Originally posted by stereologist
Why would you do this? The Egyptians were not aware of the Gregorian calendar which went into use in 1582?
Hello sterolgist
Thank you for your post, however after reading some of your other posts… I now must question the motive… Why does anyone do anything… to either
learn or discover I would hope…
This discovery has nothing whatsoever to do with our Gregorian Calendar and ancient cultures having to know anything about it, or vis-a-versa… other
then perhaps as a time stamp from which to start looking for astronomical alignment similarities between each others conceptual tools… ie… what
matches within our own time that would match what they saw within their time... As most people are unaware, earth time has almost zero use outside of
our planet for any one other then us earthlings. Time is measured on our planet by the axial and our solar ecliptic velocity… however, velocity is
determined by distance divide by time. Now that seems to be a paradox, but only because mankind is still stuck in a geocentric attitude when it comes
to time and other observable so called phenomenon’s.
Now I said all that to say this… If we are talking about an advance or semi-advanced civilization then I would guess they would have understood the
next time this cycle comes around… it would be 13,685 years later at the earliest. And 27,370 years at the latest…
Now because this cyclical alignment seems to be the exact same planetary convergence that happens every fifth cycle, and mathematically matches the
Pyramids at Giza, it would appear they would’ve had to understand there is no way they could’ve known what kind of Calendar, Knowledge or Society
would be around so many thousands of years into the future…
So I began to think… what would be the best type of Time Stamp for any past civilization, or even our own civilization, to pass forward a message, (
or warning perhaps), to future generations… (or perhaps the day for their/our gods arrival?) For me there could only be two answers… Those
answer are either, planetary alignments, or constellation alignments with the emphasis on their own time, while showing the projected movement within
a certain amount of time… Meaning, we know from our vantage/viewing point constellations are, or appear, to be moving away from each other, because
of this our star maps need to be updated every ten years… And that's the other hypothesis used to describe why some believe the Pyramids at Giza
could’ve been built… Yet I’ve always had a problem accepting that concept, because there are no other monolithic structures built anywhere else
in Egypt honoring constellations… So for me, even though I found that concept thought provoking, I didn’t accept the final conclusion because
there is simply no other evidence for it existing within ancient Egypt or anywhere else on the planet. However, I sure hell didn’t expect to find a
planetary alignment the would match the Giza Pyramids and confirm my suspicions.
The reason I even began looking… is… I had read there was to be some kind of a five planet alignment happening in the year 2012 and I wanted to
know what to look for and to see if there was anything else going to happen between the years 2009 and 2012... To my surprise there are many
interesting planetary events happening within those years… Also, I’ve had a running hypothesis that perhaps the two witnesses were not people,
but rather two planets… and perhaps the three wise men were three planets warning the second coming was about to happen… Now that is not to say I
was looking for evidence of Jesus’ return, in truth, when I started I was looking for a sign that might show the return of the Mayan’s 9
god’s… that they said ARE coming back… And/Or perhaps those same gods equal the same alien gods of the Sumerians, the Egyptians, the Vegans, and
many other cultures, including the statement by Jesus in Mathew 24, “…as in the days of Moses, so shall the end of days be…” I didn’t even
think about the Pyramids at Giza until I accidentally discovered this alignment, and then after studying it for a little bit I went… “You know
that sure looks a lot like Orion’s Belt…” And the rest as they say is history… Except for the new information mentioned above.
So in my mind, in order for one culture to talk to (or perhaps try to warn) another culture in the future, they don’t need to know anything about
our Georgian Calendar and we don‘t need to know there‘s either… So… if we needed to pass a message forward, we would not use our own
conceptual reality tools because that, and, the Earth changes all the time… yet… the wheels on the solar system keep going round and round…
All they need to know and all we need to know is our solar systems planetary cycles in order to communicate… and then if the message is real
important, all we or they need to find is a planetary convergence that is close to the solar stamp (day or period of time) they want us to pay close
attention too, or perhaps begin to prepare to save ourselves from… (add your 2012 theory here) And I must say… building extremely large pyramids
in the middle of a desert is one sure way to get future generations attention… Even if those pyramids were built between 27 and 13 thousand plus
years ago, and would’ve been built in a lush green environment. They were still bound to get peoples attention. However I will be among the first
to admit I do not believe any past or present culture could predict a solar system or galactic calamity thousands of years in advanced… let alone a
few simple years… to an exact day… I just don’t believe that, there are just to many unknown variables… However… If their (our) gods
said… “when you see this planetary alignment/sign in the night sky you will know we are to return…” If I was to believe such a thing… then
I would say using a planetary convergence to talk with future civilizations about the day of their arrival… is an extremely logical answer…
because it and mathematics are the only two things that seem to make long distance communications possible… and perhaps that explains the
Discovering this planetary convergence does not give me those answers… however… time sure as hell is going to teach all of us what the truth
really is and right soon. I mean think about it… For the first time in all of recorded human history we are going to be able to stand where an
ancient culture stood and know for absolute certain if their wonderful achievement was in fact created to honor a certain date… Once this finally
breaks out into the mainstream, and I believe before Dec 3, 2012 it most certainly will… If I was Egypt I would do everything I could to hype the
hell out of this and turn it into a Goldmine, and oh yeah study that other little thingy too.
--Charles Marcello
[edit on 5-5-2010 by littlebunny]