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Son of Sydney Opera House Architect Speaks with Richard Gage of AE911T

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posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by beard
Does anyone know the whole scoop on why Gage's wife left him. I know she thought he was completely nuts according to Richard, but has anybody actually talked to her?

There is nothing public regarding it. It's sad that the Truth Movement has ended marriages. Gage had nothing to offer her anyway. He had been recently laid-off from his job when he decided to take his vaudeville act on the road. Hopefully, she has moved on with her life and found a normal, honest man.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Jbird

Please Stop the Personal Sniping .

The Topic...

Son of Sydney Opera House Architect Speaks with Richard Gage of AE911T

the man provides no evidence of inside job whatsoever in the video. what more can 1 say?

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Jbird

Please Stop the Personal Sniping .

The Topic...

Son of Sydney Opera House Architect Speaks with Richard Gage of AE911T

the man provides no evidence of inside job whatsoever in the video. what more can 1 say?

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by ImAPepper

Originally posted by beard
Does anyone know the whole scoop on why Gage's wife left him. I know she thought he was completely nuts according to Richard, but has anybody actually talked to her?

There is nothing public regarding it. It's sad that the Truth Movement has ended marriages. Gage had nothing to offer her anyway. He had been recently laid-off from his job when he decided to take his vaudeville act on the road. Hopefully, she has moved on with her life and found a normal, honest man.

Not only did Gage's marriage end with his nutty, obsessive beliefs, but the maker of the Ultimate Con, Lucus Dradur had a similar story. That guy dumped the love of his life, Vanessa over his paranoid beliefs. He wrote a heartfelt E-Mail about it. Vanessa found another man and he was really depressed, suicidal sounding actually. Leaving Vanessa was the worst mistake he said he ever made. And the thought of her being with someone else was killing him on the inside. And she ACTUALLY is with someone else now.

He said he at least had his cat.

Sometimes I forget truthers are human beings. And I should should back off making fun of them. Having paranoid beliefs which makes one unable to hold a relationship is not something to NOT make fun of.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:19 PM
wow. awesome content in this thread.
i love how many times i had to read "john lear" in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with john lear. the majority of the responses have nothing to do with the video.

i'll start, then.

jan was unaware of wtc7 for a long time. i'm sure that a stupidly large percentage of the population has no idea a third building fell on 9/11. jan remarked that he thought it was a demolition because of the lack of deformation of the tower, and because it fell through the path of most resistance..

here is NIST's simulation of how the exterior of the tower failed, presumably done with LS-DYNA or similiar


and, what it actually looked like:


THAT is what the mighty NIST deems to be "science", and it is the best they could do trying to explain how an over-engineered building (they built extra redundancy in to the degree that a whole floor could be removed without straining the columns) that is 99% intact managed to fall nearly ruler straight in freefall for 2.2 seconds, and in near freefall for the entire collapse of 6.6 seconds.

they blame ONE column failure due to fire. look how many columns were left after the oklahoma bombing, and yet the remainder of the building stood strong.
it has been pointed out to the NIST that their model doesn't fit reality, and yet, they ignore the public scrutiny of their ivory tower "science".

i couldn't find it, but "achimspok", the tireless defender and seeker of truth (watch ALL his youtube videos) measured the penthouse decent at freefall, too, just to head you off at the pass, "debunkers". you can see the wave of destruction go down beneath the penthouse if you watch this "motion detection by subtraction" video.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by billybob
wow. awesome content in this thread.
i love how many times i had to read "john lear" in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with john lear. the majority of the responses have nothing to do with the video.

i'll start, then.

jan was unaware of wtc7 for a long time. i'm sure that a stupidly large percentage of the population has no idea a third building fell on 9/11. jan remarked that he thought it was a demolition because of the lack of deformation of the tower, and because it fell through the path of most resistance..

here is NIST's simulation of how the exterior of the tower failed, presumably done with LS-DYNA or similiar


and, what it actually looked like:


THAT is what the mighty NIST deems to be "science", and it is the best they could do trying to explain how an over-engineered building (they built extra redundancy in to the degree that a whole floor could be removed without straining the columns) that is 99% intact managed to fall nearly ruler straight in freefall for 2.2 seconds, and in near freefall for the entire collapse of 6.6 seconds.

they blame ONE column failure due to fire. look how many columns were left after the oklahoma bombing, and yet the remainder of the building stood strong.
it has been pointed out to the NIST that their model doesn't fit reality, and yet, they ignore the public scrutiny of their ivory tower "science".

i couldn't find it, but "achimspok", the tireless defender and seeker of truth (watch ALL his youtube videos) measured the penthouse decent at freefall, too, just to head you off at the pass, "debunkers". you can see the wave of destruction go down beneath the penthouse if you watch this "motion detection by subtraction" video.

Your post was all wrong. Do you want me to tell you why... or do you want to figure it out yourself?

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by beard

You're definitely going to have to explain because billybob's post makes total sense to me.

Let me guess -- you're going to come up with excuses as to why NIST's modeling was so God-awful.

I'll give you the only excuse you need: because it was WRONG.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by beard

tell me why, lol.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Seeing as how most of this thread is completely off topic, I thought it would be ok to add my own thoughts on the Sydney Opera House (at least I am addressing a part of the thread title)

I ♥ the Opera House, it is one of my favourite places ever!!

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