posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:50 PM
You know, I feel like it's right on the tip of my tongue. Like any second, a lightbulb will go off over my head and I'll get it. I have these
"little light bulbs" go off all the time lately. I've been "working" on this for a long time, and I'm starting to realize the truth. Still
I'm afraid to force it, because I think the more you push, the harder it pushes back.
I think that things in this "real life" game are similar to video games. You get into "the zone" and are doing really well, then as soon as you
stop and THINK about what you're doing; As soon as you say to yourself, "OMG I'm doing really well!" That's when I always screw up. Thinking
seems to get in the way of knowing.
So, "I think therefore I am, But..." is it supposed to end one way over another? Do you know the answer? Is there really even an answer? I mean,
Isn't the "answer" different for everyone?
I do appreciate all of the "pushing" that's been going on lately. Any more pushing on your part or any one else's into the right direction is