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CIA paid millions of dollars to ISI since 9/11: Report

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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:46 PM

LOS ANGELES: The CIA has paid millions of dollars to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) since9/11, accounting for as much as one-third of the foreign spy agency’s annual budget, says a media report.
16 November 2009
The ISI also collected “tens of millions of dollars through a classified CIA programme”, which pays for the capture or killing of wanted militants, the Los Angeles Times reported on Monday citing current and former US officials.
An intense debate has been triggered within the US government due to “long-standing suspicions that the ISI continues to help Taliban extremists who undermine US efforts in Afghanistan and provide sanctuary to al-Qaida members in Pakistan”.
But US officials have continued to make the payments as ISI’s assistance is considered critical: “Almost every major terrorist plot this decade has originated in Pakistan’s tribal belt, where ISI informant networks are a primary source of intelligence.”
The report went on to say that the payments to Pakistan are authorised under a covert programme initially approved by then president Bush and continued under President Obama .
“The ISI has used the covert CIA money for a variety of purposes, including the construction of a new headquarters in Islamabad, the capital. That project pleased CIA officials because it replaced a structure considered vulnerable to attack; it also eased fears that the US money would end up in the private bank accounts of ISI officials.”
“What we didn’t want to happen was for this group of generals in power at the time to just start putting it in their pockets or building mansions in Dubai,” a former CIA operative was quoted as saying.

In other words, the CIA contracted with ISI to provide the enemies the US Government needs to justify their wars of conquest.
Something that I been saying for years yet most people do not want to hear it. 911 was an inside job done by a very small group of people in the Bush administration and a small group of experts in our military in aviation and demolition.
This is more proof that we are executing innocent people to convince the majority of the population that these men are the mastermind of 911.

Do we get to see any of the evidences? NO!
What confession? Oh, you mean the confession we obtain after we killed some people by torturing, by water boarding them 180 to 300 times a month.

I am not against our government or our military and I do support our troops over seas unfortunately they do not know what they are dying for.

I believe most of our government is in the dark of this false flag that was pulled off by insiders in the Bush administration and some very loyal military experts to Dick Cheney.

Yes perhaps some of these guys that were captured were bad but, they had nothing to do with 911. Like our NEW MASTERMIND of 911. What happened to OBL did you all forget about him, he was supposed to be the mastermind of 911.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by impressme

I'm bumping this, people need to realize the significance of this.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:47 PM
I cant believe no one has any interest in this?

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Wasn't that lady politician assassinated during this timeframe? It's evident to me that all of a sudden there is massive spending, secret spending, and people start dying.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:08 PM
The CIA and ISI have been in bed with each other for years they started the mujaheddin groups that eventually evolved into Al CIAda and the Taliban not to mention the guys who eventually became the Northern Alliance.We have stirred this particular pot for years,man all in the name of conquest which is the real reason the military is over there.

[edit on 093030p://2526 by mike dangerously]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:27 PM
reply to post by impressme

Ditto, This should be hot new's!

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:02 PM
*Thread Bump*

People need to read this and understand the significance of this post.

I stared and flagged this last night, i am utterly surprised that this has not gotten any attention within the ATS community.


posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 09:22 PM
Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”

Gul told Zakaria that the evidence for 9/11 being planned by Osama Bin Laden and executed by Al-Qaeda has not emerged and that the events are still “shrouded in mystery”.
“A lot of people have a lot of misgivings about that. And it’s not only me. I think a lot of people in America would be thinking the same way. There are scientists, there are scholars, who have written articles on it,” added Gul, calling for President elect Barack Obama to set up a new
commission to investigate the attacks.

Gul said the attacks were planned inside America by people with a dangerous agenda who have“turned the world upside-down”.

Returning from a commercial break, Zakaria, editor of Newsweek, Council on Foreign Relations kingpin and also a Trilateral Commission board member, told his viewers, “Some of General Gul’s views are simply false. There is a mountain of evidence about 9/11 that refutes his assertions,” but Zakaria failed to cite any of it.
Zakaria was then joined by counter-insurgency expert David Kilcullen who said that the Mumbai attacks bore all the hallmarks of a “clandestine operation or a covert operation style activity,” but when pressed he refused to directly implicate Pakistan in the attack.
Usually I don’t lean on Inforwars for much information but I couldn’t pass this one up.
What I find amazing is the government has never explained just how did OBL really pull of 911.
All I have heard is the FBI found pass ports on WTC rubble, found coran and a will in a rental car, found a bandanna from ULA93 PA.

How did these alleged terrorists time themselves to hijack four different commercial airliners from two different airports, and why use stolen identities to pull off the greatest terrorist attack in the world and not get the recognition for their evil deed does that make any senses? We have the FBI stating they have all 19 hijackers DNA. I would like to know who did the FBI match their DNA to, to whom?
I believe the FBI are lying about the terrorist DNA.
I believe all the evidences has been planted by the FBI.
I lost faith in the FBI when they cover-up the Ok bombings, to many eyewitness including police officers and firemen saw bombs inside Murrow building in Oklahoma.
I really believe that ISI has supplied these new patsies to the CIA to do as they wish to them that means to torture these innocent people into confessing to crimes that they did not do.
This make since If 911 was orchestrated by insiders in our government and a small group in our military, there wouldn’t be any terrorist from a foreign country would there. It is my belief that the CIA and the FBI were used to plant evidences at all of the crime scenes and even used to remove evidences that would incriminate our government insiders.

If there is one shred of truth to all this then how could we all just sit here and let our government continue to kill or execute innocent people that our lying CIA and FBI have accused of being terrorist and turned them over to our military with reports on each one of them that our fabricated. Then our military is used and “I will say innocently at that”, to torture these people into confessing to crimes they didn’t do. The CIA is the highest echelon in our government and they have their hands in everything including 911 and both wars, weapon sells, drug sells, top secrets, assignations, these people in the CIA are not really accountable for anything are they.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by impressme]

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:52 AM
excellent post and un deniable proof of their involvement. The wire transfers just before 911 to atta......

There is a paper trail and it does lead to agencies not blamed for the 911 attack but the ones doing the blaming..... Grade 2 techniques.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by impressme

There is undisputable paper trails linking 911 to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

Two of the US's allies . lol

Two countries the US is not at war with.

No One Cares.

Survivor starts tonite.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by impressme

Source: Times of INDIA. Please understand the relationship between India and Pakistan. Hint: It involves nuclear weapons.

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by impressme

Source: Times of INDIA. Please understand the relationship between India and Pakistan. Hint: It involves nuclear weapons.

As per usual , shoot the messenger.

What about the story , do you have a problem with?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Sean48

Originally posted by hooper
reply to post by impressme

Source: Times of INDIA. Please understand the relationship between India and Pakistan. Hint: It involves nuclear weapons.

As per usual , shoot the messenger.

What about the story , do you have a problem with?

Yes, its a STORY and it is about Pakistan as reported in an Indian newspaper. If it were 1986 would you consider Pravda a good source about the goings on in Washington, D.C.

Besides, what is the point. So maybe the CIA helps fund ISI. I don't like everything ISI does but what are you going to do - disengage from the whole world?

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by hooper

Oh look LA Times...

LA Times

I don't think we should be funding any ones "Intelligence" service..... Specially one with a track record like the ISI.....

posted on Feb, 4 2010 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Hmmm101
reply to post by hooper

Oh look LA Times...

LA Times

I don't think we should be funding any ones "Intelligence" service..... Specially one with a track record like the ISI.....

The other article is from the Times of India.

Be that as it may. If we fund we have some influence and leverage. If we don't fund we have none. We need to keep Pakistan as much "on our side" as we can.

posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by hooper

Yes, and in that other article in the first line, it says "According to Los Angelos Times"

If we fund we have some Influence ? That's an absurd train of thought... Give the Enemy money, so we can influence and have leverage.....

Here let me read you another line from the Articles as clearly you saw times of India, and didn't read....

"In fact, CIA officials were so worried that the money would be wasted that the agency's station chief at the time, Robert Grenier, went to the head of the ISI to extract a promise that it would be put to good use."

Yep head of the Intelligence Agency who funds Terrorist Organizations and is corrupt as any Intelligence agency gave us his word............

How naive of you sir.

[edit on 5-2-2010 by Hmmm101]

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