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Mexican Border City Calls for UN Peacekeepers

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posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Mexican Border City Calls for UN Peacekeepers

Mexico’s business leaders are pleading for the United Nations to send peacekeepers to prevent the border city of Ciudad Juarez from falling into complete chaos. Locked in a deadly war with organized crime, the Mexican Army is unable to protect the safety of its citizens. Will El Paso’s sister city be the first domino to fall in a long line of Mexican cities that are teetering on the edge of lawlessness?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:21 PM
Humm...this is bad news for the city Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, but it could also be bad news to te U.S. Why you ask?

We know already as a fact that Mexican gangs have infiltrated some U.S cities in the border with Mexico, and this could be used as an excuse to allow UN troops into the U.S.

Until now it was only a "conspiracy theory" that UN troops could be sent into U.S. cities with the excuse of "fighting some form of violence." But now that in at least one Mexican city they are asking for UN troops because of the violence by Mexican drug gangs", this could very well spill into U.S border cities.

Let's keep track of this and see what happens.
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 18-11-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:23 PM
BTW, this is also being reported on MSNBC.

and on cbs news it was reported 6 days ago.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:28 PM
I see this going badly for the UN peacekeepers. These Mexican drug gangs will be much like the US chasing the Taliban around Afghanistan...hard to find...hard to differentiate from law abiding citizens...crafty, resourceful "enemy". I don't think they would make it across the border into the US however...We here in the US can take care of our own business.

Just my 2-cents

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:30 PM
I'm not fond of UN Peacekeepers
too many cases or rape... just too many, too too many
especially in Congo

but anyhow
what's with this?

U.S. troops everywhere overseas and UN Peacemakers here?
isn't that kind of upside down?
shouldn't it be the reverse?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:36 PM
No surprise there.

Americas war on drugs is now getting international attention.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

but anyhow
what's with this?

U.S. troops everywhere overseas and UN Peacemakers here?
isn't that kind of upside down?
shouldn't it be the reverse?

Have to agree with you on this one. But I wouldn't want U.S. troops stationed in Mexico.

And what if UN troops are in Mexico and U.S. troops are facing them across the Rio Grande? Would we have the to forces doing "hot pursuits" into the other countries?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:39 PM
It's sort of sad that they don't ask the U.S. for help... because we are almost as poor of a country as they are. Sometime in the future... (Near or Far) people are going to be sneaking over the Mexican border to get out of the U.S... Let's just hope they are as understanding as we are!!!

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia

U.S. troops everywhere overseas and UN Peacemakers here?
isn't that kind of upside down?
shouldn't it be the reverse?

My thoughts exactly.

I think our government wants the excuse to put UN troops here.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that we'll offer to let them base out of El Paso.

Then it will just get bigger from there.

Originally posted by x2Strongx
Sometime in the future... (Near or Far) people are going to be sneaking over the Mexican border to get out of the U.S... Let's just hope they are as understanding as we are!!!

No. They wouldn't be.

Everybody expects the US to do whatever it takes to help others even to the detriment of our citizens.

Very few (if none) welcome others with open arms and free vote buying bennies that come from taxes levied against the citizens.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by badgerprints]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by ModernAcademia
I'm not fond of UN Peacekeepers
too many cases or rape... just too many, too too many
especially in Congo

but anyhow
what's with this?

U.S. troops everywhere overseas and UN Peacemakers here?
isn't that kind of upside down?
shouldn't it be the reverse?

Watch this video here.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:45 PM
I need some help with something I can't quite put my finger on, I'm hoping someone can help me find any similarities between the following:

The War on Drugs
The War on Illiteracy
The War on Terror
The War on _blank_

Note to UN Peacekeepers, if you go to El Paso, be sure to eat at Chico's Tacos.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:51 PM
And earlier this month I saw a video from a woman saying that troops at the border with Mexico had orders to leave the border to leave it to UN troops by the end of november or end of the year... I don't remember which...

Coincidence? We'll see.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 01:00 PM
I don't think it has anything to do with the U.S. looking for an excuse to get UN Troops on American soil. Mexico officials are the ones who asked for UN assistance. Here's a link to a news story from yesterday:
7 yr old Texas boy, Father Shot in Mexico

Juarez has been a drug cartel battlefield for a long time. The city averages 10 murders EACH day.

The Mexican Military can't handle the situation. Corruption from law enforcement, military, and polictical figures has been a cancerous hurdle that these people just can't seem to overcome.

Like another poster pointed out, these drug cartels blend in to everyday society and it's going to be a difficult process to eradicate them and gain control.

Much like the Allied Forces are facing in the Middle East.

UN Peacekeepers are considered unbiased problem solvers.

There's a lot of talk about why the U.S. Military isn't being used to help the Mexico situation. But let's face it, IF the US Military forces were to be deployed to Mexico, it would just be a matter of time before someone on here trumped up an NWO Conspiracy Theory about global domination and warnings of "Canada being next!" would flood the forums.

Crime and corruption in Mexico has been rampant for far too long, and I peronsally agree with the use of UN Troops instead of US Military.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 01:17 PM
The people would howl at the suggestion of UN soldiers instead of their own.So would i.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by ElectricUniverse

What a crock of crap, the Mexican Government has been in bed with the Drug Cartels since it's inception, and now they want U.N. Peacekeepers to come in and save them.

This is nothing more than an excuse to use and abuse the United Nations money, therefore American tax-payers money, to fund what will appear to be a clean-up but will in complete reality will be them wiping out the competition for their dirt business, and it will go right back to business as usual.

For anyone who wants to know what is really going on at the Border, I suggest the following books :

The Underground Empire: Where Crime and Governments Embrace

US Corruption Fuels Mexico Drug War

The Undergroud Empire : Where Crime Embraces Government : Excerpt

The U.N. Exposed: How the United Nations Sabotages America's Security and Fails the World

Amazon Review :

A scorching indictment of the U.N. by a journalist who has done as much to expose the puffed-up incompetents and frauds of Turtle Bay as anyone. -- Rich Lowry, editor, National Review

Eric Shawn has been brave enough to wield one of the first shovels among the ruins of the status quo. -- Christopher Hitchens

Eric Shawn has written a superb book that objectively lays out [the U.N.’s] many faults and failures—a desperately needed step in the right direction. -- Edward I. Koch, former mayor of New York City

Eric Shawn makes a persuasive case that the U.N.... has drifted dangerously astray. -- Rudolph W. Giuliani, former mayor of New York City

Eric Shawn’s explosive book breaks open the world of the diplomatic elite, shows what really goes on behind closed doors and reveals how the international bureaucrats on New York’s East River are an even bigger problem than we ever imagined. -- Sean Hannity

Eric Shawn’s new book is a blistering attack on the world body’s corruption, hypocrisies, greed, ineptitude, scandals and crimes against humanity — and it delivers knockout punches on every page. --

If any journalist can expose the U.N. with wit, style, and common sense, it’s Eric Shawn. He’s a pit bull with a pen! -- Ann Coulter

The United Nations is supposed to be a guardian of peace and goodwill.

Instead, it has degenerated into a corrupt and cowardly organization.

How did that happen?

The U.N. Exposed will tell you It is the best investigative work on the U.N. in print. -- Bill O’Reilly

Operation Gatekeeper: The Rise of the 'Illegal Alien' and the Remaking of the U.S.-Mexico Boundary

Amazon Review : From Library Journal

In October 1994, the Immigration and Naturalization Service began Operation Gatekeeper.

Its goal was to reduce the movement of Mexicans across the U.S. border between San Diego and Tijuana.

Nevins (Berkeley), who writes for the Nation, the Progressive, the Los Angeles Times, and other publications, examines this operation in the context of immigration between these two countries.

A historical account of the United States-Mexico border shows that, up through recent times, the movement of peoples between the two countries was of relatively little concern.

Not until the period of 1970 to the 1990s did political pressures make securing the border a pressing national issue.

In turn, this pressure popularized the concept of the illegal alien.

Operation Gatekeeper itself was developed by the Clinton administration to counter efforts by Gov. Pete Wilson to restrict Mexican migration into California as well as the Proposition 187 movement to deny education, health, and social services to undocumented immigrants.

While the operation did defuse anti-immigrant feelings, it made the crossing much more dangerous and resulted in an increased loss of life.

This work complements Peter Andreas's Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide (LJ 8/00) and Pablo Vila's Crossing Borders, Reinforcing Borders: Social Categories, Metaphors, and Narrative Identities on the U.S.-Mexican Frontier (Univ. of Texas, 2000).

Nevins does a good job of presenting the case, but the result is a narrowly focused work that is most appropriate for academic libraries.

Stephen L. Hupp, West Virginia Univ., Parkersburg Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Drug Cartels in Mexico Part 1

Drug Cartels in Mexico Part 2

Drug Cartels in Mexico Part 3

Mexican Drug War - Narcos Have Corrupted Government Agencies

US Border Agents On Drug Cartel Payroll

[edit on 18-11-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 01:40 PM
What an incredible video, as in incredibly bad.

A lot if unconnected images taken from who knows when meant to stir up emotion.

An unidentified woman, claiming to be in the military, who seems to have trouble identifying military equipment. Neither she or the people she claimed to have talked to at an air force base could identify that the big gray item on the tractor trailer was an external fuel tank for an aircraft and not a missile. Certainly no air force personnel who work around aircraft or their weapons would ever identify that object as a missile.

[edit on 18/11/09 by erwalker]Comments apply to video posted by 12.21.12

[edit on 18/11/09 by erwalker]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by erwalker
What an incredible video, as in incredibly bad.

Neither she or the people she claimed to have talked to at an air force base could identify that the big gray item on the tractor trailer was an external fuel tank for an aircraft and not a missile. Certainly no air force personnel who work around aircraft or their weapons would ever identify that object as a missile.

I agree the video loses a bit of credibility there, but that doesn't mean she is not who she says she is. Reguardless of who she is and how credible she is. What she said about the three percent oathers and troops deploying to Afghanistan in 2010 is a very good point and very alarming.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by 12.21.12]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:01 PM
Personally, I don't like the idea of U.N. troops being deployed and activated in a neighboring country. However, I don't think our troops should be used to go police Mexico either. Now, if Mexico was smart they would allow more of our drug interdiction teams to operate autonomously in Mexico (possibly then with our military backing up our interdiction teams). Other than that, I say close and SECURE our border, with our troops and let Mexico fester in their own mess. And please don't anyone start up the tired old adage of if we let our neighbor go to hell it's only a matter of time for us...BS...Our country is already FUBAR in many regards. Ironically, Mexico's inability to govern itself and our inability to defend our border has aided in our current FUBAR's status.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by 12.21.12
No surprise there.

Americas war on drugs is now getting international attention.

Mexico should legalize & regulate the drugs, turn the cartels into legit tax paying businesses.. the killing stops, the Mexican economy flourishes to the point US citizens are swimming across the border for jobs, and the people who would have been killed in the failed war on unpopular plants can go on happily ever after before dying of old age.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by GovtFlu

Or should United States! Or even just California or Texas?

It's a brave new world.

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