why do you think this has happened.it seems if you zoom in to nome alasaka a blocked image of a spacific area appears.Why have they not blocked the
same area in goodle map search.The only thing i did find in that area that did not look right was a area that looked like giant sliding doors built
into the ground.Is there a alien base built under nome alaska.
Why do people insist on using google earth and google sky to look at things? They are crap......really, its nothing...it just a lack of coverage in
the mosaic of satellite images or a malfunction.
Plenty of better tools out there to "spy" on things, just please quit this paranoia over google earth
Why is this in Breaking news?
Beyond the obvious Issues with GE aside, of course.
Seems to load on Google Maps just find, albeit the stitching in the area is poor.
It seems to me most of the pics on those satelite maps are not updated for two or three years or more. Heck they could put fake or edited pics at any
location they want for that matter.
While I agree that google earth can be "crap" at times; perhaps, instead of just knocking on the thread, your reply could actually be benneficial if
you would list a few of these "plenty of better tools out there" that you elude to. I know it's a novel thought, but it seems like such action
might actually be helpful to the ATS community.
This thread came up 1st when I searched for "Nome Alaska Google Earth". George Noory and Linda Moulton Howe discussed it on Coast to Coast the other
night. Around the 1 Hour 16 minute mark, they discuss this in detail with a military witness.
edit on 7/31/2012 by Mirthful Me because: Fixed Embedded Video...