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The largest street gang in America.

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posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:01 PM
I know most of you are paranoid and think everyone is out to get you and all, but I've have yet to meet a " BAD COP ". I've met one or 2 that are douche bags,but in no way considered bad.

I only one time had to file a complaint on a cop and he was immediately suspended with out pay and than moved to another location. I ran into him a few months back and he shook my hand and thanked me for helping him manage his anger with the complaint. I even took him to lunch too.

I just think it's hypocritical and a little childish to start jumping up and down and screaming like kids over a few bad apples, when most cops are decent LEO's that have an already tough job to do and half of the time they can not do what needs to be done or won't do it due to fear of suit and job loss.

I protest weekly for a national group ( not against cops ) and we have never once had a problem with police. They have always been kin and fair and they have flat told us they support our cause and our right to do what we are doing so please knock off the crap and stop lumping all cops into one pile. It just makes you look like you need to see a mental health professional.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:11 PM
Wouldn't it be best if we as citizens kept an eye on the local police and let the public give them either affirmation or condemnation based on their behavior? I have a video I shot about five years ago that shows the tail-end of a police chase that ended right outside my apartment. I have to wonder if chasing the perp was the best idea as the car crashed in a crowded neighborhood and a crowd quickly developed. I have good shots of the suspect screaming and carrying on and such, but I would have to find a way to obscure him if I made the video public. Would this video be interesting to anyone here? I could edit it and post it on YouTube.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:22 PM
The thing about cops (and military) is how could you spend your whole life enforcing someone elses rules? Cops never made the law. They just enforce it. They're hired goons with guns paid by our tax dollars to put us in jail and tattle to judges. The cops no longer "protect and serve" the people because the people no longer make the laws. They protect and serve their masters.

So imagine you're a babysitter and the mother of the kid tells you all these crazy, illogical rules that the kid has to follow. You, the babysitter, are being paid to enforce someone else's rules. Just like cops! They're no more than society's baby sitters. Now imagine if the mom gave the babysitter a gun. Pretty dangerous eh?

Don't get me wrong. Some cops are cool. But I think a lot of them start out thinking they help people but end up disillusioned and angry at the role they play in society. This is why they lash out when someone questions their relevance to society ie. # the Police. They know they don't protect and serve anymore. They know they're paper pushing, gun toting puppets of the man. This is why they lie for each other, hide behind the blue wall of silence. Its because cops are the only people that can understand cops. They put themselves in an awful position between their neighbors and their leaders then lash out at their neighbors when we call them out on it. That's why the kid got tazed 19 times. He told the cops what they already know and they dont like to be reminded of it.

Cops have chosen to make the common person their enemy. They work 40 hours a week to put poor people behind bars. Crime is a result of poverty. Cops can't stop crime. They're merely society's bandaid.

Police will show their true colors if martial law is ever declared. They will each make a decision to either use their power for the good of humanity or to spread evil and misery of their masters. Can't wait to see what happens.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:30 PM
not only that but I've also heard many times that people with above average IQ's (anything over 100) are not chosen to be cops. Is this because they will question where the authority to taze children comes from? Is it because people who think less love less? Or is it because being a cop isn't all glamour and car chases but mostly paperwork and beauracracy?

My brothers and I have been told by cops in our family that we're too smart to be cops. I didn't get it when I was a kid but now I think I do. Cops are supposed to think too much. If they did they wouldn't want to be cops anymore.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by agentofchaos

Were you there at the time of any of these occurances? I'll bet you my meger little paycheck that you weren't, were you? I didn't think so. You have no idea what put the police in that situation for them to arrest those people. If you did nothing wrong, then why wouldn't you give them your name? What are you hiding? Give them a statement, give them your name, let them know what you saw. This is why crime is getting out of control. Because people decide to turn a blind eye to crime.

Perfect example happend to me 3 weeks ago, I was pulling up to my townhome and as I pulled up to gentlemen were doing a drug deal. The buyer rolled away in his car, and the seller headed back to his truck, but not before I told him how I felt. I put it real simple to him "If I see you selling drugs here again I will KILL YOU, now get the # out of my neighborhood" I didn't need the cops, because I handled it myself. The cops deal with murderers, rapists, child abusers, people that don't have a 2nd thought about killing them, me, or YOU. Believe it or not the Police are not out to get you, LOL. You people make me laugh

Great morals you have there. Murder is OK but don't take any illegal substances.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 05:28 PM
reply to post by daddio

That was the most ignorant post I've ever read while on ATS- Congrats

The Sheriff is not the Go to guy

The sheriff = county
police dept = city
some other municipalities also of police

then state troopers = state

Stop being so paranoid, either your doing illegal stuff and have a reason to be paranoid, or you need to go sit down and talk with an officer sometime. Walk up say hey, i have a question, my "friends" are paranoid... do you....?

The End... Youd be surprised what you learn

And gangs are not created by the CIA, they are created by poverty and ignorance.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by rjmelter
reply to post by daddio

That was the most ignorant post I've ever read while on ATS- Congrats

The Sheriff is not the Go to guy

The sheriff = county
police dept = city
some other municipalities also of police

then state troopers = state

Stop being so paranoid, either your doing illegal stuff and have a reason to be paranoid, or you need to go sit down and talk with an officer sometime. Walk up say hey, i have a question, my "friends" are paranoid... do you....?

The End... Youd be surprised what you learn

And gangs are not created by the CIA, they are created by poverty and ignorance.

Sorry but you are incorrect. Watch Sheriff Richard I. Mack on youtube. What YOU do NOT understand is that the Sheriff is an ELECTED official, Cops are NOT. THEREFORE, he must abide by HIS oath of office and PROTECT and DEFEND the individuals RIGHTS. Cops need not do this as they do not file an oath of office, they are impersonating an officer and can be arrested by the Federal Marshals for this infraction.

The Sheriff, even if he is only of the county, actually has the ultimate authority, EVEN OVER THE STATE. Period, that is a fact.

Also, my father was a detective on the local force and I sat and listened to a half dozen officers in my kitchen when I was a kid, I attended law school till I figured out what a scam it is. The BAR? British Accredited Registry? Traitors, every one of them, lawyers and attorneys and judges that is.

Sheriff's are the true American heros. Again, I will ask for the county Sheriff every time, cops are under-educated morons. There is only ONE Common Law, "thou shalt NEVER infinge on anyone elses property, rights or liberties, EVER."

All "law schools" today teach corporate law, nothing to do with sovereigns. YOU ARE WRONG. And this is the problem. Common Law is the ONLY LAW.

It's all about revenue generation and control, sad really. Look up property rights, I have a right to use my property any way I wish so long as I harm no one and damage no property, automobiles included, WITHOUT state or local INTEREFERENCE, licenses are bull# as is registration, what a joke, all a corporate plan to STEAL our wealth and freedom, wake the hell up already son.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by daddio]

[edit on 20-11-2009 by daddio]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:06 PM
It would've been nice if the guy identified himself to the officer. That way, we could see if he would have received the complaint forms.

Bottom line is that cops have been doing this to minorities for decades and none of you bothered to raise a hand.

The fact that it's happening to white people more and more should be taken as a slap in the face to all of you who didn't care about other people being mistreated. Welcome to the land of injustice. A land most of my people have lived in for centuries.

Certain groups of people are funny. They will shrug at the site of people being lynched, hanged and raped for hundreds of years. But as soon as a white guy get's tasered a few times, they want to cry injustice.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by juzchilln]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by juzchilln

BTW, you ARE required to identify yourself.

Actually, if you DO identify yourself you are waiving your 5th amendment rights, what don't you get here. Self incrimination, guilty until you PROVE your innocent.

You DO NOT have to identify yourself, you have commited NO CRIME as there is no injured party or no damaged property, unless you beat someone or damaged someones property.

Again, this is why you demand to speak to the Sheriff, he knows the actual law. Only he will work to protect your rights if you know how to talk the language. Speak clearly and specifically, you need only give your first name, NOT full name, and your last name doesn't matter as it is the "family" name, this is where we all went wrong. We give them our "STRAWMAN" name and then it is all corporate shenanigens from there.

There is a book "You and the Police" by Boston T. Party, I know funny name, and he is mostly correct. Cites many cases in there. Know your rights.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by agentofchaos

Were you there at the time of any of these occurances? I'll bet you my meger little paycheck that you weren't, were you? I didn't think so. You have no idea what put the police in that situation for them to arrest those people. If you did nothing wrong, then why wouldn't you give them your name? What are you hiding? Give them a statement, give them your name, let them know what you saw. This is why crime is getting out of control. Because people decide to turn a blind eye to crime.

Okay, Mr. Concerned Citizen, read my previous post. yes, I was there... And obviously you are a minority, not only on this board, but everywhere. Most people A) have done some thing wrong in the past and B) don't consider kissing pigs' (I'm sorry officers) toes to be beneficial to their community.

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by agentofchaos

Perfect example happend to me 3 weeks ago, I was pulling up to my townhome and as I pulled up to gentlemen were doing a drug deal. The buyer rolled away in his car, and the seller headed back to his truck, but not before I told him how I felt. I put it real simple to him "If I see you selling drugs here again I will KILL YOU, now get the # out of my neighborhood" I didn't need the cops, because I handled it myself. The cops deal with murderers, rapists, child abusers, people that don't have a 2nd thought about killing them, me, or YOU. Believe it or not the Police are not out to get you, LOL.

A) First of all, did this man bother you? Did he try to kill you or steal your meager paycheck? Then why are you bothering him and trying to steal food off of his table?
B) What the hell is wrong with you, man? You threaten to kill someone who is simply meeting a demand? There is NOTHING WRONG WITH SELLING DRUGS! People have always used substances to change their mind-state, and they always will, as long as there is a demand (and trust me - there ALWAYS WILL BE A DEMAND), someone must make with the supply.
C) there are so many things wrong with your "story," It makes me sick to think that you are a real human being.
D) You could never grow the balls necessary to kill that poor man. People like you make me sick, Mr. Concerned Citizen.

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by agentofchaos

You people make me laugh

I don't think any words are necessary for this last one, you self-righteous motherlover.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by earthdude

I doubt I would actually kill him. But guess what? He hasn't been in my neighborhood for the last 3 weeks.

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by earthdude

I doubt I would actually kill him. But guess what? He hasn't been in my neighborhood for the last 3 weeks.

Congrats, he is selling drugs one street over. But seriously, what did he do to you? I understand if he sold you some powdered milk saying it was heroin. Or oregano saying it was pot. But what did he sell you that you must persecute the poor man?

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:36 PM
delete delete delete... delete thanks

[edit on 20-11-2009 by obamalivechat]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 06:37 PM
mods delete post thanks

[edit on 20-11-2009 by obamalivechat]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 07:23 PM

Originally posted by MuddyWater2Wine

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by earthdude

I doubt I would actually kill him. But guess what? He hasn't been in my neighborhood for the last 3 weeks.

Congrats, he is selling drugs one street over. But seriously, what did he do to you? I understand if he sold you some powdered milk saying it was heroin. Or oregano saying it was pot. But what did he sell you that you must persecute the poor man?

Okay, that's great, it's not happening right outside my living room window, which it literally was. He was standing in front of my house, on MY PROPERTY, MINE as in I PAID FOR IT. I didn't give him permission to sell drugs from my front yard, so that's why I was so upset. I could care less if he sells drugs, but don't do it from my property, or around children, they do learn from what they see. Go drive your ass into the ghetto and sling your drugs there. He didn't sell me anything, because I'm not a drug user.

Why did you call me a minority? I'm an early 30's caucasian middle class male. What's my ethnicity have anything to do with others committing crime in my neighborhood? None what so ever.

You keep claiming to the drug dealer as "poor", I can assure you he was not poor. The buyer was driving a tricked out cadilac, and the seller was well dress. So maybe he's an educated dealer who's done his homework and become successful in the "Narcotics" business, again, great, just don't do it from my front yard. I do have a Constitutional right to protect my property, and I also have the right to legally carry a firearm, which I will be doing as soon as I get my permit. Not because I think I'm a badass, or I want to scare people or I want to opress them, not at all. I love people and I still believe in people to one day stand up for their beliefs. Until I left home I was raised to stand up for what I believe in, well I'm standing up.

I'm not trying to start a bigger dick match here with you, but I've served in Iraq and have experienced combat. Would I just walk up and shoot average Joe? Absolutely not, but when they use my property to conduct their illegal business, I feel I have a right to protect what's mine, to a certian extent. Did I need to make that threat to the drug dealer? Probably not, but my anger kicked in.

I absolutely love America, it's my home. I joined the military to protect this Beautiful Land, and her people such as yourself. I can't say I agree with your point of view, because I don't understand why you want to let crimimals break the law. Seriously man, doesn't it piss you off when crimes comes knocking on your doorstep?

I truely wish the people of America would stand up against crime instead of being scared. Because I would say 50% of the public and this is probably low, would just say, "oh, let the police handle it." Oh, but then wait a minute, cops are BAD and their America's largest GANG!, Oh wait, what? I'm hearing a contradiction about police, holy #, I think I am.

What I'm saying people is stop being afraid of crime, fight the crime, let's take back OUR streets, stop being OPRESSED BY CRIME!

[edit on 20-11-2009 by mazdaboy2005]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by MuddyWater2Wine

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by agentofchaos

A) First of all, did this man bother you? Did he try to kill you or steal your meager paycheck? Then why are you bothering him and trying to steal food off of his table?

B) What the hell is wrong with you, man? You threaten to kill someone who is simply meeting a demand? There is NOTHING WRONG WITH SELLING DRUGS! People have always used substances to change their mind-state, and they always will, as long as there is a demand (and trust me - there ALWAYS WILL BE A DEMAND), someone must make with the supply.
C) there are so many things wrong with your "story," It makes me sick to think that you are a real human being.
D) You could never grow the balls necessary to kill that poor man. People like you make me sick, Mr. Concerned Citizen.

Not being a total moron, I don't want dealers working on my streets, and I applaud any effort to scatter them like roaches. You want to imbibe? Score on your own turf, not mine.

[edit on 20-11-2009 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by MuddyWater2Wine

Originally posted by mazdaboy2005
reply to post by agentofchaos

Okay, Mr. Concerned Citizen, read my previous post. yes, I was there... And obviously you are a minority, not only on this board, but everywhere. Most people A) have done some thing wrong in the past and B) don't consider kissing pigs' (I'm sorry officers) toes to be beneficial to their community.

I wasn't referring to this post. I was referring to the cases in question in the video by the OP. Thanks for proving my point you lemming

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 09:15 PM
sorry delete .... my bad

[edit on 20-11-2009 by obamalivechat]

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 09:18 PM
These are crimes against humanity. They lost their humanity; their duty to faciliate GOOD for society.

What really disgusted how that cop described how he continued to tase the guy who was bloodied up and CHARRED in his car. His inability to move was due to the fact that he was in SHOCK.

What kind of retard would tase someone in medical trauma for being non- compliant? His skin was about to sloth off!!!! Oh. my. god. It doesn't take a doctor or a nurse (I'm a nursing student btw), to figure that out. If these cops had half of a brain, they would have just left him alone until medics arrived. But obviously, the lights are on but nobody's home. Then again, the same correlates with the rest of us for allowing all this stupidity to ensue in our society. We pay their taxes!!! They work for US!!!

I am speechless about the woman they stripped naked, and the skate boarders... wtf

posted on Nov, 20 2009 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by doctornamtab
not only that but I've also heard many times that people with above average IQ's (anything over 100) are not chosen to be cops. Is this because they will question where the authority to taze children comes from? Is it because people who think less love less? Or is it because being a cop isn't all glamour and car chases but mostly paperwork and beauracracy?

My brothers and I have been told by cops in our family that we're too smart to be cops. I didn't get it when I was a kid but now I think I do. Cops are supposed to think too much. If they did they wouldn't want to be cops anymore.

Ironic. Several folks in this thread have been posting references to the military and when I was in the army, they actually focused on getting the higher scoring ASVAB recruits into the infantry. In the early 1990s, the infantry MOS (military-occupational-specialty) had the highest average GT score which was basically the meat of the ASVAB test. Why would the army try and recruit the brightest to be combat soldiers? Why not medics or computer programmers? Maybe a little bit of reason and logic in the most chaotic situations could produce more tolerable results.

I cannot speak on behalf of all police officers but many of the members of the law enforcement community I do know are good people doing a thankless job. They are no slouches in the IQ department either. Are there bad apples? Sure, but when the SHTF (as a small few here on ATS seem to pray to the 2012 John Cusack statues for), I think we will see what we are all really made of.


(edit... I almost forgot that many police are ex-military)

[edit on 20-11-2009 by JohnD]

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