. But to advertise it as a cure, I don’t
know… There are psychological issues involved.
You are using the stomach like a laboratory container, by mixing the Hypochlorite with water in it. You are creating a mix which is much stronger than
ordinary bleach, and what happens if the dilution-process is not working properly?
If you make a mistake in counting the drops of MM1 into the glass, you will just throw it away. But MMS2 will mix in your stomach, with no way of
knowing whether everything is the way it is supposed to be.
In the stomach is also HCL. Calcium Hypochlorite might react with HCL in a standard textbook reaction to:
Ca(ClO)2 + 4 HCl > CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2 Cl2.
That will produce Chlorine in your stomach, the very same chemical which Jim warns of.
During a CS with worst case scenario vomiting, this mixing in the stomach WILL NOT WORK AT ALL.
I think that MMS2 should not be mentioned during any advertisement of MMS in general. Imagine you are approaching your sick aunty, which has a kidney
infection, by talking about MMS2. Do you think she will swallow a big pill of “pool shock” substance?
And what will the people in Africa think about MMS2?
Most probably something like
“ The white massa has gone crazy: He is telling us to swallow a big dangerous pill, which do me harm if I not drink fast fast water to make the
poison less.”
I stayed more than 12 years in Sub-Sahara Africa so, believe me, he will have a hard time there in the bush.
And don’t forget the MSM (Main Stream Media). They will have a field day with MMS2…
So in all, I think the hype about MMS2 is only affecting the broader acceptance of MM1.
From what I know now, I would choose HP therapy before gulping “pool shock”…
There is some more info from the Cytokine Storm (CS).
A statistical approach to 32 flu fatalities is here:
Picture F is interesting: It shows clearly how the alveoli were completely filled with mucus/pus.
Interesting is the correlation between obesity and death:
Nearly 72 % of all fatalities were having a body-mass index (BMI) of over 30 !!
The BMI is calculated by
Height/length in meters, weight/mass in kg.
Why are obese people dying? Obesity is not necessarily correlated with a weakness of the immune system. You can be fat with a healthy and strong
immune system. But obesity is related to general (un)fitness. If you are fat, then your body is already under permanent stress, because of the
obesity. Add the stress from the CS, and you will die.
In Europe - with a BMI over 25 - you are considered obese.
During a CS with an obese person, the IV liquid bloats the body and might cause the skin to rupture. Then you can see the whitish fat being squeezed
out through the rupture. I will not upload a picture, but believe me, it’s quite ugly to face the Tiger unprepared.
Sports and diet are definitely part of the preparation.