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Galactic Government

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by BenReclused
reply to post by zaper

Hi zapper,

I'm pretty sure I was the one that used the term "catch-22". You seem mighty interested in it.

I'm curious: What would you like to know about it?

Note to Anthra:
Very interesting reply! I'll get back to you on that.

See ya, Milt

Hi Ben

I have not seen your post yet. The term catch-22 is used by Anthra on page 3 of this thread.

Its interesting because I saw the term used in some sessions by the cassioapeans.

What would i like to know about it? well... the implications for the human beings to be in a catch-22 position are not glad, Its pretty rude i guess.
it is a correct assumption what the term means?


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by zaper

Hi again zapper,

Just so you know, my name is Milt. BenReclused is only my username.

You are correct, I found Antra's use of "catch-22". I use the term on a regular basis too.

I don't want to alarm you, but "catch 22" is derived from an old military term: "cache 22". "Cache 22" refers to a non existent cache, or storage area, whereas "Catch 22" refers to a "no win situation".

Honestly, it's nothing to be concerned about... unless, of course, you want to be.

I hope this helps.

Now I'm curious: Who are the "cassioapeans"?

See ya, Milt

edit on 24-9-2010 by BenReclused because: to add a question

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Hi Anthra,

I hope you are doing well.

Concerning: "Please understand that I am not limiting "location of origin" my DNA is, and it points to two rather specific populations.":

I understood that. I was only trying to point out the difference between your example and your "evidence".

I'm curious about: "Actually yes! I do see an intelligent species there. Perhaps it is because I am ET, or simply because I "believe" it"

Do you really feel that one believing something automatically makes it true, or factual? It seems so.

I have to admit that being "dumbed down" so others can "handle" me could certainly be a mighty huge problem.

It seems to me that all humans fit into one of three groups:

1) Those that form conclusions based on "here say" and depend on "lack of evidence" as proof of their reasoning

2) Those that form conclusions based on valid evidence, intuition and reasoning

3) Those that feel opinions ARE THE SAME as conclusions

Which group do you feel is the most "dumbed down"?

Also, I feel that group 1 would be the easiest to handle. What do you think?

What I find extremely interesting is you mentioning the Illuminati. I reckon I owe them a "debt of gratitude". If it hadn't been for them, I'm sure I would have never taken an interest in

I have been trying to find out what the "Doctrine of the Illuminati" is. I know many feel that "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and "The Doctrine of the Illuminati" are the same. I have read "The Protocols", and it certainly doesn't fit the scenario that is claimed.

Do you know anything about these documents?

It was good to hear from you again.

See ya, Milt

edit on 24-9-2010 by BenReclused because: correction

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by BenReclused
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I'm curious about: "Actually yes! I do see an intelligent species there. Perhaps it is because I am ET, or simply because I "believe" it"

Do you really feel that one believing something automatically makes it true, or factual? It seems so.

No. However, belief goes to mental state, whether true or not. Believing that I am ET gives some separation from the Human species, and that may afford a bit more objectivity in some cases. I prolly point out that this is more of a hypthetical case; I have a set of personal experiences that prove to me that I am ET. Unfortunately, personal experience usually can not provide "proof" to others.

I have to admit that being "dumbed down" so others can "handle" me could certainly be a mighty huge problem.

It seems to me that all humans fit into one of three groups:

1) Those that form conclusions based on "here say" and depend on "lack of evidence" as proof of their reasoning

2) Those that form conclusions based on valid evidence, intuition and reasoning

3) Those that feel opinions ARE THE SAME as conclusions

Which group do you feel is the most "dumbed down"?

Also, I feel that group 1 would be the easiest to handle. What do you think?

Which group is the most "dumbed down"? Prolly group three (3) as they won't even consider any other position unless it agrees with their own personal opinion (which probably isn't thiers anyway). Group one (1) may actually apply some amount of reasoning to their conclusions, but, I wouldn't expect it to be much better than group 3.

You are probably correct with group 1 being the easiest to control. They are the ones that will change their mind if you have "evidence" that is plausable enough.

I would think that group 3 would be the most dangerous. More likely to act on thier own "pet" opinion, and won't listen to reason.

Group 2 would be the most stubborn; They are the ones who have looked at the available evidence, done their research, and made some sort of intelligent decision.

What I find extremely interesting is you mentioning the Illuminati. I reckon I owe them a "debt of gratitude". If it hadn't been for them, I'm sure I would have never taken an interest in

I have been trying to find out what the "Doctrine of the Illuminati" is. I know many feel that "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and "The Doctrine of the Illuminati" are the same. I have read "The Protocols", and it certainly doesn't fit the scenario that is claimed.

Do you know anything about these documents?

It was good to hear from you again.

When it comes to the Illuminati I try to use the contemporary "notion" of them, which could be very different from reality. As for the documents you refere to, as of this writing; no, I don't know of them, but I suspect I will know more soon.

Over the course of my life I have studied Western Ceremonial Magick, Aliester Crowley, and several other "Occult Doctrines". I has become quite clear that there are basically two types of "Occultist"; those of the right hand path, and those of the Left hand path. Those of the Right Hand, tend to act in way that will benefit Humankind, those of the Left tend to act in purely selfish ways. What is commonly called the "Illuminati" strikes me as an organized group of "Left Handers". People like this would find ways of placing themselves in positions of power, yet, without it being obvious, and then "pull the strings" on the world stage.

The thing is; all students of these "Occult paths" learn the exact same stuff. So, as a result, I feel I know a bit about the general methods employed by the Illuminati, at least in a symbolical sense.

Some of what is attributed to the "Illuminati" doesn't make logical sense, from any perspective.

Etharzi od Oma,

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by BenReclused

Milt ok, sorry my mistake in your name
the C's are ( in theory) "we" and they are broadcasting from a kind of future as assures Laura Knight.

Is common into the Cassiopaean session mention about our "catch-22" position

Its interesting reading the book "the wave" by Laura Knght because they are explaining with a scientific approach, gravitational fields, quantum concepts etc when this wave will reach the earth and the effects.

The cassiopaean source emphasize that only the knowledge of our true situation will give us the tools to address these changes.

I guess we are in that situation since years before but...

it is a surprise to me that some sources are beginning to include this term in their current messages.

I dont know if this is out of topic, sorry.

well, that was about your question.

Anthra could you answer my prior question, please ? if you didnt see it here is again;

It is true that the earth is moving to fourth density or dimension and humans being should be prepared for the physical transition? ( i am not talking about spirituality or ascension, just the fact )
This means that our subjective reality 3th dimension will be there at same time with a 4th density not visible to many?


posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by zaper
Anthra could you answer my prior question, please ? if you didnt see it here is again;

It is true that the earth is moving to fourth density or dimension and humans being should be prepared for the physical transition? ( i am not talking about spirituality or ascension, just the fact )
This means that our subjective reality 3th dimension will be there at same time with a 4th density not visible to many?


I'm not much "into" most of the "new age" concepts suchas "densities", "dimensions", "frequency", etc. I hail from a much more arcane school. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not familiar with them.

Firstly, many of these new concepts were "discovered" via "channeling", in my school of Magick we are taught not to trust things such as "channeling"; it is considered an "unsafe" practice.

Anyway; Yes Humankind is on the "brink" of a fundamental shift in consciousness. Man is going to become much more aware of not just himself, but, new aspects of his Universe. This is all a part of the physical and spiritual evolution of any being. Humans are going to find soon that things like telepathy, and a few related things are not only very real, but useful as well. Man will enounter beings that are more physically and spiritually evolved, and will have to learn to interact with them on a civilized level. Quite unlike many of the skeptics here on ATS.

Humans will learn that such things as intuition, precognition can be used and can be quite reliable.

In physics our current "world" is four dimensional. There are the usual 3 dimensions of width, depth, height, plus the added dimension of time. This is what I think Humans are evolving into; an enhanced perception of time. People will learn to not be so much in the "here and now" and allow their senses to extend to other places and times. Once this is mastered then Man can begin the next step in his evolution. This of course can take 1000's of years, but if Humans survive, it is inevitable.

As for evolving beyond the "physical", thats not likely to happen for a very long time.

Etharzi od Oma,

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Hi Anthra,

I'm a fairly perceptive person, and I definitely ''sense" that you are suspicious of, not so me much, but my sincerety.

This may sound odd coming from a "skepic", but I won't deny mild feelings of extra sensory perception. I think we all get those feelings. Some just feel it more intensely than others.

There are a few problems though:
1) Many of us deny we have it
2) Many of us ignore it
3) Many of us put TOO much faith into it
4) Many of us put TOO much trust into it

I say just accept it, and avoid "TOO much". No fuss... no muss... what's to lose? I know that works for me! What do you think?

I'm sure you noticed my little rampages. What can I say... I reckon I don't like anyone to intentionally misrepresent my words. Other than that I'm pretty jovial.

I also feel a couple of your friends may have stopped posting because of me. I am not happy with that. I wish they would come back. I feel they were only trying to protect you.

I hope the following will give YOU a better "sense" of who I am. It's not proof of anything, but it is evidence that I really am a "nobody".

Here are my BLOG and my WEBSITE

When I was about 20 yrs. old, I read a book that "shaped" the way I view myself, and others (Yes, that includes ETs.) too. I only read it once, but it changed my "thinking" for life. It was the best damn book I ever did read!

Damn..., it seems I may have been brainwashed! LOL

It was about the search for meaning, for truth, for understanding, well..., for the total comprehension of just one word... and the universe... through the total consumtion of..., well... everything. (or something like that. It sure has been a long time ago.).

Do you have any idea what book, or word I may be referring to? I'm just curious.

I would like to discuss the Illuminati, those documents I mentioned, and a few other things. I will get back to you soon. See there? I already respect your insight.

I may not believe you are an ET (yet?), but as far as I'm concerned, we're buddies!

Have a good day,
See ya, Milt

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 04:27 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

.. your current world is only 4 dimensional.. you have still yet much to learn..
...Bless You and Yours .. that means you are here aleady .. and It is not much of a Surprise . and . it would seem you have yet to scratch the surface...places and times. Once this is mastered then Man can begin the next step in his evolution. This of course can take 1000's of years, but if Humans survive, it is inevitable.

As for evolving beyond the "physical", thats not likely to .. You do not hold ..truth in you .. well maybe in a way you do .. but .. you still wish to decieve.. I can see past your words and thoughts .. you say ?...If Humans Surive.. so .. you still think . you are in charge ....of ?.. what .. the Future of Events .. have you .. Yourselves yet not learned anything.. ?.. or are you just . so sure of your self....? are still but an Ant on the Highway .. moving along and realized that ...and yet .. think the Highway belongs to you...?... try to be truth ful to yourself or forever .. search for knowledge beyond your grasp..

edit on 25-9-2010 by Vonour because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 04:12 PM
reply to post by Vonour

I was going to post this, and thought better, then I thought again, and well ...

I am He! the Bornless Spirit! having sight in the feet: Strong, and the Immortal Fire!
I am He! the Truth!
I am He! Who hate that evil should be wrought in the World!
I am He, that lighteneth and thundereth!
I am He, from whom is the Shower of the Life of Earth!
I am He, whose mouth ever flameth!
I am He, the Begetter and Manifester unto the Light!
I am He, The Grace of the Worlds!
"The Heart Girt with a Serpent" is my name!
-- Liber Samekh -- Aliester Crowley

I doubt you will truly understand those words. They are the words spoken by One who has become "One" with themself. A very difficult thing to do, yet well worth the effort.

The Universe within which I live is 11 dimensions, in both the physical and spiritual sense. No I don't think I own the "highway"; yet I built it!

As for truth, truth is all that I am, and while I do not wish to deceive, I may not always give complete truth. There are many who are not yet ready for the whole truth, not unlike yourself, they too have a side-kick that they think warrents comment. Though unto each their own.

You will also notice that when communicating that plain English always works the best.

Etharzi od Oma,

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by BenReclused
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Hi Anthra,

I'm a fairly perceptive person, and I definitely ''sense" that you are suspicious of, not so me much, but my sincerety.

Yes, to a decreasing degree. Having been around Humans for 63 years can make one wary of others.

I'm beginning to "see" you as one of the exceptions ...

This may sound odd coming from a "skepic", but I won't deny mild feelings of extra sensory perception. I think we all get those feelings. Some just feel it more intensely than others.

There are a few problems though:
1) Many of us deny we have it
2) Many of us ignore it
3) Many of us put TOO much faith into it
4) Many of us put TOO much trust into it

I say just accept it, and avoid "TOO much". No fuss... no muss... what's to lose? I know that works for me! What do you think?

Yes ... We all have "extra" abilities, for most completely ignored and untapped, yet they are still there. For those who recognize them, it is easy to place too much "faith" in those abilities. I found that my abilities at telepathy were not as straightforward as I wanted. I am still in the process of learning to control telepathy, and learning to make it useful. It seems that it is real easy to allow One's own wants / desires to color useful communication. So ... as you say "avoid 'TOO MUCH'".

Damn..., it seems I may have been brainwashed! LOL

Ahhhh .... I've found that when this happens. Take your brain out and rinse with clear cold wather, and hang it on the line to dry.

It was about the search for meaning, for truth, for understanding, well..., for the total comprehension of just one word... and the universe... through the total consumtion of..., well... everything. (or something like that. It sure has been a long time ago.).

Do you have any idea what book, or word I may be referring to? I'm just curious.

I would like to discuss the Illuminati, those documents I mentioned, and a few other things. I will get back to you soon. See there? I already respect your insight.

I may not believe you are an ET (yet?), but as far as I'm concerned, we're buddies!

While I don't know specifically what book or word you are referring to, I do understand. We all must search for truth, knowledge, and understanding. For me it was many books, and the writings of one man. That is the beauty of the universe, we are all different, so what works mor me, doesn't have to work for you. You will find your own way. The goal is the same, the experiences many.

Do you have any links to that Illiminati text? About all I can find are reviews and people stating it is a "fake". I'm sorry, but I cannot accept that on someone's word, have to see it my self. I'm reminded of the Magestic-12 documents, and the comments there about "mis-information". This sort of mis-information and misdirection is exactally what a group like the modern concept of the Illuminati would do. It helps them to cover their a$$.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Hi Antra,

Ah, ha! Now, my good friend: You ARE beginning to GROK me... as I am beginning GROK you. We are becoming as one. I'll take the blame for that one..., it's mine. I have never written anything quite like that before, but I feel it fits us. I kind of like it!

The book was titled "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein. If you haven't read it, I recommend it highly. The word is "grok", and I can grok that you would get a big kick of it. I'm going to buy a copy of it soon, so my future son in law can read it. I don't know, maybe I'm really doing it for me. It would be REALLY interesting to get your views on it.

I agree: If I want someone's opinion I will ask (as in your case), but they are not what I look for when I'm looking for facts. Like you, I like to form my own. As you can tell, they may seem a little unusual, but at least they are the result of evidence that I vetted.

I don't expect you to actually read "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", but give it a pretty good scan. It just doesn't seem to fit what I have learned about the Bavarian Illuminati.

I want to write more, but this old earthling is getting tired. LOL

I am sensing that we are more alike than either one of us imagined.

I can only take "I'm beginning to "see" you as one of the exceptions ... " as a HUGE compliment! Thank you!

I always felt it was "meant to be" to read that book, as I feel I have truly lived my life as... a stranger in a strange land. I'll bet you can relate to that!

Keep the sunny side up!
See ya, Milt

edit on 26-9-2010 by BenReclused because: to make a correction

edit on 26-9-2010 by BenReclused because: another damn mistake

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda
Thank you AnthraAndromda. I have been away from this thread for some time due to the various pointless arguments regarding your authenticity. Well ,everything happens for a reason. Upon my return I had several epiphanies regarding who I am and my mission. Key points of the latter relate to the Zeta Empire and the as of yet lack of disclosure. My investigation has revealed that Earth government(s) have been in contact with the Zeta Government since at least the Roswell, NM incident. The initial contact of a malfuctioning,crashed Zeta vehicle was a planned event by the Empire to procure contact with the United States Government and thereby circumvent the legal and approriate First Contact Protocols. Zeta representatives, in concert with U.S. Government officials conspired to keep this First Contact incident from the Planet's population.
The Zeta Empire and the U.S. Government are and have been involved in a Conspiracy since the aforementioned time. The broad goal of this Conspiracy is to benefit the Zeta Empire and Elite, covert factions of the U.S. and several other government parties and Officials at the expense of the entire population of the Planet, save those miniscule numbers directly involved in this Criminal enterprise.
Parties involved in this Criminal Conspiracy have with malice and aforethought purposely not informed the population of the Planet Earth of 1. the existence of life within the Cosmos. 2. That First Contact has been achieved. 3. The population of Planet Earth have by malicious, premeditation been prohibited from all knowledge of and participation in any agreements, shared information and knowledge provided by this agreement between both parties. (Zeta Empire and the U.S. Government).
This Criminal Conspiracy is in direct violation of Galactic Council Law to wit : The Free Will of the inhabitants of Planet Earth is and has been continuously violated by the perpetrating parties of the afore describe Criminal Enterprise.

It is therefore my recommendation, 1. that appropriate forces of the Galactic Council intervene with all due haste. 2. The prosecution of the involved perpetrators be intitiated.
All information and evidence regarding this investigation has been transmitted to the Pleiadean Federation and the Galactic Council.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:04 AM
I really wish I could believe all of this.
I want to see a alien life form, not just a tiny germ organism, than I can move along to hearing about galactic federations and empires. However, I don't think such things are out of the picture because anything is possible...

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by antmax21

Hi antmax21,

Please don't take this wrong, as I am only trying to help you "adjust" your "perspective" (for lack of a better word).

I don't understand why you would "wish" to believe. To me, that just seems to "point" toward a lot of disappointment.

Just because you might not believe something yet, doesn't mean it's not true or real. Nor does it mean you never will. It only means you are not convinced yet. Just search for your own truth. It's all good! I feel the reward is in the seeking of truth.

Maybe this will help:
I reckon most would consider me a "skeptic", but even I won't deny the "possibility" of the existence of ETs, galactic federations or empires. All I can truly state is that: I haven't been convinced yet.

I look at it this way: While I may not be convinced those things are real, I am even farther from being convinced they are not possible.

One thing I am sure of though: If ETs are real, I certainly hope they are a lot like Anthra! I have learned quite a bit about myself through our exchanges.

Can ya grok it?

Have a good day!
See ya, Milt

edit on 27-9-2010 by BenReclused because: of spelling

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 03:39 PM
Dear Anthra,

You have been so kind as to answer my questions in the past. I did not think I would be on here again, but recent news reports had me interested in what is happening. I have been watching Fox News, there have been stories regarding UFO's and Extraterrestrial Life. The one I was interested in the most was the story on the United Nations appointing the Earth's first abassador to reach out to aliens, her name is Mazlan Othman from Maylasia. I was curious on your take with this. Does your mother know about this? Is this the begining of disclosure? Also, there is a story concerning military personal claiming their neuclear missles are being deactivated by UFO's/Extraterrestrial's. Do you have any information in regards to the neuclear missle's, why are they being deactivated? In conclusion, I was sitting and wondering if this was all a good thing going on, wondering if you knew about all of it, and if this is a good enough disclosure. I listed links below for any who wish to view the information. Thank you so much

Fox News on UN
Article from Fow News on nuclear issue.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by BenReclused
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Hi Antra,

Ah, ha! Now, my good friend: You ARE beginning to GROK me... as I am beginning GROK you. We are becoming as one. I'll take the blame for that one..., it's mine. I have never written anything quite like that before, but I feel it fits us. I kind of like it!

The book was titled "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlein. If you haven't read it, I recommend it highly.

Its all your fault!

Actually, the beginning of understanding is always a good thing, something the world needs more of.

Good book! I read it back in the 70's ... liked it.

I agree: If I want someone's opinion I will ask (as in your case), but they are not what I look for when I'm looking for facts. Like you, I like to form my own. As you can tell, they may seem a little unusual, but at least they are the result of evidence that I vetted.

Individual understand is almost always different from another's, yet, in a sort of strang way, the same. I was taught to question all things, endlessly. Which is what I do. I have been afforded the unique experience of standing on the deck of a starship and viewing the Earth from 100,000km, yet I still question that memory, and that which I was told.

I don't expect you to actually read "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", but give it a pretty good scan. It just doesn't seem to fit what I have learned about the Bavarian Illuminati.

Interesting document. I haven't read it all in detail, but, still ...

How does it not "fit" what you have learned about the Illuminati?

I want to write more, but this old earthling is getting tired. LOL

I am sensing that we are more alike than either one of us imagined.

I can only take "I'm beginning to "see" you as one of the exceptions ... " as a HUGE compliment! Thank you!

I always felt it was "meant to be" to read that book, as I feel I have truly lived my life as... a stranger in a strange land. I'll bet you can relate to that!

Old!??! Old is a matter of perspective, though I have a pretty good perspective on it after 6 decades, and, I can relate to tired (but will never admit to it).

Yes, being one of the exceptions in my eyes is a very good thing; it means you think with your mind/brain instead of simply jerking your knee. Too many people just jerk the knee and respond with whatever they feel best with. Sadly, it doesn't seem to matter to them if they are right or wrong, all they have is thoughtless reaction.

Yep, I can relate to being a "stranger in a strange land", and it seems that as of late its getting stranger.

Etharzi od Oma,

edit on 27-9-2010 by AnthraAndromda because: to fix inappropriate case sensitivity

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Klaatumagnum
reply to post by AnthraAndromda
Thank you AnthraAndromda. I have been away from this thread for some time due to the various pointless arguments regarding your authenticity.

Welcome back.

Yes, most of the arguments were indeed pointless. But, in defence of the Humans, they feel they must react to help preserve their sheltered world preceptions.

Parties involved in this Criminal Conspiracy have with malice and aforethought purposely not informed the population of the Planet Earth of:

1. the existence of life within the Cosmos.
2. That First Contact has been achieved.
3. The population of Planet Earth have by malicious, premeditation been prohibited from all knowledge of and participation in any agreements, shared information and knowledge provided by this agreement between both parties. (Zeta Empire and the U.S. Government).

This Criminal Conspiracy is in direct violation of Galactic Council Law to wit : The Free Will of the inhabitants of Planet Earth is and has been continuously violated by the perpetrating parties of the afore describe Criminal Enterprise.

You seem to have a very good handle on these issues. Most people believe that there "must" be life elsewhere, but few will go as far as to think it has ever visited Earth. For the most part they are correct in that thinking since there is no "hard evidence", yet there is plenty of "soft evudence" around.

Most don't suspect, and many don't want to think that "first contact" has already occured; in the spring of 1947.

I think the real crime here is that there technologies that the elite have that aren't being made available to everyone. And, the technologies that could be made available to Earth are being blocked by this Conspiracy.

It is therefore my recommendation,
1. that appropriate forces of the Galactic Council intervene with all due haste.
2. The prosecution of the involved perpetrators be intitiated.

I have to agree! The Human species is supposed to have "Free Will", yet it is denied at every turn. If it was just my other Humans it wouldn't be so bad, but there is the interferrance from the Zeta's.

Etharzi od Oma,

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by BlueEyedGirl

The one I was interested in the most was the story on the United Nations appointing the Earth's first abassador to reach out to aliens, her name is Mazlan Othman from Maylasia. I was curious on your take with this. Does your mother know about this? Is this the begining of disclosure?

My fears are that she is yet another puppet to those who think they are the true "government" of Earth. Yet, mother says she is a sincere person with the benefit of Earth and all Humans at heart, so I'm sure she will do a wonderful job, at least in-so-far as she is allowed.

Yes, this is yet another step toward disclosure.

Do you have any information in regards to the neuclear missle's, why are they being deactivated? In conclusion, I was sitting and wondering if this was all a good thing going on, wondering if you knew about all of it, and if this is a good enough disclosure. I listed links below for any who wish to view the information. Thank you so much

I'm not sure what is behind any nuclear deactivations. It could be the probing of Terrestrial defences, or the preparation for a "false Flag alien invasion". In any case, I would tend to think that it may not be such a good thing. I'm told that is is not my people doing this, but other species, less thecnologicaly advanced may want to know if they can shut down or possible control Earth's strongest defence. Fortunately they misunderstand Earth's strongest defence; its not the tech, its the people.

Etharzi od Oma.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:46 PM
It is funny how more and more information is being brought to attention in the media. A lot of people are warming up to the idea of another race outside of our planet. As I understood they were putting her in the light as someone who will be communicating with ET for the "first time". Although, I know that it would not be "first contact", I just wonder if she knows this. Is your mother prepared to communicate back with her? One of the scientist on Fox claimed it's like sending a message in a bottle, we can send out, but how will they send back to the original sender. I just hope she is honest and informative to the world in her communication efforts. It's funny when I think back to being a child the US to me was the only land on Earth, then comes the realization of other countries. Now we go from earth being the only planet with living organisms (advanced organisms that is), to other planets possibly being advanced.

In regards to other "less advanced ET's", I would assume that they would be under the Galatic Government policies. I do understand those who do disobey rules though. Your post line, "Fortunately they misunderstand Earth's strongest defence; its not the tech, its the people." Was touching. It's nice to feel us as a group of people can be strong against those with higher technology. Thank you for your post!

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:08 AM

Originally posted by BlueEyedGirl

Is your mother prepared to communicate back with her?

Yes, mother is ready to communicate with any "official" of Earth. She is working toward fostering a good dialog with at least the major governments of Earth , which includes the U.N. One of the issues is that Terrestrial governments, and those who represent themselves as "The Terrestrial Government" keep changing personnel, this makes the establishment of good relations difficult. Also, the Terrestrial Government seems to be rather controlling of the individual country governments.

I just hope she is honest and informative to the world in her communication efforts.

Indeed! Let us all hope. Earth needs peacful relations with ET, and the benefits that those relations can bring.

In regards to other "less advanced ET's", I would assume that they would be under the Galatic Government policies. I do understand those who do disobey rules though.

Axtually this isn't always the case. The Galactic Governments are more of a "Free Will" sort. They will allow any planet to make their own course. Of course they will try to "sway" them to join the Galactic Government (which is quite a bit like the U.N.), and follow "civilized rules and protocols", but ultimately it is up to the individual civilizations.

In any case; my personal opinion is that you have to respect a civilization that has learned to leave their planet. To solve the issues, problems, and science required is no small feat. They have earned the right to make their own way.

Etharzi od Oma,

edit on 30-9-2010 by AnthraAndromda because: to add more

edit on 30-9-2010 by AnthraAndromda because: spelling

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