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Obama and G-7 Head of State given UFO/ET briefing documents

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by NibiruWarrior

And that is part of my problem with Greer. He has expressed his displeasure with secrets etc., yet he also harbors secrets from his sources that he will not share with others. As soon as he lost his quest for transparency and began keeping secrets (or charging others to learn his truth) he became part of the problem (imho).

On the surface he appears to have great credibility but it rapidly evaporates as he delves into mystical realms of thought. It is of course very possible that those "black project" people he says he has avoided have in all actuality gotten to him and much of he public persona has been written for him.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:00 PM
So where is the evidence and supporting documentation that was included in the letter that was sent to the president? If he has supporting documentation and other evidence then he should provide it to the whole world.

The information must have been credible and verifiable if it was to be sent to the White House. Otherwise it’s nothing less than self promotion while degrading the Office of the President and those that would support his ideas while he profits from his lies and deceptions.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:02 PM
Here are some comments the day after the briefing was submitted:

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:13 PM
I was going to start a thread about the "threat" of Aliens based on what William Cooper had to say concerning the Top Secret "MAJESTYTWELVE",but found it's been covered here on ATS.

This isn't about aliens as much as the technology developed by Germans during WWII and Nikola Tesla and others. This outside threat will be the reason presented for the necessity of world government,and no doubt,disarming it's citizens.

A little speculating here,as I've often wondered the reason for the Rapture lie. The scenario would be that we would all be under Martial Law if such a thing happens,so no one will be flying planes,driving cars,or doing anything that would make it difficult for them to be "snatched away". Pretty much all of us will be sitting ducks.

Now consider the DHS reports of terrorists...People who oppose One World Government,Christians(especially end-time believers),Patriots,etc and others targeted for extinction. What better ruse to explain their sudden disappearance than the Rapture?

That may not be the case,because someone is going to witness these people being escorted off,if it is by force. Would these rapture-believing individuals be coaxed into going with some "angelic-looking" beings off into some spaceship-type thing?

I don't know. It makes me wonder.

A Clinton White House memo labeled Bill Cooper "the most dangerous radio host in America". Cooper,who believed Clinton to be one of the biggest and most diabloical front men for the NWO,considered Clinton's pronouncement the greatest compliment he had ever received!

That,and the fact thet Cooper was killed in his own home in 2001 under suspicious circumstances,reeks of Conspiracy!

For anyone wanting to read about this and Project Bluebeam,etc...please go here!

(Don't be put off by the "religious" sounding title of that link! This is an article devoted more to Bill Cooper and Science/Technology. You won't be preached to!)

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:13 PM
I've been thinking,

I read the OP, made me think of project blue beam...

thought to myself, yeah probably fake...

then I thought about Edgar Mitchell's testimony, and the deathbed confession of that Roswell guy (no disrespect, I forgot his name) and I thought

hang on, yeah that's right, there's been aliens for ages.

Then i remembered the Sumerian's, ancient Egyptians, ancient dogon tribe, ancient aborigines (Australia) ancient Mayans......etc...early christian artworks....ALL claim the existance of aliens on earth at one point or another in one role or another: typically that of a god.

then it occurred to me,

why not both?

It still works. aliens are real, blue beam is real, both exist simultaneously, blue beam was supposed to artificially bring us together into an imaginary war a.k.a 1984, but perhaps it is a divergent from the actual alien presence also?

then again maybe none of its real....doubtful tho, there's too much logic and rational supporting the theories, it would be unreasonable at this point in ufo/alien research, to dismiss the theories any longer.

the most damning of evidence being that all the necessary technologies for both a blue beam scenario AND ufo's already exist and have for a long time, we even have those space lasers those bastards have been using since the panama deception, all they really have to do is turn around tomorrow and announce the war. makes you wonder whats taking them so long....


posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:28 PM
Day one for a president of United Stated of America does not grant you an access to most utter secrecy in human history; nor will his wish ever be fulfilled on the basis of his curiosity pertaining the subject matter.

Will some of us ever learn and stop waffling about Obama and his administration duties. By most probable chance, the administrations lack of interest in today's gloomy world of politics, reading Greers documents might be more entertaining than a novel to them or a block buster flick.

Thus despite the humorous perception of Greer attempt in the limelight of disclosure; we need to ask our self the following questions; are we qualified enough to judge Greer contribution? If we are, than what information could we sift thoroughly without any delay or exceptions?

Greer might not be a perfect being, or some one that we believe is content with abilities of turning disclosure into a hitherto situation blissfully over night, month or year; however I can assure you that I am not qualified enough nor are my list of pity independent internet sources, public research papers or self made assumption or opinions any effective or suave than of Greers.

[edit on 11/19/2009 by krystalice]

[edit on 11/19/2009 by krystalice]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:33 PM
if there is indeed such a thing as aliens visiting earth then it will be entirely up to them to reveal themselves to us. It will not be in the hands of some lisping quack MD or Obama.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:44 PM
I like where this is going, especially all the posters since my last post. You all are individuals who I feel can contemplate such a topic and debate it properly. I hope that we can all achieve this level of understanding once it does come, if it does...

Makes a nice change from all the misdirection and derailment tactics used so obviously in threads like this... Either that or I think I am finally learning to ignore and more importantly, easily spot, the state-paid replies

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 02:44 PM
The only disclosure that is going to happen is a false flag op to scare everyone into surrendering more liberty.

Of course there are extraterrestrial beings. We shouldn't need a corrupt, bankrupt, criminal cartel like the to validate that thought. Anyone who looks up into the night sky and does a little pondering on the amount of visible stars out there easily comes to the conclusion that, odds are, we are not alone. The thought of Earth being the only place in the entire universe that has life is laughable. I'm sure most here agree, obviously, or they wouldn't be here. If you want "disclosure" then disclose it to yourself. "There are non-human entities here that have more advanced technology than we do."

Said beings posses hyperdimensional tech that generates infinite free energy.

The elites here on earth have that technology too. When they use it, it will not be "for us" it will be "against us".

Giving everyone free, endless energy would destroy their control paradigm overnight. Without a need to buy energy to produce things the need for currency is greatly reduced if not eliminated.

Keeping the peak oil fraud rolling along with the fractional reserve banking crime syndicate keeps everything in check and allows them to maintain power. Without control of resources, power wanes.

It is no accident the Rockefellers own both oil and the Fed. Corner the energy, corner the economic engine = slave population that drives true wealth directly to the owners via fiat currency.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:35 PM
You are absolutely correct.

Although I personally still long for public disclosure, regardless.

I also like the breakdown in your signature

[edit on 19-11-2009 by NibiruWarrior]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by merkaba93
The only disclosure that is going to happen is a false flag op to scare everyone into surrendering more liberty.

Of course there are extraterrestrial beings. We shouldn't need a corrupt, bankrupt, criminal cartel like the to validate that thought. Anyone who looks up into the night sky and does a little pondering on the amount of visible stars out there easily comes to the conclusion that, odds are, we are not alone. The thought of Earth being the only place in the entire universe that has life is laughable. I'm sure most here agree, obviously, or they wouldn't be here. If you want "disclosure" then disclose it to yourself. "There are non-human entities here that have more advanced technology than we do."

Said beings posses hyperdimensional tech that generates infinite free energy.

The elites here on earth have that technology too. When they use it, it will not be "for us" it will be "against us".

Giving everyone free, endless energy would destroy their control paradigm overnight. Without a need to buy energy to produce things the need for currency is greatly reduced if not eliminated.

Keeping the peak oil fraud rolling along with the fractional reserve banking crime syndicate keeps everything in check and allows them to maintain power. Without control of resources, power wanes.

It is no accident the Rockefellers own both oil and the Fed. Corner the energy, corner the economic engine = slave population that drives true wealth directly to the owners via fiat currency.

Got to agree with you on this one, sadly if you look at past history , we the serfs have been lied too and maniplated for hundreds of year if not longer, why would that change now......
But we can always hope that TPTB wont be able to keep doing this as somehow the ETs are able to lift the veil so to speak...who knows...

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by ashflash

I share your sentiments, and I find it confusing as hell. If I could conjecture, I would say that.

1. Like the same way we "quarantine" indigenous peoples, to "let them be", I believe ET's may be giving us time/chance to figure things out on our own first. It is better to teach a man to fish, than give him a fish for a day. It is about US EARNING our evolution to the next level.

2. There may be a small amount of contact between gov't and ET's so as to kind of push the process along a little bit.

3. Any ET;s in contact with gov't entities, may have different motives behind being here, and are not concerned at all whether the general public knows of their existence. These ET's could be considered neutral or slightly malevolent or opportunistic.

4. The other ET's whom wish for us to learn and grow may have a more benevolent aspect for behaving the way they do.

Either way, I do believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Highly advanced life has had time to develop, and is aware of us. I would like to think of them in a manner that relates to guardians. Looking out for our best interests, even if at first glance it doesn't seem that way. Its always been a belief of mine, that, aggressive and dominating societies will most likely destroy themselves before being able to reach the space age.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:14 PM
If the dollar does indeed crash, and everything crumbles...i think we will see disclosure and only because there will be no more special interests or lobbyists for big oil or whatever suppressing the new technology that will be available.

The US needs a reboot...a "restart" button pushed, if you will. That will be the only way.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:32 PM

man, this was already posted by some member 2 weeks ago

its nothing new

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by The Shrike
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I hope Obama doesn't give this jerk Greer the time of day! Can you imagine asking the POTUS, a very busy man with a full agenda of not only U.S. but world problems to deal with actually taking the time to read Greer's long, boring rant?

I´m sure the Secret Service checked the documents for anthrax, and then placed them slightly ajar into a Basket, Refuse, Non-Classified, Type 1, Mark 2.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

I agree with your post. I think your post is the closest to the truth about what is really happening. Especially the American and German government used all the knowledge they could drain from Nikola Tesla from his inventions and patents. The so called aliens is just another term for the ones who have caused trouble and havoc on mankind since time began. The rule was not to mate with humans....but of course....they did anyway and they always teach the offspring the tricks,knowledge, magic and whatever else it takes to be the blue-blooded , divine, illuminated rulers that these...uh...demons tells then they are. So yes...they plan wars, chaos, laws, taxes, economic systems, lies, murder, and even a fake rapture to explain the vanished people they intend to destroy. So...yes....they're back! Run Forest Run! May you all be safe from all that is plotted against the human race, May you have food and shelter.....Pray...and may as many be spared as we are able and Hold on to the end !

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Man that is waaaaay too much to read.
Try 2 post instead of 80 next time.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Atomic
I'd like to see: "by Steven Greer" at the end of the title of this thread...but I guess a little puffery might bring in more responses/views.

Everyone needs to know that this isn't an internally created government document, but one created by Greer to educate Obama on his opinion of the UFO phenomenon.

Exactly - this whole thread is misleading. I can mail Obama a special briefing on zombies. That doesn't mean the briefing has any significance or validity to it. If you want genuine attention rather than hype, why don't you try using an accurate title like, "UFO group gives letter to Obama that he won't read or comment on."

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:15 PM

How to Remove Unwanted Spacing in Text Copied and Pasted from a PDF File

Tip for OP on making a post that doesn't look like it was formatted by a blind man. If you are going to copy and paste from an adobe pdf file, you're going to get spacing errors.

1. paste everything into Microsoft Word
2. Go to the "Find and Replace" option and open it.
3. In the find box, type "^" - no quotes just the symbol that is above the six on your keyboard. This symbol represents paragraph.
4. In the replace box, type a single space using your space bar
5. Click Replace All.

This will remove all the random spacing and leave you with a solid block of text.

Your welcome. Please send me money.

[edit on 19-11-2009 by andrewh7]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 06:19 PM
What on Earth could bring Disclosure forward? The ETs themselves! If there are liaison programs with them there won't be ANY disclosure until they give the green light. So what are we doing here with Greer and Salla? I'm not saying Disclosure won't happen sometime but it's unlikely that this briefing document will make any significant change... Let's hope I'm totally wrong

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