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India now adopting the mark of the beast?

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posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:08 AM
The Indian government is undertaking a massive project (Unique IDentifier) to ID all citizens. It is important to note that India represents more than 15% of the entire world population. These IDs will contain biometric data including ALL ten fingers and a retinal scan is also under consideration.


Google wants in on the project!

It is reported the ID will also contain an RFID CHIP!


The UID will roll out as 'voluntary', but it is said eventually, it will become necessary for everyone to obtain the ID to get anything useful done!

Nilekani said the number will become “pervasive and ubiquitous” in future. “When you to get a passport, they will say where is your UID number, when you go to get a driving licence, they will say where is your UID number, when you go to pay tax, they will say where is your UID number, you go to open a bank account, they will say where is your UID number. Sooner or later you will have to get your UID number,” Nilekani said.

UID will also store your financial info and you will need the UID for simple tasks such as banking.

Fingerprints scan for UID during 2011 census

Mod Edit: Replaced code tags with ex tags.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by Gemwolf]

[edit on 13-11-2009 by weathernut]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:50 AM
Seems like a waste of time. Eventually the tech will be there to just touch a sensor and have the network find your DNA record and finish the transaction. No need for key-fobs, RFID chips or external marks. Everyone carries their unique mark inside of them already. It is in fact you essence. Your a walking mark of the beast waiting for the technology to catch up.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 01:59 AM
The revelation of John might've as well referrend to 'end times' Roman Empire. The number 666 refers to the name 'Nero' in Hebrew, and the mark at one's forehead or arm might've meant bracelett or headwear which displays one's status as an offcial agent of the empire.


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:00 AM
The "mark" is supposed to be put on the right hand, or on the forehead. Don't worry about the mark of the Beast until there is a mark being put on those two places. If you're going to take the story of the mark of the Beast seriously, you're stuck with the whole thing, including where they'll make the mark.

But yeah, if they stick the mark in one of those places, then maybe it's what the prophecy was talking about.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:22 AM
Narr, don't think so. We are on the alternate timeline were Biblical Prophecy doesn't happen. All the echo's of it are still in our past memories but they will soon fade when life on this planet is extinguished and the real timeline happens as per the Bible,

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:24 AM

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 03:11 AM
[edit on 13-11-2009 by aorAki]

Sorry operator error.

[edit on 13-11-2009 by aorAki]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 03:11 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth
Narr, don't think so. We are on the alternate timeline were Biblical Prophecy doesn't happen. All the echo's of it are still in our past memories but they will soon fade when life on this planet is extinguished and the real timeline happens as per the Bible,

You wouldn't happen to be selling a book, would you?

I don't like the future ubiquitousness of this intended chip. Time to break out the green dollar trading company if I can't use a bank without being chipped!

I think I'll go live in a cave!

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by aorAki

dont be sad, caves are awesome.

to me this is just convenient (in many different ways to many different people)
if we want a faster way to make transactions it will invariably resemble the mark of the beast considering how the old ways of making transactions will probably die off. (meaning you can't make a transaction without the supposed "mark"

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by v01i0
The revelation of John might've as well referrend to 'end times' Roman Empire. The number 666 refers to the name 'Nero' in Hebrew, and the mark at one's forehead or arm might've meant bracelett or headwear which displays one's status as an offcial agent of the empire.

The Revelation written by John on Patmos is a collection of 800+ symbols from the Old Testament scriptures.

The actual 666 reference follows...

"And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." Revelation 13:17-18

The following should be noted... is less about controlling commerce but about what is used to buy and sell (Gold)...
...the number is that of a beast (a political power opposed to God's elect)... is the number of a man...
...the number is 666.

If you put aside all the fanciful modern applications of this number...
...and look to the Old Testament manuscripts for the meaning of the symbol... will find the symbols in Daniel 3:

Here read it and understand what 666 really means...

Daniel 3:1-5 "Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. 2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up. 3 Then the princes, the governors, and captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, were gathered together unto the dedication of the image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up; and they stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. 4 Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages, 5 That at what time ye hear the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, dulcimer, and all kinds of musick, ye fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set up:"

The image was 6 cubits wide and 60 cubits high...
...and everyone was required to fall down and worship when 6 musical instruments sounded....

But the meaning is less in the number than it is in circumstance...
...and the character who ordered it (the king of Babylon).

So if you really want to know what 666 means...
...and be able to correctly apply it as an analogy to our own time...
...then you had better become familiar with the history recorded in Daniel chapter 3:

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:21 PM
The confidential Beast plan

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 09:50 AM
The following information will be collected:
 Name
 Date of Birth
 Place of Birth
 Gender
 Father’s name and UID number
 Mother’s name and UID number
 Address (Permanent and Present)
 Expiry date
 Photograph
 Finger prints

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:54 PM
There is no "Mark of the Beast" nor will there ever be.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:13 PM
The bible does mention 3 ways to worship the beast. It says anyone who receives

1-the mark of the beast
2-the name of the beast
3-the number of his name

My feeling is that AUM or OM is the beast. I encourage everyone to do their own research into this.

It says to COUNT the number of the beast. 666. If you count it, you get 3.

The mark is the six pointed star. The name is AUM. The number is 3.

AUM written looks like the number 3. Hence, the number of his name.

I don't mean to make everyone think now that the chip is safe. It's of the same beast but it's a small fractal. There is a bigger fractal, a bigger picture. The chip is an earthly thing. When Jesus spoke of the mark of the beast, he most certainly was speaking of heavenly things. The chip is cancerous to the body but Jesus said don't be afraid of those who destroy the body but Him who can destroy both body and soul.

Now how does this apply to buying or selling anything. How shall I explain this. In the parable of the 10 virgins. 5 brought enough oil 5 didn't. When the 5 asked the other 5 for some of their oil(Holy Spirit), they said no and told them to go to those who sell.

If the Holy Spirit is free through Jesus Christ, then my assumption is that any other way is bought or sold. This is how I would interpret the hidden meaning. Money and the chip is the obvious interpretation and I think both are correct.

I found this in another forum. It is from a UN invocation. These things are not secret. UN meditation meetings are open to the public.source

From the point of light, within the mind of God, let light stream forth into the minds of men, let light descend on earth.
From the point of love, within the heart of God, let love stream forth into the hearts of men, may Christ return to earth.
From the center, where the will of God is known, let purpose guide the little ones of men, the purpose which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call the race of man, let the plan of love and light and fire restore the plan on earth.

I've thought long and hard about this one before positng this because these words are enough to fool any believer. But I'm convinced, their christ is not the same Lord Jesus Christ. Their christ is AUM.

Now I understand why they would want to sing the canadian national anthem in HINDI of all languages at the 2010 olympics. I can hear it already OHMMMM CANADA, our home and native land....

The world believes that it can save itself through the unifying power of aum. The world does not believe that it can be saved through Jesus Christ.

posted on Dec, 16 2009 @ 10:44 PM
sorry to say, but the mark of the beast will be something that all will willingly take, it will have nothing to do with RFID chips and more to do with worship.

People need to willimgly take the mark as a form of worship, the chip is just a distraction to keep people away from the real truth.

people will follow trends very easily and if you do not believe in their belief system they will shun you.
an example would be a climate skeptic saying that he does not believe the whole climate change scam, he will be flipped off as a nutter.

we will be given a new God to worship and people will be breaking their necks to take the mark to prove their loyalty.
just like a hindu wears the tilaka on the forhead for religious purposes, so will the new mark.

As far as people are concerned, they are very easy to control, people will turn against another group very easily if the right pressure is applied.

If you do not take the mark, you obviously do not believe in the new God, and what do people do if you do not agree with them?
they shun you until you conform to their belief.
think of it as a form of apartheid, we will not serve the wrong kind of people in our store, anyone sympathetic to a minority during apartheid got into just as much trouble as the minority if not more

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by iamnot

That has to be one of the most idiotic things I have heard for a very long time on ATS.

The AUM is the mark of the beast because it has three letters? Congratulations, for I have awarded you the cess-pool of reasoning award

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 05:22 AM

Originally posted by iamnot
When Jesus spoke of the mark of the beast, he most certainly was speaking of heavenly things.

Um...Jesus never talked about the mark of the beast.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 06:10 AM
There is no "Mark of the Beast" nor will there ever be.

What you mean is you hope to hell there ain't and it doesn't seem
too likely from your dark little corner of reality...

The book of Revelation contains a lot of opposites. For example the Pure
Woman (Rev 12:1) and the great Whore(Rev 17)

To understand the Mark of the Beast, you must also understand the
Seal of God. You get one or the other.

India's system could facilitate the ENFORCEMENT of the Mark, but isn't
the Mark.

If you want to pick out some disinformation agents, watch how this forum
gets trashed.


posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by Illuminator13

You will know the truth soon enough.Wake up and smell the conspiracy.

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Um...Jesus never talked about the mark of the beast.

Revelation 22:16
I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

Jesus never spoke about the mark of the beast directly but he sent his angel to deliver the message to John

That has to be one of the most idiotic things I have heard for a very long time on ATS.

The AUM is the mark of the beast because it has three letters? Congratulations, for I have awarded you the cess-pool of reasoning award

You failed to read my post correctly and understand. Your insults are a blessing to me coming from someone who worships Aum Maitreya. Very spiritual and enlightening of you

People need to willimgly take the mark as a form of worship, the chip is just a distraction to keep people away from the real truth.

I completely agree and that form of worship is denying the name of Jesus as the Christ. The beast has a name, the name of Aum. I urge every self professed Christian to google it, see the images, learn the meaning and decide for yourself.

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