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posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by DarkCyrus

I think for this discussion to continue, I'd have to understand your concept of ego. People use this in so many different ways. We obviously have different views. It's cool. I don't think my personal consciousness existed before this body. I think after this body becomes inanimate, the person whom I am, will no longer be. Consciousness continues on. Not mine, but life itself will evolve without me.

My concept of the soul is much like love. I see it as interpretations of instinctual needs. Namely, the need for survival. Since we can conceptualize death, we find it necessary to imagine a soul. I've lost that need along the way. Death is inevitable. One day, my ability to exist will be no more. It's only a blink away.

Ego is the basic survival insticts that are in your mind. Ego is what keeps you from loosing yourself and your mind from our true reality. Ego is the method that prevents uknown information that is incapable to be obsorbed into your mind and so it blocks you from that which you cannot handle, and keeps your will to survive strong. Ego keeps you intouch with your body and physicality.

Without ego, a person would be lost in the amount of consciousness that is available. It would be like having non association with the body to someone who only undertands simple concepts and they would be confused and likely go insane. To someone who has mastered physical life, the ego is discarded as its uses become irrelevant and useless to the point of a burden, so it is discarded, the blocks released slowly as time goes on and opens you to a higher consciousness where ego ceases to exist.

Your concept of the soul and love comes from a very basic form of existance. The most basic, the one we experience everyday, but you fail to look at the outside deepest most inner conflicts of life and the reasons for their existance of pure love beyond why they exist and more into the understanding of how they work. You know the little voice that asked questions as a child and were never fully answered or you just went through time and accepted what is shown to you as real, as it is all you know.

Think of a time when all you felt was happy and if you focused on only the feeling and let go of your self, multiply this feeling and you have love.

Its hard to consider something a concept when it is incomplete.

reply to post by C-JEAN

Thank you.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by DarkCyrus

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by DarkCyrus

I think for this discussion to continue, I'd have to understand your concept of ego. People use this in so many different ways. We obviously have different views. It's cool. I don't think my personal consciousness existed before this body. I think after this body becomes inanimate, the person whom I am, will no longer be. Consciousness continues on. Not mine, but life itself will evolve without me.

My concept of the soul is much like love. I see it as interpretations of instinctual needs. Namely, the need for survival. Since we can conceptualize death, we find it necessary to imagine a soul. I've lost that need along the way. Death is inevitable. One day, my ability to exist will be no more. It's only a blink away.

Ego is the basic survival insticts that are in your mind. Ego is what keeps you from loosing yourself and your mind from our true reality. Ego is the method that prevents uknown information that is incapable to be obsorbed into your mind and so it blocks you from that which you cannot handle, and keeps your will to survive strong. Ego keeps you intouch with your body and physicality.

Without ego, a person would be lost in the amount of consciousness that is available. It would be like having non association with the body to someone who only undertands simple concepts and they would be confused and likely go insane. To someone who has mastered physical life, the ego is discarded as its uses become irrelevant and useless to the point of a burden, so it is discarded, the blocks released slowly as time goes on and opens you to a higher consciousness where ego ceases to exist.

Sounds more like surrendering to the inevitable. I agree that without any points of reference towards oneself, we're inevitably going to go insane. What I don't agree with is the notion that the ego is something to be transcended. Ego IS consciousness. It's our sense of self. Your expanded sense of self is actually what's referred to as the superego. The ego ideal.

Your concept of the soul and love comes from a very basic form of existance. The most basic, the one we experience everyday, but you fail to look at the outside deepest most inner conflicts of life and the reasons for their existance beyond why they exist and more into the understanding of how they work. You know the little voice that asked questions as a child and were never fully answered or you just went through time and accepted what is shown to you as real, as it is all you know.

Its hard to consider something a concept when it is incomplete.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by DarkCyrus]

[edit on 17-11-2009 by DarkCyrus]

I like to keep it simple. At our root, instinct drives us all. We can add all the layers of abstraction as we want, the needs remain basic.

As to what else you say, best I can say with respect is, you don't know me in the least! I've experienced things that words can't describe. Have had experiences of oneness, seen light encompassing the entirety of my being, etc, etc..

I also happen to suffer from a blood disorder that is known to cause bizarre experiences under prolonged stress. After starting treatment, I became agnostic and have not experienced anything abnormal since.

BTW, I'm well aware that we humans experience a tiny sliver of what's going on. Reality is waves within waves, cycles within cycles. OUR reality doesn't exist. I have my perspective, you have yours. Enjoy!

[edit on 17-11-2009 by unityemissions]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:41 PM
Consciousness is based within the soul and exists outside the physical body. Ego is your minds connection to the body. When you tap into your soul consciousness, you dont need the ego to do it for you in its limited ways. Ego is limited and based on fear and survival, consciousness is all encompassing and exists beyond the physical. It is the physical that we inhibit and our soul connects our consciousness to our body. It is this way in everyone, wether we reconigize this or not. The ego is the minds way of connecting to the body in a way that can be understood. To disconnect with the ego you have to reconnect with the soul and a greator purpose begins to unfold.

Im saying the ego is doing what the soul allready does for those who know how to listen, but the only way would be to ignore the ego.

Let me ask you what is the purpose of ego when you factor in multiple lives with all different personality's. Ego is the connection to the body, remember the connection to the soul is not from the ego, but from consciousness, that is your higher self.

Consciousness is the souls equivalent to the ego's body, it naturally transcends itself. Its moving away from singularity or a singluar way of thinking. We are pure soul, that is our true self not our body, and until this is realised the ego can never be transcended, because in your reality there is only the body.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

Two words, "Prove it". It's a belief, man. When a belief transforms into knowledge, fanatics are made.

Have you a shred of evidence that consciousness exists outside of the body? You may have faith in the idea, but faith implies a lack of knowledge, and the necessity of belief. I choose not to believe. It serves me well. You are free to choose otherwise.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

I dont have the need or the want to prove anything to anyone. Im not posting here to amuse you or anyone either. Im simply imparting my knowledge and information.

As I have expressed previously, this is something that connot be proven. I'm not sure why you have slammed the conversation to a halt instead of just taken in what you will from it or leaved it behind. Im also kind of confused why you would try to convince somone eles what you think rather than have a discussion. I respect your decision to not believe in what I have to say, I would hope you do the same for me, good day.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by DarkCyrus]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 03:55 PM
Hi, high-spirits persons.

To know more about the EGO, see that:

Oprah & Eckhart New Earth Chap 1 and more. . .

There has been 22,000,000 ++ persons who did see that ! !
It's the start of a more wide spread "wake-up" !!

Blue skies.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by DarkCyrus

I really enjoyed reading your post.

It would have been much more well-received on a more spiritual forum, but this is ATS, and you see what you get..

Intuitively, I already understood the things in your post.. but seeing someone else say them explicitly in so many words was still special.

Thank you.

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 04:15 AM
I didn't even have to read your OP to know what was coming... I too have figured this out on my own, and knew it before I actually was spiritually awakened. It's something I've always held true to myself, and valued deeply. Only in my more recent years (as growing up tends to do) have I realized the power of love, and what it represents. Now, however, more than ever I am seeing the true power it holds and what it can do to oneself. I am going through it right now with a girl I know I love, and know is my soul mate, but I need her to realize it before it can be fact. I believe it as fact, but that's because I've realized it to be so, she however is not on the level I am and therefore is unable to grasp the power of love as I do... It sucks, but I must wait and see if she figures it out, at least enough to understand we are meant to be together. Hopefully she does, if not, then I guess I must move on, but it will not be easy for my soul since I feel so deeply for this person.

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