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The Ukraine Outbreak Is Only The Beginning...

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posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 07:54 PM

What Is Happening In Ukraine Is Only The Tip Of The Iceberg...

It seems as if the recent outbreak in Ukraine is not limited to Ukraine yet there is no mention of the subject by the MSM. I have been scouring the web for information on the plague and it is seemingly void of all information. The original information obtained and threaded here Plague in Ukraine is all that I can find on this matter. Every other source is on blogs everywhere but there is no media coverage about to be found that doesn't just repeat the original source. I spent the better part of the day today speaking to friends and family in the area and surrounding countries about this and they say that it is very "hush hush" and the officials are saying that there is nothing going on and to mind their own business. Which is not uncommon for these countries to tell their citizens, but my friends and family have said that there is increased military activity at the border with Russia and that people are not being let in or out of Ukraine via Russia. I tried to verify this on Russian official websites and there is no mention. My sources are trustworthy to me but I wanted to find a link to verify it to ATS but again nothing! There are many rumors in Russia by people very far from the border of Ukraine that people are displaying similar symptoms and once they go into the hospital they are immediately quarantined in make-shift tents. Now, these are just rumors but it is inevitable that viruses spread and borders do not contain them. I found a post about an outbreak in China about a month earlier of the same symptom producing virus linked here . This is just speculation but maybe it was a test run of the virus by the people releasing it. This post speaks to this effect linked here. It is likely that the virus will spread out of Ukraine due to the fact that the official word is that everything is fine just stay in your houses" and the fact that WHO and the CDC don't seem to be getting involved much if at all...or at least they are not speaking of it if they are.

My Conspiracy Theory

Feel free to add your own or add to mine
I believe that the virus was released and is being spread by the global elite in an attempt at global depopulation (genocide) via biological agents. It began with the H1N1 flu which lead to the vaccine being rapidly produced that has its own problems (to many threads to link them all). Then once the global vaccination starts this mystery virus hits Ukraine and hard! Now there are millions with his virus and the state is saying it is just the H1N1 flu virus, which is absolutely not the case. My theory is that the new virus will spread globally within the next couple of months as the seasonal and H1N1 virus begin to truly take hold of the planet. The governments of the world(who are in on it) will hold to the story that it is just fear and rumor that this virus is killing so many people and by that time it will be too late for anyone to do anything because it will be too far and wide spread to control. My guess is that this will kill untold numbers by the next year. If that happens then there will inevitably be wide spread panic, shutting down of commerce/banking, looting, rioting, travel restrictions, and possible martial law imposed. These are only theories of what might or could happen and I am only writing this to propose the idea, NOT TO CREATE PANIC! There are so many possibilities of how this could play out, that's why this is only a theory. I offer no proof because I cannot predict the future and the MSM has nothing to say about this. Please feel free to put in your two cents if you have any information to add or theories of your own. Please don't reply just to say it will never happen.


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:23 PM
Lets hope you are wrong.

There is something definitely going on over there that seems to be in the process of getting swept under the rug. I just hope that virus gets contained. If not, your theory could turn into fact.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 08:56 PM
If the outbreak is truly just a natural outbreak then the CDC and WHO will contain it(most likely). Unfortunately the countries that hosts such viruses do not always ask for help or even admit there is a problem until it is too late. BUT...if this is what I have proposed then it is already too late and the inevitable will come to pass. I pray this is wrong...I don't like being a doomsayer but this has all the makings of a doomsday scenario. All the events dating back from when the H5N1 Avian Bird Flue scare started back in 2007 up to now with the recent H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak/vaccine scandal and the new outbreaks in China and Eastern Europe pretty much speak for themselves...

The truth is...We Will See...
Better to be prepared and nothing happen than to not be prepared and something terrible happen. As for me, I will be keeping my loved ones close and a full tank of gas in the car with camping gear packed...just in case.

For the record...I was never paranoid or worried about bad things like this happening until I opened up my eyes to what is going on in the world, and I would like to thank ATS for opening my eyes! This community has taught me a great deal about a broad range of topics that has helped me to see the truth about the world I so readily trusted!!!

Thank You ATS!


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:01 PM
Im more alarmed by the lack of an MSM response than by one.They are hiding something big and by the time they will will be forced to admit it many will have been infected.Something hit the Michigan city i live in fast and hard.They called it the flu but none ive ever had before.I was off my feet in 2 hrs with lingering Bronchiol affects for 2 weeks!The city heath dept.was under siege!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:10 PM
I agree accept I think it will hit hard in the next few weeks in the U.S.A. We may not know it if it does because its so covered up in the news but it will leak. The doctors and we the peaple will not stand for a cover up for long. This is not the Ukraine , Romania, China.
This is a serious illness and spreads by droplets and possibly through the eyes. I believe its a form of plaque I read the news stories before the SHTF and the doctors described the illness in detail, then they were shut up totally once WHO flew in. Its air bourne and highly contagious. I believe many more have died than we know (just like H1N1) . If it is H1N1 then it has mutated into this plaque and so would actually no longer be H1N1 but the name H1N1 works well as a low grade virus not to panic everyone. I read the boarders were being shut on the ground in Ukraine but not the air boarders. So I feel its probably already here spreading in the united states and people are dying but under the name of pynmonia and H1N1 complications due to respiratory failure and prior medical complications.
I think by the end of the year many will die here.
This is only my opinion formed by reading all the news and medical reports posted here on ATS on other threads. YouTube also has people who are actually showing us news articles and giving us direct links.
I expect there will always be the people who state it will never happen and that we who believe it will, are fear mongers for posting opinions and links.
I just ignore this now and that's my right just as it is for them to post opinions. Where would we be without opinions? I do not like the bashing being done on ATS. I appreciate this thread.
Thank you

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by AgentX09
Im more alarmed by the lack of an MSM response than by one.They are hiding something big and by the time they will will be forced to admit it many will have been infected.Something hit the Michigan city i live in fast and hard.They called it the flu but none ive ever had before.I was off my feet in 2 hrs with lingering Bronchiol affects for 2 weeks!The city heath dept.was under siege!

When was this? Is it going on now?


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by saralee

I am in complete agreement. It most likely is elsewhere and maybe even in the U.S.A. and that they are covering it in the form of H1N1. There is no way for an individual to verify the moralities. The number is something like 4000 in the U.S.A. but who is to say that they aren't knocking zeros off that to make us feel better and not panic. If this is a world wide conspiracy then the MSM is involved and are being forced to cover it up or under report it. Another theory is about the different flu vaccines...There are multiple vaccines for the H1N1 that the governments are getting that is different than the ones the civilian population is given. WHY? Most likely the one the government is getting is for the plague and the one we are getting is for the H1N1 virus that in comparison to the plague is a walk in the park. This is scary stuff I must admit!!!


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:23 PM
From what I have read here and on a few other obscure sites, this virus does not sound like any naturally mutating virus. I have been trying to find verification of a viral research facility in the Ukrain but every search comes up blank.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 10:38 PM
RE: H1N1. Where I live local news is abc and totally 1 point of view is displayed get the shot its safe. They have reported only a few hospital H1N1 entries but this is BS because looking at county records its past 40 hosptalized in a town of 100,000 many rural and I do not know if thats only 1 hospital. They report 3 deaths but the localpaper states more they conflict. I do not believe it has hit us yet totally but I believe its starting right now.
The shots are all different why( WHO) only knows. Personally I am not getting any shot.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 11:53 PM
We said Swine Flu was only the beginning too. I'm sick of the hysteria.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 12:21 AM

Originally posted by LifENcircleS

Originally posted by AgentX09
Im more alarmed by the lack of an MSM response than by one.They are hiding something big and by the time they will will be forced to admit it many will have been infected.Something hit the Michigan city i live in fast and hard.They called it the flu but none ive ever had before.I was off my feet in 2 hrs with lingering Bronchiol affects for 2 weeks!The city heath dept.was under siege!

When was this? Is it going on now?

Like 2-3 weeks ago.There was a brief story in the local paper about the health lines being jammed by people looking for the h1n1 vaccine.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Discordian Queen
We said Swine Flu was only the beginning too. I'm sick of the hysteria.

Did you read the death numbers ? Compared them to the swine fu ? and what is your conclusion ?

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:13 AM

My theory is that the new virus will spread globally within the next couple of months as the seasonal and H1N1 virus begin to truly take hold of the planet. The governments of the world(who are in on it) will hold to the story that it is just fear and rumor that this virus is killing so many people and by that time it will be too late for anyone to do anything because it will be too far and wide spread to control.

I have family living in 5 different states, and each tells me that in their counties, the swine flu had it's peak (mid to late october), but once the shots and flumist clinics began, they began experiencing spikes again. Same goes for my area.

And, now there is another flu going around here in the north country, that has tested negative for H1N1, but it's making people very very ill. High fevers, cough, etc. mimicking the H1N1 symptoms. My cousin in N. Idaho has been in the hospital after spiking fever of 105. No pneumonia. Just a fever that has been difficult to control, along with difficulty breathing. The worst symptom he has had was feeling breathless, but they find nothing on his films.

And, I don't care what anyone says or believes, but this began after he saw alot of chemtrails in his area. I've seen them as well, and the same week my family and I saw them, (including neighbors), people started to get sick in my area.

I feel angry, and I too am sick and tired of this hysteria that is being created.

OP, I do agree with some of your theory, but there seems to be so many different things going on in different places, it's hard to piece it all together.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 07:51 AM
You were also the guy that said China took into its custody a CHEMTRAIL ARIPLANE that was flying above UKRAINE 'spraying people'. And that Airplane belonged to AMERICA!


I think you need to chill out.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 08:17 AM
The first few days that the Ukraine "flu" outbrake was reported I noticed that there was no mention of it in none of the USA media, I searched their websites and there is nothing there. The only way to find about it is by going in to websites like this one and none USA media. They have not mentioned Ukraine at all in the media here.
I did not mention anything previously about it because I am afraid of that what happened to Joseph Moshe might happen to those who talk about it.
If you look for the information for your self you will find all the proof.
You might not want to see the truth because it hurts but believe me, it's all out there. Check the court cases that Baxter has been in, check who was involved with who in the past, check who gave money to whom and for what purpose.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 08:44 AM
Wouldn't it be ``possible`` that Baxter or whoever is in Ukraine made a deal with the leadership?

Let's see. Ukraine is bankrupt. The president will lose the elections for sure.

Let's say Baxter comes to Ukraine and say to the leader that they will release a plague, a little more viral and in return, they will give a loan to Ukraine... Of course they tell him that only a few thousands people will die from this new strain... (when in fact millions will die from it) They would give him many reasons:

- Stay in power for a time
- Secure a loan/money for the bankrupt country
- Scare people into taking the shot, meaning in the end ``that it will save more lives`` because Ukrainians and most of the world population do not take the vaccine

I mean, who wouldn't take this deal? After all, those who will die because of the new strain will save more lives... the end will justifies the means, those people will not die in vain, they will be heroes, they will be sacrificial pawns in order to save the day.

In the army, the generals use this tactic all the time, especially during WW1, send a few thousands people in one place, trying to lure the main enemy force, most of those won't come back, but at least, with the rest, you will crush the enemy, losing way more soldiers than you would have if you wouldn't had used this tactic.

To some leaders who think they are doing good for humanity, this logic is good in every situation. Kill a few thousands now, to save more later...

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 08:59 AM
If either or both of these post Russian territory, Chinese outbreaks prove virulent
then the Mexico-US outbreak was a ruse...

[edit on 14-11-2009 by DChenO]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 09:02 AM
Well here's a link to some info on it from Alex Jones' board on prison planet and a few links the posters there supply:

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by LifENcircleS

Your theory is sound, until you hit the aspect of depopulation. I'm not a believer in that at all, mainly for two reasons.

Firstly, no matter HOW many threads I look up on NWO depop etc, no one really explains WHY there needs to be next to NO people.

Secondly, we don't have the technology to control a "depopulation" attempt from completely wiping us out, especially if they are doing it via viral. As you said yourself, we cannot even contain a virus at the borders.
IF WE DID have the tech to pull that off, then we would have the tech to do it much more silently than being offered (feared) into a choice to begin the process by obtaining the antagonist.

I believe something bad is happening in the Ukraine. My theory isn't as sinister as a "master NWO plan".

I think it is less intentional in "outbreak" as Ukraine is a top chemical and biochemical producing country.
Here is a link:

I think it could be as simple as experimenting with stuff they shouldn't be messing with, and are testing on their population, and using the H1N1 propaganda as a cover. But I could be wrong too.

Speculation is the fuel behind panic and chaos.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by DChenO
If either or both of these post Russian territory, Chinese outbreaks prove virulent
then the Mexico-US outbreak was a ruse...

[edit on 14-11-2009 by DChenO]

Now thats interesting. You may have a point, but we have no way of knowing whats going on in ukraine.

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