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Nassim Haramein - The Most Important Crop Circles Ever! (Updated Videos)

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posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by rexusdiablos
That's exactly my point. It's why I've become skeptical of the likes of Alex Jones. As much as a I like the guy he just wouldn't shut up plugging his 'Fall of the Republic' film during the broadcasts. It really got excessive.

Yeah it is really hard not to be cynical over such fluff. Are they really any different than a televangelist?

You would think that someone who was so driven to spread the truth, so passionate over what is real and what is not, would find it in them to do so without becoming a profiteer.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:03 PM
I've seen many-a-video where people claim to have made crop circles. In fact, they demonstrated their art by making a small simple pattern for the camera in broad daylight. It resembled some of the magnificent crop circles that have shown up in recent years, NOT AT ALL.

I'd love to see a video where 5 or 10 or 300 people get together at night and make one of these elaborate designs and have it filmed in IR and NightVision ... you know, just to put the subject to rest.

Alas, no crop circle group has ever done this. At least not to my knowledge. If you happen to know of a video showing this ... please reference.

I know that if I were to participate in an event such as this, I would want to document it. I think it'd be a blast and something I could show family and friends. There's obviously A LOT of planning that would be involved and I'd want to document ever bit of it because some of these designs are gorgeous.

Funny though ... I've never seen anyone claim to have video of one of these elaborate designs being made.

That's a little odd, if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by tyranny22

I agree. Even though, for example, the people at seem to offer some authorship to some circles, they still don't have exactly what you have described. To my knowledge, as well, there are no videos or pictures of a massive, geometrically both perfect and highly complex, and done-over-night crop circles being made by humans.

I would love to see one. I know one man did a huge sand-circle but it took him three weeks or so (or was it months) and he had a van with him at all times.


Peace, and love.

P.S.: Thanks to the user Nassim Haramein for coming clean about not being the original Nassim. Will look forward to the info about his abduction. I don't think I have ever heard of this happening to him.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:30 PM
His talks are fantastic. I dont care what anybody says, even if everything he says is a lie the creativity he has put into it and the way he strings his ideas together is worth me spending 4 hours to watch his talks. if nothing else his theories are based in geometry and thats the most universal of things.

I think i finally understand why there are so many haters here on ATS. They like the illusion they have created for themselves and people like Nassim are talking about things that shatter that. people only take in as much reality as their minds can handle and if someone else can see further or clearer than them well then they must be crazy.

What a crazy world we live in when a person with such creativity and understanding is relegated to the backwoods of the internet and crack addicts like Britney Spears gets millions to act like a prostitute and be a bad role model for young women everywhere. In fact that applies to 90% of what we call entertainment. A clear sign that the masses would rather live their lives with their head in the sand than fund research such as this.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

Originally posted by Jezus

Originally posted by Blaine91555
There is no difference between stealing a car and stealing somebody's intellectual property. Anyone who would do one, would do the other.

This is a pretty stupid thing to say...

A thief is a thief is a thief.

When you steal intellectual property you are also stealing all the work and expense that went into it. That is no different than stealing anything else. A person who would steal one thing would steal another.

If you don't think people should be paid for their work, I've got thousands of hours of stuff you could do for me at no pay?

I may not think a lot of Haramein but he has a right to be paid for his work, in this case video, just as you have the right to be paid for your work. Unless you are rich, a kid or a hermit I assume you get paid for your work so you can eat and keep a roof over your head?

You want to watch his video, you should pay for it and nobody should steal it by pirating it and putting it on YouTube.

That is a great opinion and all but it is still pretty stupid to say that anyone who would do one, would do the other...

That just isn't true...

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by Delmus
It is possible that extraterestrials have attempted to contact us through our radio telescopes and that the elite have simply covered this up from the public. .

What? ET can't afford a prepaid cell phone to call Coast to Coast and chat with George? Maybe ET had to "phone home" collect and we all know the screener on c2c does not accept reverse charges!

Have they tried smoke signals?

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:59 PM
If the advanced alien beings want to contact the masses without going through the filter of radio waves that could be "kept under wraps" (not a chance, by the way) then I would imagine their significant technological ability and intellect would allow for better ways of doing this than stamping on some weeds in a field....seriously.

Or, if the aliens are behind the crop circle thing and it is true that they are trying to get a message through to the people of this planet without government censorship, then why not do an intricate crop circle design in many places all over the globe at the same time? Would be difficult to explain that away as some dudes stamping weeds....especially if it was in remote areas...suck as a snow circle in Antarctica or something.

As far as proof that there is nothing alien/supernatural about crop circles just give me a modest budget and a few month's time. I have little doubt that in the end I would be able to provide multiple high definition videos of humans making some amazing artwork.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

The message wouldn't be any more profound, either way. They aren't trying to say, "hey, guys, wake up... there are other life-forms other than Earthlings". By "they" I mean whoever is responsible for the crop formations. The messages talk about an awakening of consciousness. Having these messages appear en mass wouldn't change the message itself. One crop circle is enough since it gets around the internet in a matter of minutes. What do you think?

Peace, and love.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555

He apparently was into the Niburu mythology as well. When it failed to show up in 2003 he changed his story to it came, nobody told us, nobody looked up for the months it would have been easy to see with an unaided eye, and somehow a Solar Event pushed it away saving us. That is lot to swallow. An object far larger than Jupiter came close to us and nobody noticed it and the government hid it from us when all you would have had to do is look up?????

Yeap. That's the one where he misidentified Comet Neat as Nibiru.
Not too impressive.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by tyranny22

been on learning channel many times in the past, and yes, they made soem rather large and intricate ones, with a timer, and amazingly, they all show the same texture as the other crop circles, unless aliens have some special way of making all the crops lay down in the same twisting pattern?

so yes, the proof is out there, you just refuse to look

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 12:58 AM
Video not working anymore.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 01:36 AM
I wish i would've seen this guy at Symbiosis. I'm a skeptic but enjoy listening to left field thinking. This guy clearly is well read...

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:14 AM
[edit on 17-11-2009 by Heliocentric]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:52 AM
Hello All, I have not watched the video yet because I did a ton of research on this previously.

This is no ordinary crop circle. This is a detailed communication imbedded in the crops in binary code.

This piece of property is fenced in government owned land with a huge radio telecospe right next to it. For anyone to sneak onto this facility and create a perfect binary code overnight without being seen is impossible.

In addition the scientific information in this response to our message is impressive.

The DNA helix changed from human to Alien, the addition of silicone as the basic building block like carbon is for us is astounding. Scientists say the only other element that can support life at the basic level like carbon does for us is silicon.

Where we listed our radio telesocpe in the binary code map, they listed a graphic with dozens of dishes and even implanted the dish graphic in the same location prior to the binary map.

If you do the research on this you will be amazed. We have been contacted and it was in response to a message we sent in binary code.

Now here is my theory on this reponse.

The message sent from Aricibo was sent to a galaxy that would not receive it for 27,000 years. Why they would send a message somewhere they will never get a response from seems stupid to me. This was NASA's response, that it could not be a response because the message they sent will not arrive for thousands of years. Geniuses.

Well the message from 1976 was resent I think 2 years prior to the first response, it's been a while since I did the research. It was sent through our solar system. I think this response was to the second message, not the first one in 1976.

This response is upside down. Now some say this proves a fake, I say no it does not.

The message sent in 1976 was printed in a book upside down. When it was resent it may have been in the wrong order. If this is the case we got the response in the same manner it was sent. However, if it was sent correctly there is another reason this is upside down. If you are imprinting a message on a crop from above, it is just like a stamp, it has to be made backwards so when you stamp it is correct.

The location of this crop, the perfect binary code of this crop, the addition of the building blocks of life, the change in the DNA, and the telescope used to send the crop message are all too perfect and too scientific to be hoaxed.

This is the most important thing mankind has ever encountered and NASA dismisses it instantly.

Go to this site and look at all the information contained in this message. You will not be disappointed.

We have been contacted, I guarantee it!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 04:35 AM
This guy gets Headlined for a few hours on ATS and next thing you know he pulls of his video from youtube.

This is just wrong. I believe he should be paying ATS to play his videos.
For instance let's say that I get to learn about this guys work from ATS.
Obviously he's no genius at the marketing department.

Been abducted at age of seven eh?

[edit on 17-11-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:15 AM
reply to post by IgnoreTheFacts

Thing is ignore, that CC believers fail to realise how advanced CC have become over the years. From very simple designs like circles in the 70s (which were initially believed that they were the imprints from alien craft) to elaborate designs that we have today. It doesn't take a genius to realise that CC makers have simply got better and better over the years at making them.

Could any CC believers show me a CC from the 70's that's as detailed as the ones we see today? I bet there's not one.

Anyway, if aliens are communicating with us through CC, then they're doing a crap job. Because Ive yet to see one that's been deciphered.

Lets face it, if they really wanted to talk to us, they'd only ever need one message.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:53 AM
Very valid argument.
I would much more eager to believe the CCs come from aliens if in that supposed message they incorporated somehow a design to introduce lets say a new spectacular algorithm that could be turned in to a programing language far more advanced from that what we currently have, for instance.

One problem is that if CC makers or the PTB or whatever caught up with times and come up with a novel approach that can fool people 100% then we might have a problem. All that "disclosure" build up for no apparent reason is suspicious IMO but still, what it takes is that either we have to become dumper to swallow this or they have to become more clever.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by spacebot]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
If the advanced alien beings want to contact the masses without going through the filter of radio waves that could be "kept under wraps" (not a chance, by the way) then I would imagine their significant technological ability and intellect would allow for better ways of doing this than stamping on some weeds in a field....seriously.

If we could create a crop circle on a planet in another solar system with an accuracy of within a couple of hundred yards of its intended target then I'd be amazed.

What's not impressive about that?

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
Or, if the aliens are behind the crop circle thing and it is true that they are trying to get a message through to the people of this planet without government censorship, then why not do an intricate crop circle design in many places all over the globe at the same time? Would be difficult to explain that away as some dudes stamping weeds....especially if it was in remote areas...suck as a snow circle in Antarctica or something.

Suppose they only have a tiny window to transmit for any specific location and they have to calculate orbits, distances etc.

It's not like they're just sending a radio wave into a vast area of space like we do.

Originally posted by IgnoreTheFacts
As far as proof that there is nothing alien/supernatural about crop circles just give me a modest budget and a few month's time. I have little doubt that in the end I would be able to provide multiple high definition videos of humans making some amazing artwork.

I'm sure you could but that doesn't rule out that crop circles may have originated from external sources and humans just mimicked them.

People can forge Federal Reserve notes but it doesn't make all of them forgeries.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by mc1km]

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by mc1km

It's not like they're just sending a radio wave into a vast area of space like we do.

I'm sure you could but that doesn't rule out that crop circles may have originated from external sources and humans just mimicked them.

People can forge Federal Reserve notes but it doesn't make all of them forgeries.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by mc1km]

But that's just it, people have owned up to creating CC. So if one human can do at least one of them, then humans can easily do all of them.

How about answering my earlier argument that CC have got progressively better over the years? Why wasn't there any elaborately detailed ones in the 70s like we have now?

Humans started making them, now they're better at them. It's a no brainer really.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by tyranny22
Funny though ... I've never seen anyone claim to have video of one of these elaborate designs being made.

Funny though...I've never seen anyone with a video showing aliens making these elaborate designs.

Seems odd.

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