posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 06:31 AM
I had one of the most bizarre dreams last night.
I was back home (SW Texas) and was roaming around in the desert with other people. During my walk, I constantly heard "Go South, Go South!" inside
my head, but did not understand why.
There was a dream skip and I saw what looked like a white cargo helicopter without any spinning blades. It was strange because it could move in any
direction and tilt on its side and fly vertical. I assume now that it had some sort of anti-gravity system.
All of a sudden, it went up into space in a fraction of a second, leaving behind a white glow trail. When it did this, everyone in my group got
covered in goo. Yes, goo. I was the one who got covered in it the most. It kinda looked like the stuff in Neo's pod in the Matrix. It is important to
note that I had my cell phone and was recording everything.
Dream skip again and I was interviewing these two men on the white aircraft. I can not remember what we were talking about but I do remember them
saying that the goo was harmless.
Dream skip again and it now appears that there is some sort of war (between who, I do not know). A bunch of flying saucers in the air (UFO's), and I
still kept hearing "Go South! Go South!" in my head.
The flying saucers were beaming a white light to selected people in my group to bring them up to the craft.
I was the last one to enter the craft but there were other people still on the ground, almost as if they were not chosen.
Then woke up.
The strange thing is that last night, I asked The Creator to give me a dream to analyze.
If someone could shed some light on any possible meaning, that would be great.