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indigos, crystal, star, etc and the rest, My voices

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posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:50 PM
For me i do believe that all these (indigos, crystal, star etc) does exist, but i refuse to term myself as any of them (I do not know why, maybe it is just a term and nothing else). Then again i still feel a close relation to them.

its just sad isnt it ?

i see many bashing, mocking etc about indigos,crystal and etc
does it matter ? if the indigos or crystal are real ? Are those who are mocking them merely jealous ? merely thinking that its all crap ?, if those who think that this really just a fantasy or self made illusions why do you guys even bother whining about it or bashing those who term themselves as one or even making fun about it ? are you guys just trying to show that you have failed to comprehend them or just jealous that they may possess something which maybe you do not have ?

If indigos or crystals or watever are really here to help or change or make the world a little better, why does those who aint one have to expect so much out of them ? If you cant even save themselves how much do you think the others could do ? So non indigos, crystals cannot make this world a little better ? Non indigos, crystals etc cannot heal the souls of others ? So the world is kinda screwed up now, and then a bunch of dudes that appear and say they would make the world a little better or is here to help, so the rest are gonna just wait for it to happen, instead of doing something about it themselves ?

Also i feel that does it mean one is an indigo crystal or etc, one happens to fall under some characteristics, just because if you fall udner those characteristics does it mean that your really one ? And i 've seen some others claiming to be indigos or crystals, but not knowing of their purpose ? or just merely claiming ? it really makes me wonder too why do some who thinks that they are indigos, crystals or etcs, i've seen just post "yeah i think i am one", or "or i am an indigo"," yeah i have those characteristics, i think i am one" , if you are really one, an indigo or crystal or star child or etc, it makes me wonder if its better if you know it yourself rather than to fall under the characteristics and say that you are one, and then merely saying you are one and nothing else, i feel that its because of this thats why all this bashing and mocking have occur.

I feel that the main thing about being an indigo or crystal or etc is not about falling under the characteristics of one as we can find nearly everywhere on the internet, but more of the universal knowledge, wisdom, the 'truth', gifts that we possess that makes us one of them, then again it doesnt make us more superior or special than any other humans does it ? (pointless having such mindsets anyway)

Does it matter if one is an indigo or if one is a crystal or starchild or etc, or if one isnt ?

In the end we are still One.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:05 PM
Tar is better. Let is sit out until it dries up then you have a black crystal and then you sell it at a pawn shop.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:31 AM
Naw...You probably are not an Indigo. You do not capitalize the vowel "I" when referring to yourself. That is almost always a sign of "laziness" or "poor grammar" (usually both).

If anything, it shows you how much you are "just like" the majority of younger people today, engrossed with text messages and internet forums.

Don't worry...a real Indigo would not belittle himself in the view of the public like that.

You probably just are an over imaginative Gen-next-er gone "compliant" to the social norm of "spewing blather" online.

Just my guess.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Mr Mask]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:43 AM
People who claim to be "Indigos", all have two things in common. They all have terrible grammar and they all whine insufferably about how no one understands. Clearly you are indeed an Indigo, maybe even an Indigo prince.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:37 AM
Yeah....Indigos don't exist, and judging by your thread you don't fit any of the criteria. Not even close, you'll just have to look for a different fad.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:12 AM
i am not trying to claim or show that i am an indigo or something, i dont care actually. i am just wondering why people bash and mock them in ATS, and is just really interested in the reason why people do that

I find it funny that people are actually debating if i am an indigo, or is already making a fun of me, instead of answering my questions.

oh yeah and Mr Mask, i dont really care about grammar either, the primary reason for language is just for communication as long as you get what i mean it doesnt matter how i phase it or capitalise my i does it ?

also when one claims that something doesnt exist, it would have increased the possibility for it to exist

[edit on 17-11-2009 by wein]

[edit on 17-11-2009 by wein]

[edit on 17-11-2009 by wein]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by wein

Hello wein.

For me i do believe that all these (indigos, crystal, star etc) does exist, but i refuse to term myself as any of them (I do not know why, maybe it is just a term and nothing else). Then again i still feel a close relation to them.

It’s fine that you believe indigos exist.

Many people do not, and that’s fine too.

What has to be remembered is that labeling someone an indigo is, ostensibly, another way of saying someone’s different. The common criteria for “diagnosing” indigos are:

…the belief that they are empathetic, curious, possess a clear sense of self-definition and purpose, strong-willed, independent, often perceived by friends or family as being weird, and also exhibits a strong inclination towards spiritual matters (e.g. God) from early childhood.

All of the above traits are not necessarily new. In fact, most kids exhibit some or all of them at one time or another. Many adults go through life still acting upon them.

The fact that normal childhood qualities have been deliberately realigned by the New Age movement to indicate something entirely new infuriates some, and empowers others. If you thought – or had been told – your child is subject to a “mental disorder”, and had been suffering under the personal strain caused by that, but then someone else comes along and says that your child is in fact special and here’s a list to prove it, then who would you believe?

That is the problem. Who do you believe? Experts, or New Age gurus?

And, taken further; this from an indigo site (abridged):

They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)…a feeling of "deserving to be here,"…Self-worth is not a big issue…have difficulty with absolute authority…will not do certain things…get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought…often see better ways of doing things…seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind…they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially...will not respond to "guilt" discipline…not shy in letting you know what they need.

Now, doesn’t that sound like someone you know?


Because that short set of rules doesn’t just allegedly diagnose “indigoism”, it also covers just about every rebellious streak in childhood or beyond. And that is where so many people have problems with indigos.

Those criteria also indicate ADHD, and plain, good old fashioned arrogance and individualism. None of those are desirable, healthy, and nor should they be promoted.
If you believe you fit into the categories of an Indigo child, or even suspect that you might (or even secretly admire them), then, again, that’s fine. Your choice.

You should also be aware that not all children who have been labeled Indigo like their new designation, and indeed won’t accept it.

And before you become defensive when everyone rebukes your beliefs, think on this; there is no scientific proof of this new stage of human evolution. It was coined by a New Age guru, Nancy Ann Tappe, and is now promoted by other self-appointed authorities, channelers, and on via lectures, books and DVDs, which, of course, all come at a price.

Con, or evolution?

Do some research, don’t just assume what you read is correct or genuine, or that everyone who disagrees is out to get you, then decide.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Beamish

Beamish, perhaps you should do a little research yourself. Individualism IS desirable and necessary. Without it, a forum such as ATS would not exist. Positive change in this world will not come from people cut from cookie cutter molds. This is why cookie cutter public education fails children "diagnosed" with ADD and ADHD because there are kids out there that are hardwired way different than you could ever imagine. These kids are way above average in intelligence and creative expression, as well as gifted in areas not so easy to understand or measure by cookie cutter standards.

There is no definitive, objective diagnosis for ADD or ADHD, by the way, just as there is no definitive, objective diagnosis for Indigo-ism.

These kids do not learn or process information the same way as cookie cutter people and they may or may not excel in a public school environment.

But you are correct with a connection between the label of ADD and the label of Indigo. At some point the truth will be revealed that many gifted children labeled with Attention Deficit Disorder were deliberately brainwashed with having a "learning disability" or a "disorder" so that the child and everyone in their life believed it. They were bored silly in cookie cutter special education classes, while their young developing brain was altered daily with psychosomatic drugs.

There's a huge red conspiracy flag right there for you. And you guys are afraind of the H1N1 flu vacine or flouride in your water??? TPTB didn't just start messing with you, they started with your kids decades ago. Why were the brightest stars deliberately dimmed?

But these kids are resilient and to this day, they are still surviving and thriving. Not only that, but they are on a to mission to help humanity in some way. They honor service to others over service to self. I think we all need to respect them and encourage them to find their way.

But cookie cutter people can not understand this because they have dough for brains.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by wein

What you are, is what people called a witch, in the past. Humans have always had a certain percentage of people, that may show these qualities.

They are just buzz words.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by wein

I find it funny that people are actually debating if i am an indigo, or is already making a fun of me, instead of answering my questions.

oh yeah and Mr Mask, i dont really care about grammar either, the primary reason for language is just for communication as long as you get what i mean it doesnt matter how i phase it or capitalise my i does it ?

Well then, if you truly think the reasons for communication do not rest in "grammar" or that it doesn't matter how one phrases (not phases) it....then my post fit in with your views perfectly. My post was clearly put together to get "my point across to you" that what you posted screams of "disjointed logic" and "teenage angst" peppered with "bad grammar" and "incomplete thinking patterns".

My point is this...if you expect people to regard you with any seriousness, then you SHOULD pay closer attention to how you present your ideas. I know you think grammar isn't important, and that badly presented scribblings should be taken with good merit, but I must remind you - that most people when they see "a person ignoring the basic standards of writing" they are often brought to believe the writer to be incompetent, undereducated, lazy or just plain "sloppy ".

Is this fair? Oh yes! It surly is...imagine a world leader sending a message to another world leader-

"Yo homie, i iz sends this to you and saying whattup from Amereaka. i think we are all indygos and hop you see it to".

Imagine the fallout of such a letter after it is looked upon by anyone with a forth-grade-or-higher-education. The writer of such a letter would lose any and all respect he/she may have had before being seen as "illiterate".

Am I saying illiterate people are bad? No. Am I saying illiterate people are less intelligent? No.

What I am saying is "language/grammar is not only used to communicate". It is more often then not, also used to gauge the validity and depth of whoever uses it. A badly crafted/presented "post" is no different then a badly crafted/presented letter from a world leader.

If a writer's writing shows lack of attention to grammar (in this day in age, with spell-check so close at all times), it also shows the reader that the writer doesn't care enough about his/her own ideas to double check and polish them. If the writer doesn't care that he/she is presenting garbage, the the reader won't care about "said garbage".

This is 2009, we have the tools in our homes to make sure our words are understood and "somewhat legible". If you are too lazy to do us the favor of caring for what you do you expect anyone to take a single thing you say serious?

That leads me to my last point. If what you write is on par with what a normal 5 year old child would write with a do you expect anyone to give you the benefit of seeing you as "creditable"?

If you don't understand these points...I highly recommend you start studying more on "language" and the "art of writing".

I for one suck at writing...but I think it shows that it is not for lack of energy or interest.

You are making simple mistakes that you should have conquered a very long time ago. I am sorry if the "quality of your writing" makes me "judge you", but if such things were "not important" we all would see many books with your level of writing published worldwide.

We all see that books are not published with such lousy grammar.

There is a reason for that.

Language is NOT just for show...and its only reason for being "is not to just communicate".

Written word is an art form...and it is fine that you say "its not important how you write". But fact remains....bad writing, usually equals "bad/lazy thinking".

Sorry...that is just how it is.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 08:37 PM
To Beamish:

Erm sorry but what I am trying to say is that, this is what people seem like they are trying to do, they conclude a person being an indigo from the characteristics one display,as in I believe that a true indigo, crystal etc is not just determine by merely characteristics that fit for a indigo from a certain website. Rather the true eseence or reasons for their actions or what they are able bring forth for the world, and that I believe that to nearly all comes reason and that people seem to be more interested in proving why they are wrong rather than giving a thought for their actions.

To andy1033:

what qualities do you mean that made me seemed like a witch?

To Mr Mask:

I am sorry i dont get you, what do you mean by my post consisting of "disjointed logic" and "teenage angst", "incomplete thinking patterns". Do you mind explaining

I would like to say, Do not judge a book by its cover. And that I do care about what I present, I just prioritise content a lot more over grammar and language. If I were write everything nicely in very mannered form that makes no sense then I do not see any point in doing it. I am more concern about people getting what I mean than if I capitalise my I's, and that I did not have a habit to check that and did not take it into account. My apologises for that.

I do not believe that badly presented scribblings should be taken with good merit, please do not put your thoughts into mine. Does it matter if one gets merit or not for writing good or bad ? It seems like you are more concern about the Forms you or humanity have created, rather than the true nature of the Form of bringing a message across.

I am sorry again, but I do not believe in being polite for the sake of being polite, but I do not totally think that such things are not important, please do not put your thoughts into mine again. Also I did not say that language is only just for communication, I said that it is the primary reason for communication not sole reason.

Despite all I have said, I think i still get what you are trying to bring across, and that I admit that I am a lazy and sloppy person, but I do care if people get what I am trying to say or ask.

My apologises to everyone who have read my post for my poor use of grammar or if it was rudely presented.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 05:39 AM
reply to post by hurdygurdy

Beamish, perhaps you should do a little research yourself. Individualism IS desirable and necessary. Without it, a forum such as ATS would not exist. Positive change in this world will not come from people cut from cookie cutter molds.

Perhaps I should define “individualism” in the manner it was used in my post; individualism can be seen to be elitist, used by those who deem themselves – or who are forcibly labeled – as particular or extraordinary in their abilities or role in life, and whose new social prominence is then used as an excuse to be either revered, or praised. It disallows humility, and encourages adulation where adulation may well not be warranted.

There is no definitive, objective diagnosis for ADD or ADHD, by the way, just as there is no definitive, objective diagnosis for Indigo-ism.

That does not make them one and the same.

These kids do not learn or process information the same way as cookie cutter people and they may or may not excel in a public school environment.

This does not mean they are in anyway superior to those who do process information in the accepted way. Just different.

And as there is no real process as to “diagnose” an indigo, it is wide open to personal interpretation and abuse. Any “normal” child feeling what passes for the disassociated emotions of the 21st century child could, in theory, label themselves as “Indigo”. That may not be a bad thing, and may well somehow “empower” the child, but in the long run that child will be proven to be as normal as the rest and that could cause even more problems for them.

But you are correct with a connection between the label of ADD and the label of Indigo… There's a huge red conspiracy flag right there for you.

As I – nor anyone else – is privy to how intellectual evolution works, it is not for me to speculate on the future of human understanding. But, as a rationalist, it is possible to state that real psychological disorders can be mistaken for a new form of cerebral superiority. Everyone’s brain works differently, no matter what their cognitive abilities.

But these kids are resilient and to this day, they are still surviving and thriving. Not only that, but they are on a to mission to help humanity in some way.

Mission? Link, link link, please?

They honor service to others over service to self. I think we all need to respect them and encourage them to find their way…But cookie cutter people can not understand this because they have dough for brains.
(My emphasis)

Remember my definition of individualism and how it can segregate? There’s a prime example in your post.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by wein

Erm sorry but what I am trying to say is that, this is what people seem like they are trying to do, they conclude a person being an indigo from the characteristics one display, as in I believe that a true indigo, crystal etc is not just determine by merely characteristics that fit for a indigo from a certain website.

If you are saying that you don’t believe that an “Indigo” should be defined by one set of rules, then you are right; there are several ways of diagnosing “indigoism”.

It would be nice if there was one, but it seems several is more preferable, and why is that? Cynically, it could stated that enlarging the catchment area increases the ranks of these “special children” and therefore the amount of parents willing to pay for the help of New Age gurus who can help with their “special” children’s development.

Yet previously you have said that you align yourself to them – feel a “close relation”; therefore I’m assuming that you fit some or all of the criteria?

There is nothing wrong in trying to find out just who you are. You’ll notice I didn’t say what you are. What you are is down to you, not what someone else says – or even suggests - you are. Everyone is special in their own way, and should choose to help their fellow Man according to their particular talent or ability or with just plain good old fashioned kindness.

You don’t need to be a reborn space angel to make a real, positive change on Earth.

The choice is yours, not someone who cannot – or will not - prove their peculiar claims.

Rather the true eseence or reasons for their actions or what they are able bring forth for the world, and that I believe that to nearly all comes reason and that people seem to be more interested in proving why they are wrong rather than giving a thought for their actions.

And what do Indigos bring to the world precisely? Don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely all for people trying to change the world, even in the smallest way, but is it too much to ask that you show me some kind of substantiation of their heavenly mission, something where an Indigo has actively altered our way of thinking, acting or attitude for the better.

Anything will do.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by Beamish

regarding to what you said "There is nothing wrong in trying to find out just who you are. You’ll notice I didn’t say what you are."

I am sorry but I think I already knew who I am, that is not the whole point of this post. I am not trying to claim that i am an indigo nor am I trying to ask if i am related to an indigo nor asking if I am one.

like I said, I feel that it doesnt matter if one is an indigo or if one is related or if one is not. And as I have said in my 1st post

"If indigos or crystals or watever are really here to help or change or make the world a little better, why does those who aint one have to expect so much out of them ? If you cant even save themselves how much do you think the others could do ? So non indigos, crystals cannot make this world a little better ? Non indigos, crystals etc cannot heal the souls of others ? So the world is kinda screwed up now, and then a bunch of dudes that appear and say they would make the world a little better or is here to help, so the rest are gonna just wait for it to happen, instead of doing something about it themselves ?"

So only indigos have a heavenly mission, only indigos can bring to the world ? non indigos cannot ?, have you used a telescope too much that you forgot to use a mirror ?

I guess you would still want something, so maybe I'll share a little something then,

Maybe most people have forgotten that money is not everything, there are advantages of money, but to me it seems like most humans have become slaves of their own creations. I doubt an indigo, crystal etc would be able to alter the mindsets of the masses or even help, if the masses themselves do not want to let go of the chains they created themselves.

[edit on 18-11-2009 by wein]

[edit on 18-11-2009 by wein]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:20 AM
Indigo, Crystal, Starseed, Alien -- I don't care how people label themselves, nor which group they identify with. What matters to me is the intent of a person -- to tear down, disrupt, degrade, or to improve, build, and teach.

If a person's goals are in the right place, I think they're moving in a positive direction.

If a person's goals are self-glorification or setting themselves aside as special and different as compared with the elusive "norm", that still doesn't seem harmful to me, just an intent of lesser value.

We don't really know if the above groups and those similar really are what they profess or believe themselves to be. There's room in my imagination for the possibility. I would guess that a true person of that calibre would tend toward positive change without the focus upon themselves, however that's just a guess. Perhaps a person like this would have experienced a sense of aloneness that has only been recently alleviated somewhat due to sites such as ATS that allows a discussion and not immediate rejection of the possibilities.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Here we go again, just coming into a thread to troll. Do you ever say anything constructive?

How do you know if the op is an indigo? Do you even believe in indigos? I doubt it.

I agree it is sad to mock people for their beliefs but bear this in mind. Those that listen to what they feel and become aware of it are in a strong position as they can manouvre themselves (with a lot of effort) into a life which will not only make them happy but others around them.

People will always try and make you feel down because they want to suck the happiness out of you. Pick you friends carefully and do not try to tackle these people unless you are strong. Otherwise you will be drained and feel terrible.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by wein

do not let trolls, make you sway from your beliefs.

have the courage of your convictions and dont give them attention, they will go away. As long as we can understand what you are getting at -and i do- nothing else matters

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:31 AM

Originally posted by ZombieOctopus
People who claim to be "Indigos", all have two things in common. They all have terrible grammar and they all whine insufferably about how no one understands. Clearly you are indeed an Indigo, maybe even an Indigo prince.

And another thing they nearly all have in common. Energy that those with energy recognition can pick up. If that gift is activated more, and the starseed (for all of these are a category of starseed, which means their source is more recently from the cosmos, and there are hundreds of millions of them, many still asleep) is aware of who they are, then you can even tell their origin. Ie. Lyraen, or human type, sirian feline, andromedan, ple'o'sh'an.

So they have something very interesting in common!

Energy recognition also goes the other way. You can sense the awake nuki's, even the sleepers sometimes. And there are many here as well. Many of the humans are lizzies in source, and a few are alpha draconian. The awake and aware ones, on negative assignments are programming the matrix, making negative or limiting statements over and over. Words are very important, they have sound vibrations, and can change your dna in real time according to the Russian study, and they are like the law of attraction.
Making negative commands, or making console games for the children like Microsoft and Sony, two very prominent matrix programmers and filled with nuki's in source, to try and enslave ppl further.

Others incarnate to be agents of chaos and keep people, natural co-creators, in fear. So that they help create hell on earth.

More and more of the positives need to wake up, both the starseeds and the humans who all came here to affect change, but have been put to sleep by this negative system too, so the tide turns. Pretty hard to control awake and aware people who see the leaders, bankers and corporate heads for what they are, and who know how co-creational they truly are. Why they can put their heads together and share intentions to co-create freedom, grass roots awareness and solutions, and powerfull envision the elite stepping down unconditionally while seeing themselves powerfully protected.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by wein

I am sorry but I think I already knew who I am, that is not the whole point of this post. I am not trying to claim that i am an indigo or am I trying to ask if i am related to an indigo or if I am one.

Sorry if we are at cross purposes here, but when you said in your initial post (my emphasis):

For me i do believe that all these (indigos, crystal, star etc) does exist, but i refuse to term myself as any of them (I do not know why, maybe it is just a term and nothing else). Then again i still feel a close relation to them.

that suggested that you had some sympathy for them. Perhaps your wording misled me slightly. And as I agreed with you when you say:

…I feel that it doesnt matter if one is an indigo or if one is related or if one is not.

that an individual doesn’t have to be labeled “special” to do some good, then we are in concurrence, aren’t we? So, having said that, I find it a little strange that your tone becomes slightly terse:

So only indigos have a heavenly mission, only indigos can bring to the world ? normal people cannot ?, have you used a telescope too much that you forgot to use a mirror ?

“Heavenly Mission” is not my terminology, and it is used in a sarcastic tone. When you said previously:

Rather the true eseence or reasons for their actions or what they are able bring forth for the world, and that I believe that to nearly all comes reason and that people seem to be more interested in proving why they are wrong rather than giving a thought for their actions.

you are saying that people would rather try and prove them wrong than give any thought to their “actions” (which is not necessarily true as there are many who fully support the whole theory. I do not fall into that category), and is also suggestive that they are being ignored, and that that situation does not sit well with you.

I am assuming that you have done some research on this subject, and as such would be aware of the indigos supposedly “divine-like” mission, and should therefore have noticed my use of cynical language in reference to their “mission”.

And as to the analogy to telescopes and mirrors, well you lost me there. However, I agree with you when you say:

Maybe most people have forgotten that money is not everything, there are advantages of money, but to me it seems like most humans have become slaves of their own creations. I doubt an indigo, crystal etc would be able to alter the mindsets of the masses or even help, if the masses themselves do not want to let go of the chains they created themselves.

So let’s leave it there, shall we?

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 07:49 AM
What I loathe about the indigo qualities is that they are cold and broad and can fit damn near anyone


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