posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 08:46 AM
All cancer, regardless of it's form, in my opinion, exists for more than a few seconds because of a serious Vitamin B-17 deficiency. The modern diet
in most industrialized countries is almost completely devoid of B-17. Prior to industrialization there was almost no cancer and in areas of the world
where they still get enough in their diet, there is no cancer.
There are a multitude of things that will cause cancer cells to form and start multiplying, I'll give you that. However, regardless of what
"Triggers" the process to start, the root "Cause" is there is not sufficient B-17 in the body to kill those cells once they appear.
Cancer cells are identical to pre-embryonic cells known as Trophoblast. They are one and the same. Because cancer and trophblastic cells are one in
the same, the body does not recognize them as an external threat.
Trophoblastic cells come with a protective protein barrier that carries a negative charge, as do white blood cells so they repel each other.
The Pancreas produces Trypsin which allows the body to breakdown the protective, protein barrier around the Trophoblast cell and allows white blood
cells to eliminate it and if there are more Trophoblast cells than there is Trypsin to counter, Vitamin B-17 has the same effect.
Yes there are literally hundreds of Triggers for Cancer. All of these Triggers determine when, and where the cancer will manifest. Trophoblastic cells
are created when a type of Diploid Cell nicknamed “Total Life Cells(TLC's)”, come in contact with estrogen. Approximately 20% of the Total Life
Cells, are present across the body. The other 80% reside in the Ovaries and testes. When the body is attacked by any means be it carcinogens, or
environmental factors, it attempts to heal itself.
The bodies sends estrogen to the site, and if the Total Life Cells are present, they will morph into Trophoblastic cells, AKA, CANCER.
But, if your body has it's full defenses available(Trypsin from the pancreas and B-17 from diet), as soon as a trophoblastic cell is created
(anywhere, other than in the Uterus), it is destroyed. If the Trypsin in the Pancreas fails to do its job, then the second line of defense the "Cure
for cancer", kicks in, Vitamin B17.
B-17 is comprised of two sugar molecules, a cyanide molecule, and a Benzaldahyde molecule. How it is broken down depends on what enzymes it comes into
contact with.
When B17 comes in contact with Beta-glucosidase(Unlocking Enzyme) found in cancer cells, the Cyanide and Benzalgahyde are released in their toxic
form, breaking away from their two sugar molecules.
When B17 comes in contact with Rhodanese(Protecting Enzyme) found in healthy cells, it converts Cyanide to Thiocyanate which is harmless.
Thus Vitamin B17 is deadly to cancer, and inert to all healthy cells in the body.
There was almost no "cancer" prior to the late 1800's when people mostly grew there own food and food was not "Processed" for mass distribution
because people got enough B-17 in their diet to destroy cancer cells as they formed, and they were much less likely to form because we didn't have
nearly the "Triggers" in our environment.
The "so a child could understand it" version of the explanation is this:
Most people probably get and eliminate cancer in their body every day. The problem comes when more cancer cells form than the pancreas produces
Trypsin to eliminate, and because the modern diet doesn't include enough B-17 to eliminate the excess, people get cancer and it continues to
multiply. Eat whatever you like, just include enough Vitamin B-17 so that there is enough present in your body to kill whatever cancer cells form that
are more than your body has Trypsin to eliminate.
A multi-billion dollar per year industry is built on the fact that people don't know this. Because pharma is responsible to their shareholders to
make more money each year, they will continue selling treatments and supress the cure.