posted on Feb, 24 2003 @ 03:08 PM
Ok, before monotheist religons, almost all religons had a powerful female being. When monotheist come along, women evil, men powerful, for the
supreme being is male. Why? Women are the true powerful ones, for never seen a guy give birth. Women don't need men(turkey baster!) but the sperm.
A man can't get a cup of female eggs, ejactulate in it, and have a kid. So maybe men were afraid that if they didn't control women the women would
use their power, or not use it, to have kids. If you were forced(usually back then((4-6 thousnd years) a husband was chosen for them and that's
that) tomarry but didn't want to have a kid could do certain things. One that I have heard of is used a shaved stick and well, ouch, but effective
back then.
But if a man had power, if he controlled a woman, he could make her have his kids. Also, a man has a point on their body that if hit, or even hear of
being hit, they are paralyzed with fear, women don't. So if men dominate the women, even though one swift kick could end it for the guy, but if
women fearful of fighting back because other men would help the one she kicked, then they would be put down.
Also, to Il67, pornagraphy isn't degrading to women. There are nude male magazines that are pornagraphy. And I have never heard of playboy drugging
a woman and forcing her to pose for the pictures. In other words, they do it on their own, not forced, so how is it degrading to women? But yes,
kids act older than what they are. I don't understand the whole pay more to cover less thing though. A two dollar shirt that covers everything
makes sense, a fiftey dollar shirt that covers just enough to be legal to wear on the street doesn't. And with the middle east, it doesn't make
sense for the women to wear ten tons of black clothe while living in the desert! Isn't that just a wee bit warm? If living in 90 degree weather, I
would be wearing shorts(real ones, not shorts that go down to mid shin that these teenage punks call shorts, those are high waters) and a tank top(not
"wife beater" or whatever these teenage punks call them). Not big heavy black clothes.