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You are not an Alien sent to save me.

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Wow, awesome statements Beamish. Very well put. There is a lot of wisdom in those words. A star for you.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by Beamish

I have to admit, you are a very good read. I see "in you" the abilities I "do not possess" in "diplomacy" and a "gentle tone" that I "for the life of me" can not master.

I don't know how you do it, and I think it is an amazing skill to have here, or anywhere where people are just plain "daffy" or "dishonest".

You (and a few other silver-penned individuals) have confronted this "alien guy's" story with a solid bulwark of "logic"...and yet...he still sputters and squirms around such attempts to continue looking for a safe "worm hole" of anti-reality to nest in.

Yknow...I can actually see the guy back tracking in the face of every line you have written thus far. I am willing to bet "that your posts" are the best thing akin to "psychological help" this poor guy has ever received. A breakthrough "could" be on the way, leading him to "admitting" not only to us, but also to himself on the fact that "he is making up stories".

Can we say "disclosure" people!? THIS IS IT!

Well, whatever the case, I just thought I'd say to you, Beamish Sir, your attempts at "making him see logic" are worthy of applaud. Much better then my ranting intolerance for "con-artists", and my pity for the "insane". I am almost jealous of your technique...but my mother from space told me that I should never be jealous of an Earth-person (jest!).

Good show, man! I was unable to stomach his silly little story and ended up "setting him to ignore". But reading the posts that quote him, I am seeing a change in the man's tone and line of jib. He has gone from saying "this is all 100% true" to saying "this story may have holes in it, and you are right in thinking it wrong in some details"

Sadly for him, he still sticks to these false claims.

Yknow...if anyone wanted to be an "alien" amongst humans, a good start would be with "struggling" to be honest against the ego's need for supremacy. An "honest" man surly is a thing "as rare as rare can be".

If the "alien" is even reading this...think about that..."honesty" is the backbone to real character and "human worth". It is far more "alien" then space-ships and Crowly. Try being honest...just try it...try so hard to become a pillar of "honesty" and let those around you know that lies are "not your cup of tea". You will find so many more people flocking to your side if you just stop with the lies and strive to be an honest man...not this sham...not this cocktail of crap that you present any and all who cross your path.

Honesty is important...more important then all the ET in the universe. Liars are a bane to all things "human", and to willingly allow yourself to be publicly "quoted" as a "liar" is just not becoming of a real man/woman.

Sigh...anyways...just stop. Get some something to better your world, instead of using your short life to muddy its waters with dishonesty.

Nothing is more insulting then the liar's mouth forming lies in a sweet manner to those who listen with hope. Nothing is more disgusting then the "human" who sets out each morning to spend his day "fooling" himself or others.

With those pointless points made...I go back to my space-ship and watch you humans wiggle and wonder (and by space-ship, I mean my chair at my earthly desk).

[edit on 27-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Beamish

I like your "alternative translations" quite rich...

It would seem that the imagination and telepathy have something in common, however imagination doesn't predict the future, although, I can see where chance may make it seem so. True telepathy can however, in the cace where one of the parties has knowledge of an event that will happen, and communicates this information to another. This has been occured on many occasions between me and my mother, and, it occurs too frequently for it be be simple chance.

One of the problems I noticed with telepathy however, is accurate "translation" of the data received from the unconsciousness into the consciousness. And, I will admit that in the beginning I had a great deal of trouble with this, but, as with any skill, practice improves the ability.

Changing, editing, enhancing, all the same. The issue is that you denied knowledge of your people, but now admit that you can tell your “people’s” history better. See the problem?

No, actually I don't. Just as archaeologists have improved their understanding your Human past, I too am in a better position to understand the History of my people. My understanding of my people is better than it was 15 years ago, and my ability to use the preferred method of communication has improved greatly. Thus I am in a better position to attempt to relate the history of my people.

Not corrupted by, AnthraAndromda, just doing what comes naturally to Humans.

You are familiar with the phenomenon of "imprinting"? As in a case where one species is born in the care of another, and grows not knowing the differences. Even when those differences become known, the "imprinted subject" continues to display traits of the "non-related" parent.

Crowley's works and curricula were designed to lead to truth. Truth of One's own being and the realization of the "True Self". Most people never attain to this, and it is considered quite rare for 0.1% of any population to even begin to understand the real significance. The rate of actual attainment is even smaller.

The fact that we can legitimately and without bias question your findings logically and critically displays the fact that your truth is fallible, not infallible.

I'm not wholly convinced that it is without bias. Your statement; "even if I find them unpleasant" shows a degree of bias. A large part of the problem here is that you have not read Crowley or the other masters of these subjects, and surely have a limited understanding.

I'm not a believer in the ole "your truth is not my truth". It is my belief that there can only be one truth, perhaps many perceptions of that one truth, but still only one truth.

Always the same result, because this newfound connection with a special and superior other is what you needed.

I didn't put any of the connections in what I was investigating, they ere eithere or were not. As it turned out the connection was there...I had nothing to do with it.

No, they are not enough, and can easily be miscalculated – deliberately, subconsciously, or mistakenly.

I didn't do the calculations, my computer did. Have you forgotten? I've been a professional software engineer for 40 years. If you would like to check the code I can copy and paste it here for you. (you do "speak C don't you?).

Just what did you say to the owners of this site when I suggested you approach them for help?

I explained to then that I felt I was an ET, and that I had what I felt was fair evidence to indicate further inquery and pointed them to my site (special entry point that shows evidence first). I offered them an exclusive on any stroy that came from this. I told them I required DNA testing.

They looked at the site (I think 6 or 8 people looked...I'd have to check the database), and received no reply.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
True telepathy can however, in the cace where one of the parties has knowledge of an event that will happen, and communicates this information to another. This has been occured on many occasions between me and my mother, and, it occurs too frequently for it be be simple chance.

This would be a good one to throw in in terms of evidence. If this has happened on many occasions, and still happens frequently then share the next one with us before the event happens!

posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

I like your "alternative translations" quite rich...


It would seem that the imagination and telepathy have something in common, however imagination doesn't predict the future, although, I can see where chance may make it seem so.

How would that work for Arthur C. Clark? I didn’t attribute your “telepathy” to imagination, per see, in fact something quite Human – and wonderful. I connected it to the creative subconscious (this quote, aptly, from a fictional character development site);

The conscious mind is the bit that thinks and knows, the voice in your head. It's the bit that, in a wonderfully arrogant display of ego, thinks it's you. It's wrong, by the way…The subconscious works in the background and drops feelings, instincts and impressions into the conscious mind. It's also very gullible. In fact, it's completely incapable of recognising a lie. It simply cannot comprehend the idea in more or less the same way that we can't imagine a seven dimensional cube. It is a completely and utterly alien concept, like tax forms.

The creative subconscious can also be programmed. If you have the idea that there is something “alien” about you, it begins to change your thought processes;

…behavior first occurs in your mind—in your thought processes. You’ve probably heard or read the statement: “If you can conceive it and believe it (in your thoughts or imagination), you can achieve it!”…

…scientists have disclosed much fascinating information about how your inner beliefs become outward realities—how internal believing and imagining become external realities in time and space…

The basic function of your creative subconscious process (your imagination)is to create powerful images (imaginings) or pictures in your mind and then transmit them to your subconscious process for storage as memory.

True telepathy can however, in the cace where one of the parties has knowledge of an event that will happen, and communicates this information to another. This has been occured on many occasions between me and my mother, and, it occurs too frequently for it be be simple chance.

I know I’m not supposed to ask for evidence, but you are forcing me to; please supply something substantive – not “Oh, it was personal, nothing material” – to back that up. I believe I have a right to ask for evidence as you brought it to the table…

Just as archaeologists have improved their understanding your Human past, I too am in a better position to understand the History of my people. My understanding of my people is better than it was 15 years ago, and my ability to use the preferred method of communication has improved greatly. Thus I am in a better position to attempt to relate the history of my people.

And again, you now inform us that you “are a better position to relate the history of my people”, yet you have said quite clearly that you know little of them. Read about the creative subconscious; it can catch you out quite badly.

You are familiar with the phenomenon of "imprinting"?

Yes, I’m familiar with it, but hardly an expert. However, it does seem that you’re mixing up two different types of psychological “imprinting”; the “filial”, where the “child/hatchling/pup etc.” learns from its parents (my emphasis):

A phase-sensitive type of learning, it involves an organism recognizing the characteristics of certain stimuli that are subsequently "imprinted" onto the subject. Most occurrences involve learning to recognize one's parents or potential sexual partners, both of which have value for the survival of the species.

A particular kind of learning characterized by occurrence in very early life, rapidity of acquisition, and relative insusceptibility to forgetting or extinction. Imprinted behavior includes most (or all) behavior commonly called instinctive, but imprinting is used purely descriptively.

This is also called socialization and is normal.

The second type, and the one which I think you’re aiming at, is something akin to the psychological effects of loco ferus (appropriately Latin for “wolf child”), or feral children.

Either way, it still doesn’t go any way to explaining away your overt Human-ness. Using imprinting as an excuse for your Human foibles is, obviously, a practiced rebuttal on your part, but unfortunately full of holes.

Crowley's works and curricula were designed to lead to truth.

Your truth.

Truth of One's own being and the realization of the "True Self".

Your truth.

I'm not wholly convinced that it is without bias. Your statement; "even if I find them unpleasant" shows a degree of bias.

I have no truck with Crowley, or those who follow him or his ilk. I do find him, and by association his type of “magick” and its long connection with negativity unpleasant (and please don’t tell me Crowley wasn’t involved in drugs, or wasn’t a racist. “Wicked” suited him perfectly), but each to their own. My contention with you is about you being an alien, not your philosophical bent.

I'm not a believer in the ole "your truth is not my truth". It is my belief that there can only be one truth, perhaps many perceptions of that one truth, but still only one truth.

And any Imam, Rabbi, Priest or Shaman – or Chaos Mage - could legitimately say the exact same thing, couldn’t they?

Once again, your use of “magick” etc. - what is, at the end of the day, yet another production of the Human psyche (and more than likely of the creative subconscious) - in rationalizing your claims of your alien heritage rests entirely on “magick” being real. Yes, it may well have noticeable and supposedly genuine psychological effects on its participants, but that goes for any religion/ism.

To my knowledge, there is nothing scientifically provable in your canon that would hold up in any form of test as to its veracity, therefore it is just another creed. Plain and simple. And if it’s another creed created by Man, it is as insubstantial as anything else we have devised to explain our existence, balancing precariously on a knife-edge of continued faith and useless for diving “alien beings”.

I didn't put any of the connections in what I was investigating, they ere eithere or were not. As it turned out the connection was there...I had nothing to do with it.

You looked for them knowingly, otherwise why utilize the Bible Code – renowned for its easy manipulation to find the correct results – to bolster your fantasy?

If you would like to check the code I can copy and paste it here for you. (you do "speak C don't you?).

Why would I need to speak C to find out you are an alien? I’ve seen aliens in PC games, that they are embedded in the software doesn’t make them real, does it? And why was that little fact buried in software in the first place? Forgive me if I’m wrong here, but software isn’t infallible, is it? It is written by Men, isn’t it? You only get out of it what is put into it.


posted on Dec, 1 2009 @ 08:34 AM

I can see that you are a “Crowleyite”, in that you seem to suffer from one of his flaws; he also failed, often arrogantly, to recognize that not everyone was as educated and knowledgeable as he was. A sense of superiority is an ugly thing. Deliberate obfuscation of the truth by possession and the flaunting of “superior” knowledge is elitism 1.01. I hope that isn’t an “alien” trait.

I explained to then that I felt I was an ET, and that I had what I felt was fair evidence to indicate further inquery and pointed them to my site…They looked at the site (I think 6 or 8 people looked...I'd have to check the database), and received no reply.

And what does that honestly tell you about the owners of the World’s Biggest Conspiracy Site?

I don’t know how much longer I want to discuss your claims. It is clear that the past twenty odd years of believing that you are an alien has become so deeply and fundamentally rooted in your psyche that it has actually become a form of gilded reality. I think to attempt to remove it would endanger the patient…

I’ll leave you with this; you say you are an alien. Fine. Many others on ATS have done the same thing, all unsuccessfully.

Not one – including you - has been able to deliver a shred of believable or corroborative, completely undeniable evidence to prove it. Nothing has ever made us (perceptive folks) go “Wow!” If you could, I would publically apologize to you.

Your matrices and magickal “revelations”, use of unsound Biblical codes etc., are not acceptable as they are deliberately discriminatory to the layman in that they are inaccessible and unfathomable to the uninitiated, and the results gleaned form them are, by their notional nature, open to various interpretations.

You’ve been saying the same things for over two decades. Sorry, no one is seriously listening.

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by Beamish

I didn’t attribute your “telepathy” to imagination, per see

True you didn't. However, simply because two things are very simular, perhaps even related, doesn't make them the same. For example, the Wolf and the Dog. both are canidids, yet your dog is unlikely to wake you by howling, nor is it likely to get very excited by cattle 1/4 mile away, yet a Wolf is likely to in both cases. Prolly not a very good example, but, the point is that just because they seem the same, or even work through a like mechanism,doesn't really mean much.

I know I’m not supposed to ask for evidence, but you are forcing me to; please supply something substantive – not “Oh, it was personal, nothing material” – to back that up.

Who said you can't ask for evidence? First, much of the communication between my mother an I IS of a personal nature.

In Feb. 2008 my mother informed she would be "out of touch" for several days, I wasn't very happy about this, but recognized it was out of my control. She informed me that she would be attending a series of meeting with the United Nations. There was one held in New York City, two more in up-state New York, and a final in Europe. At the time I didn't give much to this beyond the feelings it evoked in me. A year later, i found out that these meeting did in face occur, and at the exact dates mother was "out of touch", and in the places she told me about. This is the most recent verified event. There are others, but I have not been very good at recording them, and what records I do have are somewhere in over a terabyte of I'm not too inclined to go looking.

And again, you now inform us that you “are a better position to relate the history of my people”, yet you have said quite clearly that you know little of them. Read about the creative subconscious; it can catch you out quite badly.

I'm sorry, but I fail to see what your problem is here. In the early 90's, when that "history" was written, my telepathic skills were not as developed as they are now, thus the probability of "mis-communication" was much higher. And, again, I do know little about my people, as I have said, I know more about Humans than my own people. It feels like you are trying to make a point where there is none.

The second type, and the one which I think you’re aiming at, is something akin to the psychological effects of loco ferus (appropriately Latin for “wolf child”), or feral children.

Either way, it still doesn’t go any way to explaining away your overt Human-ness. Using imprinting as an excuse for your Human foibles is, obviously, a practiced rebuttal on your part, but unfortunately full of holes.

I think it does go a long way to explaining my "Human-ness". I have only lived among Humans, and only visited my people for a few hours. All I know is Human, so I would ask "How am I to be any different than a Human?"

I have no truck with Crowley

No I won't say Crowley wasn't into drugs, he was, many different kinds, at least according to his bio. The error you are making, is presuming that the "man" and his "magick" are the same, and while this may work in most cases, it does not here. You would have to make a serious study of his philosophy and writings to see the difference. Something I would recommend.

To my knowledge, there is nothing scientifically provable in your canon that would hold up in any form of test as to its veracity

What IS scientifically provable, or mor accurately mathematically provable is the statistical probabilities of the several "matrices" I provided. While this may me contraversial to some, the math does stand on its own merit.

Yes, I did look for specific key words, However, I did not place those keywords in the close proximity in which they were found. And, as for the "easy manipulation", I would have doubts about that. Its not like letters or words were omitted from the original text to cause the proximity of the keys.

I offered to show you the code that generated the overall probabilities that I quoted. And, it sounded to me like you wanted to "see the math", hence the offer. It was, as I said done on one of my computers and the program was written in C#.

I explained to then that I felt I was an ET, and that I had what I felt was fair evidence to indicate further inquery and pointed them to my site…They looked at the site (I think 6 or 8 people looked...I'd have to check the database), and received no reply.

And what does that honestly tell you about the owners of the World’s Biggest Conspiracy Site?

Actually, it strikes me as being rather irresponsible. Also, being the ones to introduce an alien to the world would have put an end to the revenue issues they are experiencing, and the issues they may have in the near future. Being the ones to introduce ET would have made them not only rather famous, but increased their income by some untold amount. And that is just in addition to just "doing the right thing" in the name of their species and planet. To wholly ignore and dismiss this out of hand, is a selfish, narrow minded, and irrspondible act.

Your matrices and magickal “revelations”, use of unsound Biblical codes etc., are not acceptable as they are deliberately discriminatory to the layman in that they are inaccessible and unfathomable to the uninitiated, and the results gleaned form them are, by their notional nature, open to various interpretations.

And they are different from DNA how? Just because you do not understand the science behind the evidence, does not invalidate it. Further, there is only "opinion" that the Bible Codes are "unsound", Still, the mathematics behind those very codes is sound, reproducable evidence.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Beamish

Sir Beamish...well said and done. If any "man thinking himself and alien" couldn't understand himself to be "insane" after that post...then I am afraid there is no cure for madness of that caliber.

Well there goes all hopes of this "poorly put together hoax" and the possibility of "meeting a real alien".

I do agree, and HAVE agreed with your unprofessional-medical-diagnosis, by the way.

I, like you, am no doctor...I do not even watch people play them on TV.

But yes...this guy is faking "some" of this...and "fully consumed by the rest".

A real doctor is surly needed, and the man is probably a danger to himself or others.

Like stated before...delusions of this size and complexity are known to do serious harm when they collapse (think how much we will bug the day they pull our Matrix cord and we pop into some under ground city fighting robot bugs!).

He scared me...plain and simple. And I am not one to "fear" another easy.

I do not handle the "truly insane"...those folks are time bombs and usually a very sad/dangerous cocktail.

But again, you attention to detail and style of debate is a grand display. All the king's men should cheer when you strike with your blade for truth.

That is how a "real man of worth" acts in words and actions.

Not gobbledygook about space-people he is related to and his secret "space-codes" etc etc.


posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 06:27 PM
Well, after this statement i`m done with him. He better be glad none of us own this site, or he would get a one way ticket out of here.

"And what does that honestly tell you about the owners of the World’s Biggest Conspiracy Site?"

"Actually, it strikes me as being rather irresponsible. Also, being the ones to introduce an alien to the world would have put an end to the revenue issues they are experiencing, and the issues they may have in the near future. Being the ones to introduce ET would have made them not only rather famous, but increased their income by some untold amount. And that is just in addition to just "doing the right thing" in the name of their species and planet. To wholly ignore and dismiss this out of hand, is a selfish, narrow minded, and irrspondible act."

Just a bit of advice.....I wouldn`t start slamming the ones who are letting you post all of this. Your lucky you get away with it.

Also, your ego is showing again. You act as though they owe you in some way. And because they don`t jump on your band wagon, by "showing you to the world", you start judging them. If you are an ET, your an ET with a mighty big ego and a chip on his shoulder. Please, get over yourself.

[edit on 3-12-2009 by FiatLux]

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 06:27 PM
I think a lot of these people really are aliens.

While yes, a great deal of them are fakes, frauds, and schemers, some are real.

I would say that some of them do not bring in new ideas, or creative ideas, because they know the ideas could be used for bad reasons, or, it could cause major 'issues'.

A good deal of them could also be programmed slaves, that are programmed to kill themselves after talking too much.

There are however 'people' who are called Urantians, who were sent here from very high, to warn mankind of its destructiveness before the end of times. ( :

posted on Dec, 3 2009 @ 07:10 PM
AnthraAndromda, why have you ignored my posts entirely? I asked you very specific questions if I recall and was brushed off and ignored. In my opinion, it is because you truly have nothing of value to offer humanity other than vague diatribe and concocted fantasies. I am willing to admit error on my part with a single submission of something substantial that will help the human race as a whole.

From your distorted rambling, however, I can't tell if you are in contact with your people or are not. The story changes so much, I am having trouble keeping up. So please, set me straight. Are you in contact with your people? Are you here to help? If so, please go back and reread my questions. Answering any one of them will help humanity substantially.

If you don't want to go back and search for my posts, here is a list of questions to choose from:

1. Can you help us increase the efficiency of our solar technology? If so, how?
2. Can you help us increase the efficiency of our electrical generators and minimize losses caused by a variety of factors?
3. Is there any way we can increase the efficiency of our fossil fuel vehicles in such a way that we conserve fuel and reduce or eliminate emissions?
4. Is there a way we can cause a mass reduction in our rockets so that we can expend less fuel and carry more payloads?
5. In what way can we create a perfect food source to eliminate poverty and suffering among so called third world countries?
6. How can we increase the efficiency of our current farming practices?
7. What, exactly, are viruses and how can be better understand them so that we can combat disease? Same for prions? How can we engineer better, more effective and safer vaccines?
8. Can you teach us a more effective means of communication towards the goal of minimizing or eliminating strife and warfare?
9. Can you help us with some of the difficulties we are currently having explaining quantum microgravity and how it relates to gravity throughout the universe?
10. What happened during the first femtoseconds of the big bang?
11. Is there a "God Particle". If so, what is it and how can we confirm it's existence?
12. Does the theoretical Higgs Boson exist? Again, how can we confirm and observe it's existence?
13. What is dark matter and what do we need to know about it?
14. Is there a theory of everything?

Please understand, we don't need more philosophical bs. We need answers. Clear, scientific answers. Not mumbo jumbo. Because our science is based upon mathematics, please don't skimp on the math in your explanations. And please, don't waste your time or my time with quote mining and searching online for theorems. I know how to use search engines, too.

So, again I ask you, put up or shut up. No one cares if you are an alien or not. You claim you are here to help. So help, already. Crap or get off the pot. Make a verifiable contribution. The past is so yesterday. What do you have to offer now?

Aliens had nothing to do with semiconductors. I already have shown that LED's were invented in the 1800's. You had absolutely nothing to do with transistors as there is a clear line of documents going all the way back showing their evolution in the lab. Fiber optics didn't come from aliens. Auto manufacturers were using light pipes long before. So please, enough with the false claims and bs. Too many self proclaimed, uneducated and deluded idiots have tried to foist the above off on all of us for longer than you have been here, trust me. Just because the majority of people don't understand technology doesn't give you the right to bs people.

As I went to college and learned electronic and computer engineering (double major), I personally know and understand the evolution of semiconductor technology. So I can spot this bs a mile away. Please, spare the both of us the time and get to the point. Either you are an advanced life form or you are not. Either you have something to offer or you do not. So, which is it?

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by rwiggins

I was debating whether to iterate your list, decided not to. Some of those items the answer will be yes. On the fossil fuels, no, there are better replacements. On the Aero-space stuff, you already have those is just a question of implementation.

There is a catch however, you must have disclosure by your governments first. Without disclosure the non-intereference accord will be in effect and nothing will be given to Earth...don't yell at me about this, it is not my policy, they are Federation rules, and beyond my control.

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 01:57 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
Without disclosure the non-intereference accord will be in effect and nothing will be given to Earth.

The three billy goats gruff called and wondered when you are coming back?

Any chance you could put this non-interference accord into full effect?


posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 04:02 AM
My fiance's 6 year old little girl is more creative than this space cadet.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Ok. Round two…

As to my non-comparison of imagination and telepathy, you said:

True you didn't. However, simply because two things are very simular, perhaps even related, doesn't make them the same.

You are constantly viewing this telepathy thing as being black and white. That they both exist.

It’s not that simple.

There are distinct grey areas associated with the Human mind. Take channeling as an example; many claim it’s the product of “higher beings/vibrations/ET” contacting Humans. Others pronounce its hokum. Others still state it’s the creation of the Human psyche. Maybe it’s all of the above and nothing at all.

In my experience of ATS’s “channeled” threads – and other information available on the web - it seems that the information supplied is in direct relation to the abilities of the “channeler’s” intellect. There is never any really amazing information that stands out from that info like a beacon of higher thought. It’s all directly associated, and invariably leans heavily upon, the philosophy and concepts the “channeler” has read or studied in the past. Point that out to them, and they don’t like it.

Rarely does anyone of this ilk produce notions or philosophy that is ground breaking – something that we should at least hope would come from contact with superior minds.

You, AnthraAndromda, are exactly the same. Don’t get me wrong; you’re a smart and intellectual individual, but you’re limited in what your education allows you to create within your fantasy world.

You answer questions about space travel and interstellar government etc., with references and associations to Wikipedia and Star Trek (lost count of how many times you’ve used that as a comparison). All very Human similarities, and not very imaginative. And the argument that your “people” are similar to us just won’t wash. There are vastly divergent cultures on this planet. Goodness knows what there are out there.

What’s the percentile or mathematical likelihood of extraterrestrial cultures – ones that have evolved from insect, wolf and cat I believe - developing administration models and technology so incredibly similar to ours it hurts? I might well be wrong, and I cede that everything could be possible, but I’d say it would be in the region of nil.

So, your “telepathic” communications from your “mother” can legitimately be shown to be the product of your Human intelligence, not a higher one.

And any get out clause that “we aren’t ready yet” for the really good stuff to be revealed is hogwash, and you know it. No superior race would judge an entire species by specific actions or individuals; they would have to have had done serious research and reconnaissance before even beginning to think about interacting with us, and would therefore know that there are some brilliant, unbiased and progressive minds on this planet fully capable of easing us all into a new paradigm.

Who said you can't ask for evidence? First, much of the communication between my mother an I IS of a personal nature.

I’m unconcerned with your inner dialogue.

And as to the “evidence” you presented – the supposed UN/alien meetings – well, once again they can be explained away. (They are also all over ATS).

As to the correct feelings you had about the specific dates; two things occur: firstly, you have to admit we only have your word for that (more on that shortly). Secondly (and this is in your favour), Humans have been known to have precognitive “reactions” to particular dates or locations. It’s not unknown. That you then retroactively associate this intuitive event with your “other worldly” contacts could easily be the product of false memory syndrome. And as you have already said:

There are others, but I have not been very good at recording them, and what records I do have are somewhere in over a terabyte of I'm not too inclined to go looking.

then, to be honest, if you have hard evidence but are unwilling to provide it, it’s pointless even mentioning it.

I might seem to be being extremely dismissive and skeptical, but as you are focused squarely on the mathematical and statistical probability of you being an extraterrestrial – yet now say you’ve got alternate evidence – then surely you can understand why. I’m not being obstinate here, AnthraAndromda, I would dearly love to be talking to an alien, but everything you are saying and doing guides me constantly and inexorably towards a feeling of validation for my initial distrust of your claims. As I’ve said before, I would gladly and voluntarily apologize to you if I’m wrong.

Moving on…

As to your “history of your people”; case closed as far as I’m concerned. You keep moving the goalposts.

As to Crowley; not interested in talking about him or his works anymore. You may have long ago stated publically that your mission was – and I think I’m quoting almost verbatim here – “to spread the word of Thelema” (correct me if I’m wrong). As far as I am concerned “Thelema” is just another form of control, only seeking to inflict its tenets on others. I used to be organizationally religious, but I’m better now.

As to your unwanted “Humanness”; sorry, but that is still entirely indicative of your sweeping disassociation and apparent dislike of your true self. You cannot escape what you are.

What IS scientifically provable, or mor accurately mathematically provable is the statistical probabilities of the several "matrices" I provided. While this may me contraversial to some, the math does stand on its own merit.

Scientifically provable…hmmmm.

The Bible (or Torah) Code is the basis for the commercially available software you have utilized to discern that you are an alien. You are supporting the impression that it is dependable because it is scientific. lots of big mathematical formula’s and the like with which to convince the masses. Ok.

What’s possibly the best evidence that the Code is real; the Great Rabbis Experiment, is it not? Seems pretty persuasive; a millennia old book predicting the names of famous Rabbis.

Case closed, it seems.

But what about Brendan McKay’s, Barry Simon’s, Dror Bar-Natan’s and others’ refutation of that, and many, many other of the Code’s results?

What about this paper:

that not only points out the Code’s

…method for calculating signifcance has serious flaws…

and that

…data was very far from tightly defined by the rules of their experiment…

Did you know that it – ELS – also works not only for Moby Dick and cereal packets, but for the Manifesto written by the “Unabomber”, Ted Kaczynski, too?

It seems to work for any large volume of words.

Divine plan, or manipulable word puzzle that can work for any information put into it?

Read this:

Scientifically proven? Nah. That’s wishful thinking.

Just because you do not understand the science behind the evidence, does not invalidate it.

Just because you will not listen to valid and provable criticism of the evidence, you continue to validate your claims erroneously.

Further, there is only "opinion" that the Bible Codes are "unsound"

No, that’s an immensely biased viewpoint. Like it or not, there is reproducible evidence that the Codes can reveal anything you want to find within them.

Still, the mathematics behind those very codes is sound…

No it’s not sound. You will view it as sound because it backs up your fantasies. What else can you do? Admit it has been successfully debunked?

Relying on such precarious forms of man-made, entirely arguable methods of supplying proof is, in itself, detrimental to your declarations.

You’ll have to do better. You’ve been touting this for decades.

It ain’t working.

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by Beamish

But what about Brendan McKay’s, Barry Simon’s, Dror Bar-Natan’s and others’ refutation of that, and many, many other of the Code’s results?

What about this paper:

that not only points out the Code’s

…method for calculating signifcance has serious flaws…

and that

…data was very far from tightly defined by the rules of their experiment…

Did you know that it – ELS – also works not only for Moby Dick and cereal packets, but for the Manifesto written by the “Unabomber”, Ted Kaczynski, too?

It seems to work for any large volume of words.

Divine plan, or manipulable word puzzle that can work for any information put into it?

I never said it was proof, and as I recall I did say it was contraversial...

The arguments you give do more to prove my point than you may think, but first...

The two quotes you give above do not seem to be from the text you indicated...perhaps they're an ELS.

The fact that the arguments against the so-called bible codes go more into trying to prove that there is no evidence of the "hand of God" says quite alot. It needs to be remembered that these things are more in the nature of natural phenomenon than they are of any intent on the part of any given entity. The fact that these kind of "codes" appear in any suffeciently large body of text is proof enough of this. It is also proof of the validity of the technique. These "codes" should be viewed more as data mining than anything else. They don't provide predictions, they provide additional data about a civilization, and these same kinds of codes exist in the "collective consciousness" of all civilizations.

The significance of these "finds" is not in where they were found, but, rather, in the fact that they were found. There are, and necesszrily so, rather specific probabilities for the occurance of a grouped set of key words in ANY body of text. When those odds become significant the group of key words also become significant. This is the case with one of my matrices, there are some 13 key words, chosen for the significance of their association with the other. The probability of this occuring is very small, and I would be rather surprised if the cluster occured anywhere else in the Human collective consciousness.

So, whether you wish to accept it or not, the significance is there, and it is suffecient enough to constitute evidence (as opposed to proof).

Etharzi od Oma

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 05:09 PM
Its a double edged sword, setting this madman to ignore.

On the down side, I see he has posted another "lying post" when I see the "recent posts" section but I can't read it.

On the up side...I am spared his "lower then par" stupidity and hypocritical nonsense that contradicts itself every other post.

Thank ATS for this gift of "ignoring".

posted on Dec, 4 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Greetings, Mask!

We meet again.

How may I help you today?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 01:35 AM
What would actually be FAR more interesting than debating these fictional delusions of an obviously mentally unstable person, is the actual psychology behind this type of behavior. How common is this type of diagnosis? From a psychiatric standpoint, what types of mental "trauma" in a patients past would cause this type of delusional behavior? Is there a certain classification of this type of mental state? What is the process in which the human mind can believe something is so truthful and factual, the brain ends up not being able to distinguish fact from fiction?

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 04:50 AM
People people people...

Can we calm down?

He lives in Texas. He is a mage. He is also an alien.

Is this so hard to believe?

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