Originally posted by zosomike
I've grown up always thinking a different way from most, if not all the people around me.
Only now do I realise that it was because I was probably born awake.
I've realised that the way I felt was just a knowledge of the real facts.
I've also felt alot 'older' that my body actually is.
I would like to hear if anyone has that feeling too...
hi Zosomike
I know I was born awake, I'm an Aquarian, I was born to question everything. Also having brought myself up from age of 4yrs and not having been
indoctrinated into the education-control system because I was too busy roaming the streets of London on my own little fact-finding missions and
parents weren't there etc up until age 7yrs I was lucky enough to be free to be a free-thinker and think for myself.
The 'feeling older than my body' state is due to being 'an old soul' whether you believe in that or not is up to you.
When I was forced to go to school in Surrey by the social welfare system, I already knew how to read and write, I realized straight away what they
were teaching us at school was not the truth. I remember thinking many many times "thats not true, they're telling us the wrong things", why are
they telling us wrong things?
Religious prayers were forced down our throats by repetitive reciting; this is how you pray, this is what you say. The Great Neuro-Linguistic
programming had begun by the system at school.
Basically I just 'knew' something wasn't right with the world and the way it appeared to be.
Realized there was existence in other dimensions at 7yrs as in 'knew' other dimension-entities existed.
Saw some very freaky things as a child growing up in Chessington, Surrey, including 'the eye of horus' in my bedroom, and some kind of weird
man-horse-man (still can't explain it logically all these years later-but I know I saw it)
Have always 'known' more than I should know.
Have precognitive dreams and visions of scenes to come, people I'll see walking down the street etc know whats going to happen in movies, and life,
and with people.
Never felt like I fit in because nobody I knew thought anything like me at all, quite disconcerting for a young'un.
Probably the first material I read where the author seemed to think like me or have some of the same concepts as me was none other than David Icke. I
am totally grateful for having a dysfunctional childhood where I was responsible for myself and was left to my own devices all day long.
I am spiritual, a healer, and I read people's eyes and look into their soul, and then turn around and tell them 'this happened to you at this age,
and that happened to you at that age...' whereupon they usually turn around and freak out.
I read people's energies also, and exist in this holographic matrix in both left-brain and right-brain mode.
Am ambidextrous also, scarily telepathic (but that helps with the healings I do) also heal people by listening to them talking and then point out to
them a truth so undeniable-they cry and release whatever negative energy they were holding towards that situation and then they are healed.
Can change my consciousness to be on the same vibrational wavelength as an animal, using the subconscious;- can stop a dog barking, or 'see' where
my friends are by asking to see through their eyes wherever they are at that time (providing their higher conscious gives me permission to see thru
their eyes of course) which most do. Can direct a person who is walking by to 'stop' and 'turn around and walk into this shop' (used to freak my
mates out with that one).
Am constantly using the power of manifestation in my daily life and always have done. and I have photographic memory.
[edit on 17-11-2009 by kiwitina948]