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The largest street gang in America.

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posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:05 AM
i watched some of it and turned it off, i couldnt watch anymore as it angered me.

i can guarantee you that the police here in northern ireland would certainlyu not get away with that crap.

you americans need to grow a pair and start standing up for yourselves.

some of those cops were complete and utter a holes on some serious power trips, i couldnt believe some bystanders reactions and lack of willingness to intevene.

I really couldnt believe the cop in the drive thru, what a tough guy he must be eh.

come on america you really cant let crap like this go on any longer

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:15 AM
The police are people, and people do these kinds of things. Police corruption isn't out of hand, people are, and unfortunately the police are part of how we control that. The only solution is to change the nature of mankind or accept it.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 09:33 AM
It really is sad to see how out of hand those whose uniforms make them above the law can get... For those who haven't read it, I recommend The Lucifer Effect by Philip Zimbardo. His experiment where he creates a mock prison, picking at random who is a guard or inmate, is disturbing to say the least. It's amazing how quickly those picked to be the enforcers become corrupt and abusive. Some took just 48 hours to go from a few average college guys to the bane of the "prisoners" existence, saying the uniform made them feel powerful, and the "inmates" lowly scum.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:02 AM
Well, to be fair, those who actually go through police academy training and the like do get extensive ethics and proper treatment training as well. Throwing some untrained college guys into a mock prison situation doesn't mean a thing about professionals.

As far as abuse goes, it's just more noticable. Corruption and power-hungery and corrupt people are in every single walk of life. However, the head of a janitorial service is hardly going to get the same attention when he abuses his "power," as a cop would.

The thing that gets me is this. As a whole, people can NOT police and govern themselves. Their personal agendas, prejudiced, bias, and looking out for #1 (you and your family) always screws up the equation. As much as I hear "get them out of office" or "we can police ourselves" or "we don't need police enforcement," I have to chuckle a bit. All I have to do is watch people as I try to check out in the grocery store. Or on the street every day as I go to work. Or be at an event where there are a limited # of tickets, and a lot of people. And I realize that if we got rid of politicians and police, we'd be so screwed... it would be one nasty, chaotic mess.

What really needs to happen is less "protecting their own" for police, and more accountability for those who do screw up. And just get all money out of politics. That would fix a lot of issues.

It's saddening though, that the many many more police that do not abuse their power, do put their life in danger, that do care, that do follow the rules, have to be painted with such a broad brush because the ones that screw up have to have their cases and videos youtubed and blogged across the U.S., and then have people react as if they ALL are like this. I'd never want to be a cop because of this alone.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by caballero

Gee, I thought you were talking about the Democrats!!!

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:10 AM
I knew about all of this but i saw a lot of new vidz.

Thats just astonishing, anyone who can argue against what is seen in the vids is just illogic.

We are in a sad world, not only the US thats for sure.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:12 AM
Oh, please! What a bunch of crap. Stop the whining already. You try doing their job!

You want to complain about the police in this country? Have you EVER been to Russia, China, Vietnam, Morocco, Turkey, Greece? I have. Try complaining about the police in those countries and you'll see what happens to you. Want to get snotty with a cop in Russia? Want to demand your "rights," file a complaint of "police brutality?" You'll get locked up on the spot, no trial, no bail, for as long as 8 months before you are even charged with a crime. I wouldn't even ask a Russian cop for directions--that's how frightening they are and the other countries I mentioned are no better.

The police in this country put up with a lot from ungrateful citizens, drugged out losers and violent criminals. Are there SOME that cross the line, yes. But they are in the minority.

I'll bet when you have an accident or your house gets robbed you don't think twice about calling the police to help you.

I'm totally sick of this police-bashing!

[edit on 19-11-2009 by IamLael]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:13 AM
It was more an observation of human nature, not implying college students are the equivalent of trained LEOs. Training or not, what you know is proper and know you *should* do, isn't always the path of action you follow when put on the spot. They are (hopefully) well trained, and I would never go as far as to say that that experiment sums up every guard/officer there is. I will however say that police officers are only human, and it would be foolish to entrust them to act according to their training and protocols when in a situation where decisions need to be made, and the worst they'll likely get for whatever they do is a slap on the wrist.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by IamLael

so you say that when people get hurt or thier house gets robbed they wouldnt hesitate to call the police. well, that is because thier is no other choice available.

i know lots of people who would rather take things into thier own hands and go out and look for thier stolen goods and kick some ass along the way, but sadly thats just not allowed is it.

i recently read a report in the sun newspaper here in the uk about a girl who did the police's job for them and tracked down her own attacker by spending hours searching for her on facebook

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Is it common practice to get tougher penalties if you do crime agains a officer in duty? In Finland killing a officer in duty is automatically murder, even if the exactly same thing happened while the officer was not on duty, it wouls have been manslaughter.

I think this is ok, but with one thing missing: The officer in duty should have equal heightened responsibility. If he does somethin that is seen unlawful while on duty, his punishment should be much tougher then if he was not on duty. WHY THE HELL DOES THIS NOT APPLY?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by caballero

It's always a tough and disturbing thought. I understand where much of the frustration and mistrust comes from. However, we must also keep in mind that 'GOOD' people do still become cops too. Quite a few of them. Maybe in the bigger cities they are more corrupt.

I have a story that happened yesterday. Nothing major. Just a simple situation where I was in the field up in Michigan. I was parked well off the road. A police officer stopped next to me and I rolled my window down. He asked straight out "Do you need any help?" Not, "Can I see your I.D..." or "what are you doing here...." Nothing like that as many people on this site seem to think is the foremost on the officers mind. Just a simple question of whether I needed help. I told him I was fine and thanked him. He smiled and waved and drove on.

Sure, this is rural Michigan well away from the big city. But it still shows that many of the men and women who choose this brave line of work are actually well meaning hero's.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:55 AM
On a regular basis, we have posts on here about a police officer beating or using a taser on someone. Many of these post do point out outrageous behavior of individual police officers.

My question to all the police haters on this site... What is the alternative?
What is your proposal for a new type of police force? What do you want to see happen to correct these situations?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by northof8

I agree.

That part of the video shocked me the most. I couldnt believe how non-chalant they were, the way they explained tazing the poor guy over and over again then shooting him. They have been trained to report in a certain official way that makes it appear that they HAD to do it. The poor guy was already suffering!! I'm sorry, but if I saw someone suffering like that blood or no blood, I would at least make the guy comfortable while we waited for ambulance to show up.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by caballero

I gotta say i saw most of that and it's pretty damning evidence to say the least....

Especially the footage of the guys asking if they could get a form to fill out a complaint....

gave a s+f for that

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by IamLael
You want to complain about the police in this country? Have you EVER been to Russia, China, Vietnam, Morocco, Turkey, Greece?


I'm totally sick of this police-bashing!
[edit on 19-11-2009 by IamLael]

I think you're right that police abuse their positions in the above countries, and in some of those countries the police exercise power by mandate which most Americans would regard as an abuse of authority. However, I do not see how worse abuses abroad justify the allegations of the above video or those of ATS posters.

I agree that the abuses described probably are in the minority, and, I further postulate that perhaps whenever the law is put into any persons hand, as it is with an officer, these abuses may be inevitable.

The allegation that worries me in the video, is that these abuses are not thoroughly investigated, and there is a complete failure to bring to justice police officers who commit crime, whether on duty or off.

So as long as it is disputed that 'police crime' is covered up, or not investigated; I doubt that we can agree that this behaviour actually is in the minority, as any pending data is corrupt.

And for the record, I DO second guess calling the police, I second guess my behaviour around police, and second guess my words when talking with police. I am not guilty of anything, and I do not know how to justify why I feel this way as I have never witnessed first hand any police brutality or abuse. I do not second guess dealing with other emergency services such as ambulance or fire.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by ulsterman

You are right!

Americans have become ball-less, lazy, overweight, and frightened. Thank GOD at least they got it on video! Im surprised they weren't shaking the camera!

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by IamLael

I bet you didnt watch the whole video, if you did and you still think people are just whining, you are either a heartless individual, or you happen to be one of those cops in the video.... OR BOTH!

I have nothing against Police in general, I'm sure it is a difficult job. But i cant stand the power tripping and the hypocrisy. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:10 AM

Originally posted by KyleOrtonArmy
The police murder innocent black males daily, but of course you don't care until it's a pretty white boy. This country is pathetic!

When I was younger than 15 cops would question me and if they didn't like my answers they would beat me and put guns in my face. Did anybody give a #? No, I'm not white so it doesn't matter. When a black kid commits a misdemeanor you're ready to throw the book at him, when a white kid commits a drug felony you're running around trying to arrange a rehab bed for him. YOU ARE PATHETIC AMERICA. # YOU!

Yep. That's the perfect attitude and response to have.

Give me a break bro. You being singled out and beaten with guns shoved in your face just because you are black is like me being elected president just because I am white. Neither one is going to happen JUST because of skin color and nothing else.
Yes police brutality exist. Yes some police officers abuse their power. Yes there is still racism in America.
I know these things. I haven't turned a blind eye towards this type of behaviour.
But you know what?
For every abusive cop, there are 1,000's more that aren't.
For every racist person, there are MILLIONS more who are not.

A big chunk of that video was about police corruption in Chicago. Well then obviously, SOMETHING needs to be done. There needs to be an independant investigation and punishment needs to be administered. However, the actions of a Chicago police officer has nothing to do with a police officer from Pumpkin Nuts, Arkansas or Los Angeles, California.

You can not judge the character of all by the actions of one.

This country has lost some very important foundations in society -
Respect For Your Fellow American: When is the last time you said Yes Sir/Ma'am, No Sir/Ma'am, Please and Thank you to a stranger? When is the last time you held the door open for a starnger? When is the last time you Smiled and said Hi to a stranger?
Responsibility for Your Actions: When is the last time you stood up and admitted wrong doing, even if it meant you would be punished?
Society Before Self: When's the last time you checked on a sick, elderly, or poor neighbor to see if there was anything you could do for them? When's the last time you offered to help someone else who needed it?

America USED to stand for these things, but as time goes by these ideals are becoming harder and harder to find in society.

Today, we would rather spend $70,000 on a new ski boat for ourselves instead of helping the family next door that is struggling to keep their children fed and clothed.

Crime is not the result of an individual that has failed society.
It is the result of a society that has failed the individual.

Think about that and understand it.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by Wildbob77

My question to all the police haters on this site... What is the alternative?
What is your proposal for a new type of police force? What do you want to see happen to correct these situations?

Mandatory anger management class for all cops, especially before being hired.

Mandatory classes on how not to use cuss words at the people they are dealing with. Ethics and manners should we say.

Have to visit psychiatrist 4 times a year.

So far, I haven't thought of a way to get the good cops to help weed out the bad ones.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
reply to post by northof8

I agree.

That part of the video shocked me the most. I couldnt believe how non-chalant they were, the way they explained tazing the poor guy over and over again then shooting him. They have been trained to report in a certain official way that makes it appear that they HAD to do it. The poor guy was already suffering!! I'm sorry, but if I saw someone suffering like that blood or no blood, I would at least make the guy comfortable while we waited for ambulance to show up.

Yes, it seems everyone missed the point on this one. The cop said he was afraid of the blood. He actually said that.

The guy was sitting there in shock and instead of calling EMS they forced him to lay in the grass. The guy was burned and he had blood all over him. This is what the cops say. They then tased him for not moving on his own. The guy was burned and bloody. I am very pissed about that.

If the cops can't understand when someone may be in shock from the obvious wounds this guy had they need more training. An officer review board cleared them. That's like putting the fox in charge of the hen house.

These two cops deserve a couple of well placed bullets. They are domestic enemies to those citizens in their jurisdiction. "All enemies Foreign and Domestic is what it says..." I hope they get theirs...

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