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Solid intelligent ANGRY speaker ! !

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posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by 2 cents
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

You should never trust anyone but yourself with your health. Anyone that stands to profit from you should be questioned by you and not blindly followed.
Again wake up - your doctor is not a saint or god just a human being!
Take some responsibility for your health and don't rely on other people to take care of your health for you.
And yes most doctors are shills for the drug companies. Anyone who has spent anytime with doctors knows this. They never prescribe anything but drugs for any ailment you may have even though there are many "natural" cures or treatments that work better and cost much less.

I have a skilled trade. The people that source my work do not try to do the work themselves...they don't have to, because they have sought out my expertise and knowledge and service, and chosen me to do the job they require of me. And they don't have to second guess themselves because they did their job up front, and arrived at my doorstep.

I have been through the alternative health system to a greater extent than you might expect, and I know a lot more about it than most of the posters here who sing its praises. I have also tapped into the mainstream system, and it has served me quite well. I have never had an MD I couldn't trust with my life. My speciallists have been nonpareil.

Whisky Tango Foxtrot kind of idiot would I be to take advice from some guy on the net, and ignore my MD? That is Darwinian at best.

You make your own choices, including your Doctor. If you end up with a quack or a him and keep looking. Seems safer than dumping the system and buying that book and diet plan, instead.

But's your DNA. Pass it along or get out of the gene pool...makes no nevermind to me.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Hey make whatever choices you want to make. Trust who you want to trust. Do it knowingly and intelligently. What more can you do?

As for me I know sh#t from shinola. And today the health and food industry are more corrupt than ever. I wouldn't trust these asshats with anything.

I had asthma terribly bad. My doctors (saw more than one about it) was not interested in the causes or a cure but only that I take a steroid inhaler for the rest of my life at regular intervals. Good for the drug industry but what about my long term health?

So I set out to find the cure or cause myself. I found that milk (cow puss) and soft drinks (carbonated high fructose corn syrup) was causing my asthma and quit drinking them. As a result nearly ten years later I have no asthma - NONE! (my asthma started to go away immediately and after 2 months was gone permanently)

You think the doctors care that I made it go away without their drugs or advice? Had I listened to my doctors I would still be taking steroid inhalers and trying to "control" my asthma. They say asthma is not curable - BULLS#

Also do your clients trust you because they know something about you? Or do they just give you money and work and hope they get something like what they want in return. And if you didn't provide good service how long will you be providing services at all? See when the pills don't really help and the doctor's advice makes no real difference why would anyone continue to listen to them?

[edit on 16-11-2009 by 2 cents]

[edit on 16-11-2009 by 2 cents]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:00 AM
Read most of the thread... But still wondering what the heck is an Ed Helms just doing there ???

Okay, that was my very first post guys... Sometime it's better to start it easy...

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

I have a skilled trade. The people that source my work do not try to do the work themselves...they don't have to, because they have sought out my expertise and knowledge and service, and chosen me to do the job they require of me.

There is a difference between a doctor and a skilled tradesman. You as the tradesman, are offering primarily your services and expertise at doing something. You presumably are not pushing someone else's products - just your services.

About all that a doctor does is try to match up a drug with the symptoms you present (and do that in the shortest amount of time possible). For the most part, they have only that one mode of operation. The doctor that takes the time to really get to know you, to listen to you, and to treat you wholistically is a rarity in Canada and I am sure most of the developed world.

Surely you have to acknowledge that a guy that only has a hammer for a tool and who therefore only uses that hammer to try and solve every problem is not going to be very successful, and may even be a danger to himself and others.

Doctors today basically have only one tool they see as quick and efficient -- drugs. That is more than just inadequate -- it is also dangerous.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:36 AM
That was impressive.
S&F for the OP AND Gary!

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:44 AM
You have extremely limited vision if you can only believe polar opposites. I'm quite tired of the knee-jerk drastic overcompensated response. This isn't the Bill O'Reilly show. Just because I find fault with this guy doesn't mean I find fault with what he is saying. You clearly have issues with reading comprehension because I say that in black and white in my initial response. And just because I find fault with the guy doesn't mean I believe what is posited on the far other side of the spectrum. It's silly when I see people deal in such absolutes.

Me - "This guy's credentials are flimsy"
You - "Well then you should go back to mainstream media and believe the gospel of the gubmint and big pharma and the medical association!!"

Do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

For the record, his school where he "earned" his PhD doesn't even have an ACCREDITED sciences degree. So yes I stand by what I said. His credentials are flimsy at best.

Originally posted by Realtruth
But you will take the word of the Government, Big Pharma, and the Medical association which is constantly caught in a stream of lies.

I guess will just have to take the word of the people with the more expense credentials and the ones that have the most convincing BS.

Originally posted by merryxmas

Yes I saw that. His PHD is from a correspondence school. I can't take that seriously.

However it doesn't mean that he is wrong in what he says but I wish if is there are to be "doctors" to speak up against H1N1 then it would not be the likes of those with such flimsy credentials.

[edit on 15-11-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by wayno
About all that a doctor does is try to match up a drug with the symptoms you present (and do that in the shortest amount of time possible). For the most part, they have only that one mode of operation. The doctor that takes the time to really get to know you, to listen to you, and to treat you wholistically is a rarity in Canada and I am sure most of the developed world.

All I can say is that I'm sorry you have a lousy doctor. My wife had one. She got a new one. He's not lousy.

Seemed smarter than going to 'that guy on the net'...AND he is covered by our universal health care.

But hey...go nuts.

[edit on 16-11-2009 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:25 AM
This is not a knock on the medical profession, there are many many dedicated doctors who have their patients bests interests at heart.

What is being said is that this national emergency in the US does not sit right and that people should retain their right to choose what happens to their bodies. No-one should be forced to have anything done to them which they don't consent to, it is a violation of basic human rights.

To think that the big parma do their thing for the love of the common man is a very weak position, its all about profit period and boy are they making it by the truck load! With money you can buy influence, and they have a LOT of money.

So my gut tells me even before I read anything on ATS or saw Prof Null's video that this is a scam, either to make even more insane amounts of money for the few or to slowly kill us off. I would not under estimate the evil that mankind can inflict on itself, mass murder wont be breaking news to the history books.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Why not listen to Stewart, Beck and O'Reilly :

Still laughing...

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:47 AM
Well I am one of those 'in the middle' people but I occasionally drop on one side or the other. And yes you get it in the neck from both sides depending on what stance you seem to be taking. Because the world is oh so much more convenient when it is just black and white.
So with my sceptic hat on, I went to Gary Nulls website and saw he was selling vitamins and the like. Same old, same old. When will people get it that the so called alternative health/natural industry is BIG PHARMA too?
There are good guys and bad guys on both sides. And yes I trust my own doctor. I hardly think he is a servant of the antichrist. But he is not a researcher or a micro biologist whatever. He has to go with the medication inserts, the results of studies etc. But what if they are flawed? What if the system is flawed?
And so back to the videos - because I watched all 3 parts. Man - you cannot make up that sort of conviction. I'm impressed. I'm beside myself!
More digging is required.

[edit on 16-11-2009 by unicorn1]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
Why not listen to Stewart, Beck and O'Reilly :

Still laughing...

I think the Against side is accurate and not really something to laugh about. They are out to keep people sick so they can make tons of money from the vaccines. Does it really sound so strange? Its exactly the same in every business - make the customer need your product!

Why should the pharmaceuticals be any different? Because it would be immoral?

Gary Null clearly shows that they dont care about morals. How profitable is a healthy person? How profitable is a person needing drugs for the rest of their life?

Always ask Who Profits.

[edit on 16-11-2009 by Copernicus]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

This attitude "but hey go nuts" demonstrates a great deal. What you are basically saying is that nothing is wrong with the medical system and if you don't like your doctor just get a new one and pointing out how corrupt and flawed the system is .. "going nuts" - Whatever

Unless you have your head buried in the sand (or something else
) it is obvious to anyone breathing that more people are sick and disease ridden than ever before. That people are taking drugs more than ever before. That profits by drug companies are higher than ever before. And that health care cost more than ever before. But hey I'm just "going nuts" because it is obvious that the current system works great. Oh and make sure you do whatever the government, drug companies and your doctor says - they know best because your no specialist ... oh and remember they care about you .. aw how sweet.

(and no this is not a rant for govn't health care)

[edit on 16-11-2009 by 2 cents]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by 2 cents
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

This attitude "but hey go nuts" demonstrates a great deal. What you are basically saying is that nothing is wrong with the medical system and if you don't like your doctor just get a new one and pointing out how corrupt and flawed the system is .. "going nuts" - Whatever

'Go nuts' = fill yer boots, have at it, go crazy, etc etc...mere semantics meaning 'do whatever you personally feel is the correct manner of proceeding because in the end, it is of no consequence to me'.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Yeah I'm convinced.
2nd line

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 11:58 AM

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by 2 cents
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Yeah I'm convinced.
2nd line

You are looking at my comments through a particularly biased lens and extrapolating them to suit your argument. Please do not construct straw men at my expense. You have your own thesis statement to prove, I suggest you 'have at it'.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

No straw men here. Just what you've been saying all along. You think there is no reason to "dump the current system". That its just a choice between following "some guy on the net" selling books or following your MD. That all this talk that doctors just push meds for the drug companies is "going nuts" about nothing. What perspective are you trying to convey that I'm so thick that I don't understand?

Your position seems clear to me, I'm just disagreeing and arguing with you about it.

Yeah I get it. You have said over and over that you don't care what I or anyone else does that it's of "no consequence to me", "it's your DNA. Pass it along or get out of the gene pool...makes no nevermind to me.l" etc.

What is your point if you don't care. What are you trying to convince me of? That this guy Gary Null is full of #. That we should ignore what he has to say because MDs and drug companies should be trusted?

My point is equally clear. No one should trust Gary, the government, their doctor or the drug companies without educating themselves about it first. That to blindly trust any of the above is complete foolishness esp. when they all are obviously out to make money. Now it may be that doctors are not uncaring but maybe they are apathetic, ignorant, lazy or even gullible. To simply believe what you are told without question and take god knows what and put it in your body because they all say so is foolish. Period.

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by really
Yeah, there's info. Take it for what you will but Dr. Gary Null is on Quackwatch and is an AIDs denialist.

Honestly, I don't know who to trust.

What is a quackwatch and what is an aids denialist? And who makes up these lists? Could these lists be made by govt trolls?

[edit on 16-11-2009 by m khan]

[edit on 16-11-2009 by m khan]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:03 PM
We blindly trust our doctors and doctors blindly trust their training and recomendations from authority. The entire AMA should be tarrred and feathered along with the CDC. The doctors go through an intense training completely controlled by the original backers of vaccines. The vaccines killed a lot of people over the years and doctors were reluctant all along to blame the vaccines. The news media has been under the thumb of the same people. People who are anxious about fluoride in water, mercury in fillings and vaccines etc are drummed out of business by the medical mafia. They know their product is crummy and unproven and dangerous so they cover it up. See Simpsonwood memo and have been exposed by well known leaders like Robert Kennedy Jr. at the Green Our Vaccines Rally in June 2008
The vested interests have a long history of controlling medical "accepted practice" and unfortunately "accepted practice" in the US is vaccines no matter how unsafe and ineffective they are

[edit on 16-11-2009 by m khan]

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:05 PM
I get mad at Big Pharma and the medical profession as a whole when they pull the 'propietary' card. This is JUST about money.
If all the doctors, researchers, pharm companies, and health care workers were to pool their knowledge we could rid the world of many diseases and medical issues. As it stands, everyone is protecting their proprietary drug, research, treatment etc. afraid of losing their grants/profits/notoriety/fame.

The treatments that we give to the sick on a day to day basis are bordering on barbaric. Why? Because it's the best treatment we have available.
I'm not saying that all medical care comes under this - nothing could be further from the truth - but many regular treatments that cause immense health risks to patients could be avoided.

Have you ever heard of the doctor who has an amazing treatment for cancer? Sure you have. Of course, the insurance companies won't cover his treatment ('experimental') so it ends up being really expensive (wink). Your local oncologists don't have this treatment available because it's "proprietary"(wink). So because you can't afford Dr. X[pensive], you get to wallow in the depths of chemotherapy and radiation and drug cocktails (tested by the labs that sell them!!!)(wink). Dr. X isn't going to share his treatment details, it would take away his profits and notoriety. It's not about saving lives, it's about savings accounts.

Kudos for this man for speaking out. I don't care if he bought his PHD from the penny-saver. What he says is far more important than who he is. If his research is true, there should be people held accountable. That none are is indicative of the money spent on political lobbying by the big pharma. It's easier to get a drug onto the market by paying people than it is by proving its effectiveness through unbiased clinical trial. The cost of doing business (just like the settled lawsuits).

Look at any drug advert on the TV (because advertising, "Tell your doctor you need this!!!" is better than trained doctors prescribing the right drug/treatment for the patient), and note what percentage of the air time it takes them to go through the side effects. Every single one is greater than 50% of the overall length of the advert.

Unhappy? Tell your doctor you need XXXXX.
May cause anal bleeding, thoughts of suicide, death, depression, stomach cramps, diarrhea, blindness and heart failure.

New drug for stomach aches? Side effects include stomach aches.
New drug for headaches? Side effects include headaches.
etc. etc. etc.

I'd like to see every advertisement for every drug list all fatalities from side effects.Just watch the advertising business plan change then!

Again, I am not in any way attacking the good people in the 'caring' professions. It's when their actions all point to MONEY that I get angry.
I'm not against people making money, but the cost should never be in lives.

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