posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 03:38 AM
Howzit ATS'rs
Now know that there are threads about his on ATS, but only recenlty in South Africa we have been able to see the Pleiades Constellation (dipper) in
the early evening sky again, and it got me to thinking again about what is refered to and theorised on thehiddenrecords website about the origins of
man, and we coming from or our "creators" coming from one of those sunlike stars in the region of the Great big dipper. is there actually evidence
that the 3 stars refered to are in fact sunlike stars. i know all the evidence according to the website refers to locations in and around the
locations of these stars as seen in the giza platuo and the vatican etc. but i just find it facinating and find myself looking up at the great big
dipper each night, maybe hoping for some movement or something anything that could be evidence of these theories.
i must say, of all the "origins of man" theories , i quite like the hidden records's interpretation of it, although the "maps" on earth do not
always line up exactly. Yes I know that when you look at things in certain ways and at certain angles, patterns, constellations etc can be found in
almost anything.
i just wish we had more than speculation and theory on some of these things.
would make things so much more interesting and exciting!
anyhow. have a good day guys and gals/
[edit on 16-11-2009 by GerhardSA]
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